I'm a fan of the DLC Bethesda offered us in Oblivion, but it always annoyed me how it was triggered in the game. The quests themselves were fine, but come on...a note appearing in your inventory? Really? Seems like a real cop out to me. Put a little writing skill into it! I would prefer DLC in Skyrim to require a little bit of exploration and curiosity. Even something as simple as entering a town and overhearing a conversation. They did that to an extent with Knights of the Nine: NPCs were all upset by the events in Anvil. I would prefer that over having seventeen relatives all die simultaneously, conveniently leaving me with all their property! My five year old has more creativity than that! I would like something to directly happen to or at least nearby my character. Or witness something that triggers a new storyline. Just please, no more notes or dying relatives!
I'd love to hear some other ideas on this subject! And feel free to criticize (as if some of you need encouragement....you know who you are!)