Well, I finally have some concrete news for the community,
Wrath of Oblivion is kinda failing epically, mostly due to the concept of moving water.

Also, my brother isn't working on the hotel. Finally, Zurx's Provincial Exchange has really caught my interest, so I'm postponing the release to work on it more.
But enough bad news. I'm ready to unveil the replacement for the Labyrinth and the proposed Gauntlet.
The Maw of Sithis: Rivals the Revenge of the Lich King. Unlike the normal, horse and cart attractions released so far, The Maw of Sithis will bring you into a place of fire, brimstone, and, of course, the Dread Father. That's right, you just bought one ticket right to Hell. Next stop: The Void. You'll board a vehicle pulled by a SKELETON horse, and proceed to take several wrong turns and end up face to face with Sithis himself. Will you survive The Maw of Sithis?
The Maw of Sithis has been unveiled for three reasons. One, I need a ride to add to my next release, which will slighty update ambiental parts of the amusemant park. Two, The Wrath of Oblivion, like I said, is not looking too good. Should it fail, I would need a ride to replace it. Finally, I remembered how some of the theatrical effects I wanted in Lich King were never put into action. So, I decided to leave the classic ride alone and instead put them into this ride.
The Maw of Sithis has been built. If I clutter it up and set up the vehicle mechanism, as well as voice Sithis, all will be good and fun.
Thank you for reading,