[RELz] The Amusemant Park of Cyrodiil Full

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:59 pm

Progress is slow but steady.

I just wanted to mention the order of the updates being released.

Zurx's Provincial Exchange

The Wrath of Oblivion

The [unamed] Hotel

The Haunted Mansion Update

Please, if you have any ideas or comments that you want to convey about the mod, please feel free to do so. but more importantly, please contribute your own attractions or shops if you have them.

Thank you so much,

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Red Sauce
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:09 pm

I finally have some interesting news about the mod.

In this next update, you will see several minor tweaks to the main and expansion parks.

First, I added my very first retexture (a custom tapestry) to the entrances of the main parks.

Second, I added two people to the Riverside Restaurant. This makes it feel less empty.

Third, I fixed the packages of two people in the Hungry Minotaur so they walk around. This will allow them to talk with other NPCs, making the restaurant seem more lively.

Finally, I've added a little more clutter to some of the rides and parts of the park.

All this will be released with the Zurx's Provincial Exchange update.


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Davorah Katz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:18 pm

So, time for an update.

The Provincial Exchange has made significant progress. I have listed what I've done below:

Skyrim: The Skyrim Mead Hall, Hoager's Shields (Includes Custom Shields from Skryim to Cyordiil)

Valenwood: The Agora and one unamed building

Cyrodiil (IC): One unamed building and a statue.


Morrowind: An inn (unamed, but finished).

I can also tell you that one new carnival game will be appearing in the Main Park: The Gauntlet. Due to the extreme confusion and disulluionsment with The Labyrinth, the game is being replaced by the Labyrinth.

The Labyrinth: A gruesome twist on the Arena. Upon finding the entrance, you must place a bet on one of three randomly equipped NPCs. You will then proceed to enter a viewing station where you will watch your combatant and the other two NPCs battle and evade their way through a small Ayleid Ruin. Although none of the trio will attempt to attack each other, the randomly generated creatures inside might not be so generous. There are also permanent traps that you can only hope that your chosen NPC avoids. Whoerever reaches the finish line first will win. A tie will result in a win for the two or three tied NPCs.

Anyway, thanks,

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Paul Rice
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:12 pm

You are hard at work I see.
Sound like fun; any luck with audio for Isla Horste and Slaughter the Slaughterfish?

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Angus Poole
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:19 pm


None yet, sorry.

Anyway, I just noticed the polls still confirm Revenge of the Lich King as the most popular ride in the park. With this knowledge, I plan to continue expanding and modifing the park based on what was interesting in Lich King. Hopefully, Revenge of the Lich King will be known as a classic ride in a few years.

Oh, and speaking of Lich King, what if I offered something similar to Lich King as an alternative to the Gauntlet? Or is the Gauntlet going to work for you guys?


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Chad Holloway
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:30 pm

This mods sound great.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:47 pm

You know, over the past few days, I've spent time pondering the difference between my amusemant park and real amusemant parks. And I think I've finally figured it out. Can you guys tell me if you think I'm right on this?

People have told me that Revenge of the Lich King is the greatest ride in the park's history. After riding it several times, I've decided that the main reason everyone likes it is because it sets up the ride very nicely. Even in the beginning of the ride, you walk past spikes, pressure plates, excavation camps, etc. When you get on the ride, you whiz past even more spikes, rooms, and monsters. In fact, as soon as you open the door to enter, you forget you're in a park.

What does all this mean to me? The problem with my amusemant park is that it doesn't take you to another place like it should. There's not enough "identity", like a few people have told me. Now, I think I get what they mean. That's why I've began to clutter up the exterior with tapestries, signs, and other furniture.

Another problem is the lack of NPCs. Unfortunately, this is one of the hardest problems to fix. But I think I've come up with several solutions.

1. Two sets of NPCs. One set is outside in the morning and early afternoon, the other is outside in the late afternoon and evening.

2. I've removed the two race horses and replaced them with two extra NPCs.

3. I'm thinking about removing one or two petting zoo animals as well.

Finally, the final problem in the park is the memorability. It's nice that you can ride all these rides and see all these sights and all, but how can it be remembered? This is I struggled with a bit, but finally traced the main problem to the Gift Shop. Some of the items were still to vanilla Oblivion. In the future, I will try to add in more custom objects. Finally, besides the rides mentioned in the poll, the others were just too forgetable. I will try my best to rethink and perhaps revisit them if I have an idea.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading and for all your support. I know I haven't been perfect, but I try my best to release a good mod.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:17 pm

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Katie Samuel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:26 pm

Well, I finally have some concrete news for the community,

Wrath of Oblivion is kinda failing epically, mostly due to the concept of moving water. :( Also, my brother isn't working on the hotel. Finally, Zurx's Provincial Exchange has really caught my interest, so I'm postponing the release to work on it more.

But enough bad news. I'm ready to unveil the replacement for the Labyrinth and the proposed Gauntlet.

