Finding specific piece of clothing/armor

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:13 am

I have been looking for a specific piece of of clothing, however I would even welcome a model and textures at this point. the piece I am looking for is a steam-punk like top hat.for those of you who are confused as to what that is, here is a link to a pic:

It doesn't have to be that perfect, nor does it even need to be a top hat per say, All i want is a steam-punk looking headgear. however, I have looked through all of tes nexus's armors to no avail, so as i am tired i will post this up here in the hopes that someone knows of anything that would fit that description. I am sorry that i can't be more specific than that. if you need more examples of what I mean, google "steam punk hat" and look at the images. there should be several hundred pages. I have just been struggling with this for days and I thought that I needed someone else point of view to see what i could not. I did see the dwemer spectacles and i appreciate it very much. but I was looking more for a hat of some sort. Thanks for your time.

P.S. If this is in the wrong section I apologize. It looked like the right section, but if I was wrong I admit my fault. I am tired, so my judgment may be off.
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