i personally dont think anywhere should respawn in these games.
its just not realistic really, even in fantasy game terms.
mmos do it to keep mass quantities of people from just running out of things to kill
i dont think single player games need it unless they are like hack&slash loot fest games.
elderscrolls are story driven, fairly realistic depictions of ancient fantasy worlds - why does a minotaur you killed in a cave suddenly reappear back in that cave a few days later? where did it come from? makes no sense.
I respectfully disagree. While I appreciate the concept, at some point the fact that all you can experience in the game
is the game world, means that you're faced with a world that has been completely emptied of monsters and treasure by a single hero. If we're roleplaying to some extent anyway, better to assume that the cavern you cleared out yesterday is a
different cavern than the one you'll explore today, or (as posted above) the types of creatures slain have repopulated the place. Or any one of thousands of other "in-character" explanations that no developer could account for with actual game content. Treating the game world as if it consists only of what is viewed on the monitor is ultimately a less realistic way to interpret an RPG, I think.
Of course, it could also be argued that those who prefer the consequences of their dungeon raids to be permanent have the option of simply not returning to any previously explored ones.