Anyhow, I leveled a few times, and I could never put my finger on if you always get the same amount of attribute points when you level up. I mean, do you always get the same amount of points, or is it rolled? Is there a max level? I've played morrowind and oblivion, and their leveling systems annoy me, and it was a happy surprise that arena had a different one, I just hope it's not luck based.
Also, I play the downloaded version on dosbox, and I've tried setting the CPU..whatevers to 10000 and 15000, but it still feels a bit weird. I've watched a few videos, and the movement of the character seems to be about right, but my mouse pointer moves as if it skips a lot of frames, if you get what I mean. Frame skips is set to 0. My specs is 1.8Ghz, 512mb ram, ATI Radeon 9600. Also; when I press buttons, be it opening doors or clicking on menu stuff, it takes a few tries. Pressing hotkeys works well, though.
EDIT: Also, where do I set the view distance?