That's a lot of enchanted items! Care to post what they do? I can usually fit all the enchantment I want on just a few items, so It'd be interesting to see what took 20

I figure that the end game will be hard since people said it is hard. So I prepare myself for it. I was
too prepared. Anyways, no souls were being use to make these items:
Amulet 1: Absorbs Spells. Got it from grave robbing.
Amulet 2: Extra Spell points for all seasons.
Bracelets 1: Enhances Long Blade; Bad Reaction to Animals; Repair Items.
Bracelets 2: Enhances Critical Strike; Bad Reaction to Animals; Repair Items.
Ring 1:
Ring 2:
Bracers 1: Repair Items; Feather Weight; 25% Weight Allowance.
Bracers 2: Cast when Held: Jack of Trades. Gift from Underking's Questgiver.
Marks 1: Bad Reaction to Daedra; Repair Items.
Marks 2: Cast when Held: Iron Will. Gift from the King of Worms.
Crystals 1: Spell Reflection; Repair Items; Feather Weight.
Crystals 2: Resist Shock; Repair Items; Feather Weight; Cast when Used: Heal
Chest: Orc Armor with Feather Weight.
Greaves: Mithril Greaves with Feather Weight.
Foot: Mithril Boots with Feather Weight.
Sword: Daedric Katana with Feather Weight, Vampiric, and 50% Weight Allowance.
What ya saw in the inventory: