Being a member of the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood should be a secret, I don't know why people should automatically know who you are associated with if you are not see committing a crime. If you wear the shrouded armor or any sort of robes that bears a clear guild involvement, sure. But I'd like to be able to walk around in normal clothes and have some goon magically know I am an assassin

I agree completely. Like I said in a previous post, assassin/thief players should be rewarded with anonymity not infamy. If a person sees your actions, you should have to kill them too, or suffer the recognition that comes with sloppy work. The downsides should be more dramatic for getting caught, and the upsides should be more thought out for staying hidden.
Also, for the guild equipment, I think having the ability to wear clothes over armor would be great. Imagine being able to put your hood down and wear some regular clothes over your Dark Brotherhood outfit to walk around town during the day, but as soon as night falls you ditch the clothes and put your hood back up. Perhaps if you wear those kinds of outfits then people may have a lower disposition towards you but...
When you think about it, the Dark Brotherhood doesn't go around advertising what they look like. If you're wearing their leather armor I doubt people will know what it symbolizes because anyone who's seen someone kill in it is probably dead. That's why I disliked the infamy system in Oblivion. Why would everyone in the world know about my exploits with them? Does the Dark Brotherhood announce who they've killed and say "Hey, this is the guy who did it too! Right here folks, this is our man!"... No, no one should ever know you are with them unless you either tell them, or kill someone and get caught.