I have been playing some magic and alchemy mods so far but there is one thing that I haven't seen. I would like to be able to use alteration magic on potions and poisons (maybe on weapons too...). I mean how often did you find some potions and thougt that they are not strong enough or that you could need a poison instead to kill that svcker lurking around the corner? I think a mage adept at alteration should be able to change such things. The "Feather" spell for example is used to make items lighter ( yes I know thats not the way it actually works but that is what it is meant to do) or the "Waterwalking" spell is used to make water solid. These are just some examples but I think it would be great if that same thing could be done to potions and poisons. For example reversing their effects (essentially making a potion out of a poison) or altering duration and magnitude (for example turning a low dmg poison with long duration into one with a short duration that deals much damage). It would also be quite cool if one could use alchemy to mix further ingredients to enhance the effects of newly aquired potions (for example by adding a shield effect upon a restore health effect).
I would love to see a mod that lets me just do some of the stuff mentioned above. I like to play assassins and always get angry about the fact my enemys always drop the wrong or to weak poisons. So if anyone is able to make a mod that includes the above mentioned thinks (or can me rediract to a mod that does that) I would very much appreciate it.