Alt Starting Mod problem

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:58 am

EDIT: Omg i feel like an idiot now. Was an addon in the M.O.E overhaul, im really sorry - can a mod close this post please.

This is my fault proberly, since it usually is.

i'll keep it simple, I downloaded a alt start mod to skip the prison, instead i spawned in a ship and picked what i wanted & What level i wanted to start at. I used it for over a year, until i wanted to create a character that did start in the sewers. PROBLEM: I cannot find the ESP file in the load list for the Alt Start mod. It doesnt seem to even exsist in the Oblivion data folder and yet it still seems to be running, im like wtf ^^.

Anyway, i think i know how to fix it, i was going to Redownload it and then try finding the files from the one i redownloaded, PROBLEM, I can't remember the name. So does any1 have any solutions or BETTER the name of the mod so i can try to fix myself.

Short Description of the mod:

Start in a ship at anvil
Pick only your class, race, birthsign, spec
Start with a small iron dagger, no gold.
Its NOT Alternative Start Arrive by Ship by Robert Evrae
When you leave the cabin theres one guy with really crappy voice acting, seems to be generated voice acting and thats it.

Thanks for your time :)

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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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