So, after a bit of a break from Oblivion, I decided to fire up one of my save games and try out some new race mods. To my distaste, whenever I made slight tone adjustments to the face, the entire coloring of the body was thrown off and texture seams became overly apparent. I know that this has been an on-going issue, but it shouldn't be so bad as it is with my characters. I've seen screenshots where the problem is nearly nonexistant.
From close examination, I noticed that the texture doesn't spread evenly over the body. If you pay attention to the chest in
THIS (an error occurred with the movie, so I'll have it up later) video, you can see that the chest coloring changes oddly and asymmetrically as I adjust the tone sliders. This also seems to worsen that dreaded neckline seam. In picture and one, you can see other areas of the body (the shoulder and leg, respectively) where the tone has been thrown completely out of place by the tweaks to the face coloring.
A little bit of distortion can be expected and ignored or covered up, but this garish seaming and discoloring is difficult to deal with. Does anyone know of a solution? I've seen many characters where it doesn't seem to be a big problem at all. Is it simply a matter of figuring out how to keep a completely even tone? Is there a mod to help with this?
What controls the way that skin tone affects the textures? UV mapping? A particular shader?
As always, I appreciate your help and advice, guys! :hugs: