Sorry for my absence, but my laptop ended up totaled. I've got a new one, now, so I'll be back on GDR (duh). Sadly, I lost all my data, so I'm kind of starting over. This time it may not be as large as I tried last time, but I'm giving it another go.
It saddens me that I lost everything, and I'll try to bring back some of the things that worked well. I've been studying my old screenshots since I got my new comp, and I see hundreds of areas where I could do better.
This time, I'll release ONE masterfile.esm, and a file for each ruin dependent upon it (i.e. GDR_Aleft.esp) Glitches will be fixed with each upload, and at the END of the project, I'll release on "Greater Dwemer Ruins.esm" that encompasses EVERYTHING.
People are still welcome to contribute to the project in any way, and I hope to have the first few screenies up shortly.
Again, it's great to be back.