At the end of the PDF, it tells you to enter the commands:
mount c c:\### -freesize 1000mount d c:\###\dfcd -t cdrom -label Daggerfallc:cd\daggerdagger
Every single time. ### is the directory you mounted first, if you follow instructions to the letter, its "dosgames".
But if like me, you don't have extra dosgames and want D-Fall to run everytime, then I found out you can do this:
Type in your computer's search bar "edit config" and hit enter. Notepad will open. Scroll to the bottom of the document and change the very last thing to exactly this:
[autoexec]# Lines in this section will be run at startup.mount c c:\### -freesize 1000mount d c:\###\dfcd -t cdrom -label Daggerfallc:cd\daggerdagger
Now everytime you run Dosbox, it will start D-Fall. Even better, if you have the DoxBox shortcut on you desktop, right click it, change icon, browse to the ### directory, Dagger and then click the daggerfall icon (its a skulll). Now the shortcut on your desktop looks like Daggerfall and because it runs straightaway, you can play it quite quickly!
Hope that helps anyone,