Bug I found in COBL Real Hunger

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:19 am

I've played with he mod for a long time, and really love the dynamic a hunger mod adds to the game. Furthermore, being COBLized makes it more compatible with other mods, and can use any item tagged as food. I love the "Buffet Plate" it adds.

However, it adds another feature that is supposed to further the realism: stomach grumbling, which gives a sneak penalty. This is all well and good, but those penalties never get removed, and they stack. With my last character, I just ignored it and didn't bother tracking the problem down since said character was a warrior type. But I now intend to play a thief.

The "Temporary" sneak penalties never get removed. There is only one version of COBL Real Hunger, so it's not possible to revert to an old version without the issue. I have used older builds of real hunger though. Many are buggy. I remember two versions ctd'd if you tried to harvest a nirnroot plant. And the original, which still works, is rather... crude, compared to the COBL version.

I'm going to try to fix the issue, but I'm horrible at scripting. If anyone else sees this and fixes it, could you shoot me a PM? I don't get on here much, and I really don't have much time to keep on top of the modding scene anymore.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:19 am

Well, I've failed at even finding the script that gives the penalties, so I probably won't be able to solve this. If anyone else could take a look at it, it would be much appreciated.
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:00 pm

Well, I've failed at even finding the script that gives the penalties, so I probably won't be able to solve this. If anyone else could take a look at it, it would be much appreciated.

I looked at it.

I use Real Hunger, Cobl.esp Version: 1.6 and in this version your sneak penalty does not stack. In fact the sneak penalty is only applied for the duration of the sound, see this part of RHHungerScrip:
 if (sneakDamage != 0)               Set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed               if (sneakUpdate)                    Set RHTemp to -sneakDamage                    Player.ModAV Sneak RHTemp                    Set sneakUpdate to 0               endif               if (sneakDamage == 2 && timer >= 1.224)                    Player.ModAV Sneak sneakDamage                    Set sneakDamage to 0                    Set timer to 0               elseif (sneakDamage == 3 && timer >= 5.669)                    Player.ModAV Sneak sneakDamage                    Set sneakDamage to 0                    Set timer to 0               elseif (sneakDamage == 4 && timer >= 2.897)                    Player.ModAV Sneak sneakDamage                    Set sneakDamage to 0                    Set timer to 0               elseif (sneakDamage == 5 && timer >= 2.592)                    Player.ModAV Sneak sneakDamage                    Set sneakDamage to 0                    Set timer to 0               elseif (sneakDamage == 6 && timer >= 2.664)                    Player.ModAV Sneak sneakDamage                    Set sneakDamage to 0                    Set timer to 0               endif 

First RHtemp is set to a negative sneakDamage and subtracted from your current Sneak. When your stomach stops grumbling sneakDamage (postive value!) is added to your Sneak value and the penalty is removed. hunger_peckgrowl.wav has the shortest duration (1.224 seconds), so your penalty is only applied for this short duration, hunger_lowgrowl.wav has the longest duration (5.669 seconds) and has the longest period the penalty is applied. The other three sounds are between 2.5 and 3 seconds in duration as are their penalties.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:01 pm

I use version 1.6.1 And I know that Real Hunger is the problem. I removed the mod, and waited for several days, without any effect. I put it back in, and as soon as my character got hungry and his stomach grumbled, the penalty appeared. But it did not disappear. I waited another hour, and it happened again, stacking the penalty up to 10. I just started a character and played for 4 in game days before noticing the problem. By that time, the penalty was up to 52. And my skill was 40, so I had a sneak skill of -12.

Would you mind telling me the name of the script you found this section in?

I would revert to ver. 1.6, but I can't find it anywhere. Perhaps you could re-upload the old version? Of course, if you do that, you should ask whoever is currently in charge of COBL stuff. (Haama?)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:30 pm

It's RHHungerScript. The change log says 1.6.1 only tweaked some vampire settings, so I doubt reverting would help.

; v1.6.1 -- Wrye -- 2/6/2009
; Changed vampire to also test pcvampire > 0 for better compatibility with
; various vampire mods.
; v1.6 -- Wrye -- 1/27/2008
; Coblize (use dinner playe)

For what little it's worth, I took a glance at the code and couldn't find anything wrong with it, but I'm not familiar with the quirks of Oblivion scripting.

There does appear to be a setting for turning off just the sneak penalties part of the mod. Have you tried that?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:04 pm

I forgot there was a setting for that... Thanks! Turning it off did the trick.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:34 pm

As Leyic says in his reply the only difference between 1.6 and 1.6.1 is an added check on PCVampire > 0. Downgrading to version 1.6 will not help. Your "solution" of turning of the sneak penalty is probably the only solution. I am curious if anybody else has a problem with the sneak penalty.
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