» Sat May 28, 2011 1:38 pm
I think that you don't need an option for that in character creation option since you can equip each hand and use each hand as you wish.
So you can decide if you will put a weapon in your left or right hand and if you'll put your shield into left or right hand.
So I think left handed people will be happy.
Still, I like dual wielding option since I am ambidextrous and if H2H ability isn't good enough, I will ether go for mage who uses magic with both hands or a unarmored warrior who will use two swords (I would refer rapiers or Chinese swords in that case).
Off topic:
Now when I've mentioned rapiers and Chinese swords, is there any info on those two being in the game?
I don't remember seeing them before, but I would love to see them since they are my favorite swords.