The Maw of Sithis: Rivals the Revenge of the Lich King. Unlike the normal, horse and cart attractions released so far, The Maw of Sithis will bring you into a place of fire, brimstone, and, of course, the Dread Father. That's right, you just bought one ticket right to Hell. Next stop: The Void. You'll board a vehicle pulled by a SKELETON horse, and proceed to take several wrong turns and end up face to face with Sithis himself. Will you survive The Maw of Sithis?

The Maw of Sithis has been unveiled for three reasons. One, I need a ride to add to my next release, which will slighty update ambiental parts of the amusemant park. Two, The Wrath of Oblivion, like I said, is not looking too good. Should it fail, I would need a ride to replace it. Finally, I remembered how some of the theatrical effects I wanted in Lich King were never put into action. So, I decided to leave the classic ride alone and instead put them into this ride.

The Maw of Sithis has been built. If I clutter it up and set up the vehicle mechanism, as well as voice Sithis, all will be good and fun.

Thank you for reading,

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:21 am

Well, back down to release news.

The Maw of Sithis is pretty much done. I just need to finish the last minute of the ride, as well as maybe add in a few more sounds.

Like I said, this new update will include The Maw of Sithis as well as some changes to the Park's atmosphere. It will also remove the unpopular Labyrinth.

Anyway, thank you, and I may release the update tommorow, but that's up in the air right now.

Btw: Revenge of the Lich King may finally have a competitor in the Dread Father.
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:29 pm

The Wrath of Sithis is running into some problems. I'll update more once I've fixed them.


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trisha punch
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:11 am

This looks awesome!

I'll install it as soon as I get back to oblivion... but that will be when the new fcom update has already came out xD
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:46 am

Hello fellow modders,

I'm sorry that I was away for so long. I had some things to do and didn't have time to mod. I also kinda lost my inspiration. But now I'm back.

The Wrath of Sithis is not looking too good. The ride doesn't match the perfection of the Lich King. It's too jumpy and rough to be considered a master attraction. \

But fear not friends, for I finally have the solution to all my ride problems.

A few nights ago, I was sitting around daydreaming. When my dreams happened to cross this mod, I suddenly remembered Sjor Boomschors rollercoaster mod. I then dreamily combined Sjor's coaster with the mechanics of the Lich King. I suddenly sat straight up, and realized that I had actually sketched out Cyrodiil's possibly first rollercoaster. And I don't just mean a rollercoaster that looks nice, but a coaster that runs smoothly and perfectly.

After some more brainstorming, I came up with this idea:

The Ayleid Explorer: Cyrodiil's very first rollercoaster. This simple coaster is an outdoor adventure that takes you past the ruins of the Ayleids as you swoop in and out of archways and drop down gentle slopes.

The secret? Sjor's only serious weakness in his coaster design was his lift chain. He could not get the coaster to the top of the hill, though he was a genius when it came to everything else. I humbly want to take his coaster, and add my own ingredient: an invisible horse. This horse will quite literally push the coaster to the top of the hill, and then stop before the drop. Gravity and collision boxes will do the rest.

THe problem? I have to find Sjor's original file, but I'm confident I will get it.

Thanks for reading!

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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:13 pm

That sounds ok but kind boring if you ride over and over
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:19 am

That sounds awesome I want to ride over and over


Kroot, I think you've shown a lot of courage with this project, and I'm always happy to hear news about it. You keep doing your thing and making one of the most unique and creative mods for Oblivion ever, no matter how little feedback you get - that is really inspiring.
Just saying.

I voted for Captain Redtooth and Revenge of the Lich King, but I think the new rollercoaster might very well become my new favorite once it's released.

About Wrath of Oblivion: What exactly are your problems with that ride? Because I'd like to point out that there are http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18905 out there as well as http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8930, plus you can simply rotate a waterfall mesh to create a wildly flowing river.
In short, you're not at all dependent on Oblivion's water. And I think that a combination of the water planes with a river mesh or a waterfall mesh on top will deliver great results.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:55 am

Good mod, thanks :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:06 pm


Kroot, I think you've shown a lot of courage with this project, and I'm always happy to hear news about it. You keep doing your thing and making one of the most unique and creative mods for Oblivion ever, no matter how little feedback you get - that is really inspiring.
Just saying.

I voted for Captain Redtooth and Revenge of the Lich King, but I think the new rollercoaster might very well become my new favorite once it's released.

About Wrath of Oblivion: What exactly are your problems with that ride? Because I'd like to point out that there are http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18905 out there as well as http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8930, plus you can simply rotate a waterfall mesh to create a wildly flowing river.
In short, you're not at all dependent on Oblivion's water. And I think that a combination of the water planes with a river mesh or a waterfall mesh on top will deliver great results.


First of all, nice editing. And thanks for all your encouragement; I'm glad I chose to name a ride after you. (Btw: I changed Daedric Freefall Tower to Fearrabbit's Daedric Freefall Tower when the second release came out).

Now to more serious business. I found water meshes without a problem. It's the ride mechanism that simply won't do. The drops and rises simply didn't work with the concept of creating moving water.

However, the rollercoaster is ten times easier, since I'm not dealing with a "water effect". The only problem I'm running is to is making the proper cart for the player to ride in. If anyone coudl help with this, I'd be grateful.

Thanks again,

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Harry Leon
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