» Sat May 28, 2011 6:16 pm
What, specifically, do you mean by "life and death cycle"? You could be referring to the natural circle of life, wherein creatures are born, live, and die only to serve as sustenance for and to make room for new life. Or you could be talking about the ultimate fate of the "soul" of a living being, whether or not there is any permanency, and what happens to that permanence after death.
As to the afterlife, I've always favored the explanation given in "Arkay the God", in which the spirits of mortals are more numerous than Nirn can accommodate at any one time, thus the spirits spend some time in some other realm ("Oblivion" in Arkay the God, "The Dreamsleave" or "Svongaarde" under more modern interpretations), with death being a necessary part of life to ensure all the spirits get their chance at existence. Arkay's job was to explain that to mortals who really didn't like, or understand, death.
Come to think of it, it's a very Sithic approach. According to "Sithis", Lorkhan was created to ensure that the ebb and flow of ideas could be no longer interrupted by those selfish ideas that attempted to continue their existence past their "natural" (according to Sithis) span.