I've been thinking and it'll problably be best to leave the stock meshes for now since most will be replaced ect like you said, it would save some time and effort.
Edit: Here is the first Crossbow Bolt Model:
Edit: Here is the first Crossbow Bolt Model:
If you intend to make entirely new meshes for every crossbow type then it is certainly reasonable to not further edit the current textures. Whatever is easiest for you guys. I haven't a clue what it takes to create a mesh.
By the way, that bolt looks very nice. Could I request that the flights be enlarged a bit? They just don't appear quite large enough to support a head that size. I'm not trying to nitpick, just asking.

Wow you've got folks crawling out the woodwork on this. :goodjob: My primary issue with continuing with the project was our inability to switch up animations on a per item basis. Though Linus and HeyYou have done some amazing things (scripting around the problem) OBSE still hasn't come through on this to my knowledge (daunting task I'm sure) and I always felt it was near fundamental. BTW - Nicoroshi gets credit for teaching me how to set up the bowmorph.
Good luck to all.

Yes, I was very surprised at the number of extraordinarily talented people who showed an interest in this project. In spite of that, you're still missed. :goodjob:
HeyYou and I are working on a couple of angles to overcome the animation problem. I don't know what will come of it, but I'm hoping to be able to work something out.
And Nico is amazing. What more can be said?