This mod is my attempt to create a much more interesting class selection experience, it does this by completely altering all vanilla classes as well as introducing a set of new Classes. The aim of the mod is remove the users habit of clicking the ''Create Custom Class'' button as soon as the class selection menu appears. As I am very disappointed with the vanilla classes, I decided to give this a go myself. There aren't many mods out there which overhaul the vanilla classes, but they rather introduce new ones. So I aim to make this a valuable community addition. I also create this to introduce myself to the CS, to learn to work with it, but why not share my work..?
- All vanilla classes renewed: No more boring useless classes.
- Each class has their own advantages & disadvantages
- Adds a set of new Oblivion Classes (Which are really needed) such as the Paladin, Warlock and Necromancer.
- Enhances the atmosphere of choosing a Class
Trough the development, I may add some new features, such as a set of spells depending on which class you choose (starting spells) (not useless ones!!), to separate classes even more from each other.
In general, choosing a class now matters, as each has their own pros & cons. You won't see an image of a nightblade looking at a nasty potion while having no alchemy!
I will aim in creating this as balanced as possible, you will not find overpowered classes, But some classes may have a harder time in the beginning of the game than others...
It will certainly enhance the role-playing aspect of Oblivion, which, in my eyes, is a welcome addition.
Using this mod with RBP which takes care of the lame vanilla race differences and birthsigns would make the experience complete. But that, of course, is up to you.
I plan to make this mod modular, so you can customize which features you want to use and which you do not. If you want to see a certain class introduced just let me know.
As a bonus, I may want to include an extra optional plugin which alters the Birthsigns so that they can be used perfectly in conjunction with the Classes.
All suggestions are welcome.