The magic door to the fingerprint world of uniqueness.
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Universal displacement mapped texture overlays.
This is a complicated name for an idea, so I would appreciate a better name.

Imagine an engine that can apply UDMTO to any place of any mesh in the game, and the designers provide a lot of those overlays for any type of item, overlays like, warts, scars, stains, extruding plunks, fabric tear marks, railings, jeweled armor add-ons, insignia, rust, holes, puss, stone carvings, war paints, moles, wall surface decorations, signs, tattoos, extruding brick corners, monster skin anomalies, buttons, and so on...
Then in Creation Kit, when you placed a mesh in the game world, there could be an option to apply a unification process on the mesh, and the engine could choose some UDMTOs suitable for the mesh and place them at appropriate semi-random places on that mesh, and let you fine-tune the result and add/remove the overlays as you like and save the result.
Or when you made an NPC, monster, or item, you could add some of those overlays over the body to make the body unique, and those overlays would be applied to the object references, as well as the base objects, so all the statics, monsters, NPCs, weapons, armors, and other items, could be individually different from any other similar object of the same type.
You place an object in the world map, then press a button a few times to see some different individualized versions of the object, then start to fine-tune the result and you will have a unique object with individual features placed in the world.
So for instance a wall will have a wooden plank extruded from it, or a face can have a mole, or a leather armor can have some daedric letter carvings on the hem and so on...
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And those overlays can have some sliders that would define from what distance they would start to appear on the objects, sliders for Player character, NPCs, monsters, items, and statics.
Even the ground surfaces can have those individual marks, like where a dragon has just crashed on the ground, or a Nord barbarian had signed the ground with his pee.
And there can be a memory stack where new and temporary dynamic UDMTOs are added to the objects and ground, so when a sword hits a bare arm, you could see an actual tear on the flesh, or a mark on a wall, or the chunks of bloody flesh can attach to the walls and ground, and so on...
So when the stack is full, the older temporary overlay would start to disappear from the world, except for the objects in the player's inventory which could have another stack for their temporary overlays.
On the other hand, there can be no stack for temporary overlays, and those overlays could be directly added to the reference objects, and stay where they are, until the cell is refreshed, and also diseases can add their visible marks on the bodies of the victims until they are cured.
If such a system is developed, there is no limit for unique individuality of object in the world bar the imagination of the designers and time constraints.