first. i was riding around.... layawin i think... on a horse and i came upon a fort with close to 20 outlaws in it... even though im only lvl one i figure what the heck and ride up into the middle of the cluster of them (yes they were clusterd). as they start to run at me i dismount and ready my self for death.
but none of them go after me! they instead go for my horse. and chase it pretty much back to the city gates before finally killing it. then they seemed to gain the psychic guard syndrome and target in on me and all chase me back to the castle gates where i died before i could activate the door.
second. was walking around bruma and came across 2 bandits with my lvl one tester again... no horse this time so i know ill probably die.. when out of no where cames a (i think this is the right title) forest legionnaire and whoops them both saving me.... but then a bruma guard comes from nowhere and starts atacking him for no reason! and he wont fight back! it was like their factions were confused or something.
any ideas to what caused these anomalies and how to fix them, or similar strange storries of ur on would be entertaining to read while i wait for an answer