Is anyone else in this mindset?
Think about it, a lot of why Oblivion felt bad was simply because we ate up the previews for the game like candy, and when Bethesda showed their massive E3 gameplay presentation (which was entirely scripted) it sealed the deal.
Oblivion wasn't bad, but the pure saturation of media really dilluted the experience for me when I finally played it.
Now that Skyrim is coming out, I'm afraid of it happening again. The trailer looks excellent, and I'm tempted to say that's all I really needed (in addition to all the previews we've had) to be sold on the game. Wouldn't be be great if that was the last bit bit of media we got until the release?
I know you can say "Just don't watch anything else", and that's entirely a valid point. But I know me, and I probably won't be able to resist watching more gameplay footage or reading more previews before release, which will "ruin" the magic if you will. And I imagine most people are like this too. I'm not saying I would hate to have stuff like screenshots or concept art released here and there from here on out, to keep the hype engine going. I'm simply saying that I'm afraid of a big "Oblivion-style" E3 walkthrough video being done and spoiling the experience before release, and me not being able to resist watching along with many others in the same mindset.
I've always wanted to try and play a game I know I'd already want on day one with little to no media seen of it, but it's always hard when devs release media for it like candy and when I want to measure just how good my purchase would be. It's a flaw of human nature, and I'm a victim of it! It would be easy to experience this if Bethesda were to adopt a media-light strategy up till release, at least as far as major previews or in depth gameplay videos go. I mean, it's not like this is a small game that needs coverage, so why pump tons of coverage out? It'll just spoil it
Think about it, a lot of why Oblivion felt bad was simply because we ate up the previews for the game like candy, and when Bethesda showed their massive E3 gameplay presentation (which was entirely scripted) it sealed the deal.
Oblivion wasn't bad, but the pure saturation of media really dilluted the experience for me when I finally played it.
Now that Skyrim is coming out, I'm afraid of it happening again. The trailer looks excellent, and I'm tempted to say that's all I really needed (in addition to all the previews we've had) to be sold on the game. Wouldn't be be great if that was the last bit bit of media we got until the release?
I know you can say "Just don't watch anything else", and that's entirely a valid point. But I know me, and I probably won't be able to resist watching more gameplay footage or reading more previews before release, which will "ruin" the magic if you will. And I imagine most people are like this too. I'm not saying I would hate to have stuff like screenshots or concept art released here and there from here on out, to keep the hype engine going. I'm simply saying that I'm afraid of a big "Oblivion-style" E3 walkthrough video being done and spoiling the experience before release, and me not being able to resist watching along with many others in the same mindset.
I've always wanted to try and play a game I know I'd already want on day one with little to no media seen of it, but it's always hard when devs release media for it like candy and when I want to measure just how good my purchase would be. It's a flaw of human nature, and I'm a victim of it! It would be easy to experience this if Bethesda were to adopt a media-light strategy up till release, at least as far as major previews or in depth gameplay videos go. I mean, it's not like this is a small game that needs coverage, so why pump tons of coverage out? It'll just spoil it

True thats why now im not going to read things about the game.. just if they show gameplay ill watch