I feel guilty for admitting this, but I really don't like Wrye Bash. It's needlessly complicated and a huge pain to get working correctly, especially if you're new to it. I avoid using it when I can since I've never gotten it to work correctly and because I prefer the simplicity of OBMM, but some mods require a knowledge of how to use it so you can install mods via bain. The one I'm trying to get working is Open Cities Reborn. I've never gotten the installers tab to work correctly and I'm not sure where to place the folder. I've googled and read over readme files, but I still haven't figured this out. Does anyone know what this means? I always get it when I attempt to view the installers tab.
The folks in the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1107163-relz-wrye-bash-thread-48/ are good at interpreting error messages like the one you post. I'd ask there about that.
One thing I notice from the message, however, is that you've installed Oblivion to the Program Files folder, which can cause permissions problems with Vista and 7. Mods may not install correctly when the game is in that folder. Reinstalling to somewhere else, like D\Games, is recommended.
No need to feel guilty for not liking the program. But, it would probably be better to rephrase "needlessly complicated and a huge pain" to something more like "has a steep learning curve and is tougher for the less computer savvy." It's not
needlessly complicated. It's as complicated as it needs to be in order to do all the amazing things it does so well.