new mods? help me :D

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:12 pm

Hi, I played oblivion like 6 months ago and after I finished everything I got bored :D
These are the mods I had:
vault of cyrodil
DArnified UI
Ruined tails tale
Heart of the dead
all natural
fast exit
Malevolent + patch 1.02
against the zealots of the nine
Reneer giunto alla versione 1.35
Enhanced weather giunto alla versione 1.37
Better Cities
Deadly refelx
cobl(necessario per ayleid steps) + the ayleid steps
Unique landscape
oblivion xp
enhanced daedric invasion
Enhanced water
Fast Exit
Frostmourne sword
Lich kings armor
Midas magic
Harvest flora
Mighty umbra
Mannimarco revisited + mannimarco resurrection
Servant of the dawn
parasite x new vapires
race balancing project + Less annoying magic experience + Integration
Lost spires
Pt artifact
Unofficial patches
unofficial patch
Slof horses + Martigen
enahnced wegetation
gates to aesgard + patch 1.1
subtle sunshine
lowpoly grass + lowpoly grass shivering isles
obse elys universal silent voice
lost paladines of the divines
Tears of the fiend + delayer
against the zealot of the nine
Improved facial texture
et in arkay ego + shivering isle patch + tears of the firend patch + unique landscape
shadowcrest vineyard
Unique landscapes

facial textures by enayla
conduit magic + audacious magic
Gift of kynareth
quiet feet max
let there be darkness
dungeon actors have torches +exterior actor have torches
dremora face texture
no refraction gate
deadly reflex
unnecessary violence
origin of the mages guild
Lich_ww_and_more oblivon final enhanced
five blind mice
No more wild goosechases [spoiler per umbacano quest..]
Quest award leveller

Which mods should I add to rejuvenate my game once again? Shall I come back? Or is my experience with oblivion gonna be the same?
thank you for help
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:59 am

You must have a lot of time to play if you finished everything on that list in six months :)

Short answer: Yes, you could fashion a new experience if you made an effort.

Long(er) answer: In order to fashion a significantly new experience, you would need to either play through a lot of more obscure mods, or redesign your mod list's focus entirely.

You could, for example, load the game up with mods that make it deadlier and tougher, in and out of combat: Real Hunger, Real Thirst, Real Fatigue, Real Health, bedroll/sleep mod, Duke Patrick's Hypothermia, Duke Patrick's Archery, Deadly Reflex + Unnecessary Violence, Persuasion Overhaul, Enhanced Economy.

You could throw in any of the major overhauls: OOO, FCOM, TIE, etc. Each has a different flavor, well worth comparing and considering.

You could find a list of quest mods and grab anything you haven't played that sounds attractive.

You could add on every publicly released new lands mod. Elsweyr Anequina comes to mind as the most prominent and popular, but there are others, including heightmaps for most of Tamriel.

Or, you could toss the lot and instead get the total conversion Nehrim when the English translation is released, presumably within the month.

Final answer: Why are you asking us? Ultimately this depends on you. :)

Good luck,
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:04 pm

Elsweyr Anequina adds a large portion of Elsweyr to the game, and should keep you entertained for months
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:25 am

Speaking as someone who's played through Oblivion 5-6 times...

The trick to not getting bored with it is as Asterai said: make an effort to have a different experience each time. The first time I played was just a generic character.. as were the second/third times. After that, I tried a little role-playing and played around with character concepts. I've done a goody-goody paladin type with mods like Judgment of the Nine (great spell mod); I've done evil assassin/ranger types (my favorite, really); my current one is a mercenary who's just out for herself and won't turn down a job if the money's good. Trying different concepts enables you to act differently each time you play - whereas my paladin never looted coffins or dead bodies (the rotting ones, not enemies she killed), the evil assassin freely looted whatever wasn't nailed down (but she avoided stealing stuff).

tl;dr: If you're bored with the character you're playing, try a new one. If you haven't been playing a specific concept, try one out.

Mods that add new areas to explore are always fun. City of Adash adds a whole new realm, as does Anequina (and Tales From Anequina builds off that). The Ayleid Steps is a lightweight mod that adds several quests, 40+ dungeons, and a really cool network of teleportation steps that jump you all over Cyrodiil. Kragenir's Death Quest is another lightweight quest mod that adds a ton of new content.

If your system can handle it, add some mods that enhance the scenery - stuff like Koldorn's Cave Textures, Fearabbit's Better Cathedrals, Enhanced Weather, Storms and Sound, RAEVWD.... for me, I like to be IN the world - it makes things much more enjoyable, and sometimes I just stop to take a look around and say "Wow, this is cool" instead of rushing from Point A to Point B so I can complete Quest X. Don't fast travel. Walking is a great way to run into bandits on the roads or nasty wildlife in the forests (and FCOM adds a lot of those). I'm using FCOM + TIE, along with LAME and RBP, and I love it - the game is challenging, it makes me think and use strategy, and with all the immersion mods, I feel like I'm in a living, breathing world.
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:41 pm

You should try Gates to Aesgaard 2 if you liked #1. Also try Kvatch Rebuilt and Ancient Towers. And you don't have any of the DLC listed unless I missed it...
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