- changed Buildings category into Abodes - player homes - I have added a colour based legend - A new category "My Morrowind mods included now(10-20% done) - A new page that contains additional information about Oblivion and a FAQ
- changed Buildings category into Abodes - player homes - I have added a colour based legend - A new category "My Morrowind mods included now(10-20% done) - A new page that contains additional information about Oblivion and a FAQ
- New list included: Eshenaleros Non sixy Armour list; 140 + mods - I have reworked the Animals Creatures Mounts & Horses category + all the new mods since the last update - I have reworked the Animation category + all new mods since the last update
I know it's only been a day since the last update, but this is an important one. It will allow you to navigate through the list way more faster then before thanks to the new added feature that is based on HyperLinks. Many thanks to Surazal for his help.
- New category: Audio, Sound and Music with 50+ new mods - Added table of contents. You can navigate very easy between the tabs now(see the new picture)
I just wanted to say great list! It's been very helpful to me.
One category I'd like to see, if you get bored enough to do it (yeah, right) is retextures of vanilla items, be it lands, trees, doors, weapons, etc., for those that want a Vanilla experience, just prettier. Just a thought. Keep up the great work!
3.0, 2010/08/07 - Over 300 new mods - New category Companion creatures - New category Companion CM-based - New category Companions other - New first page, you'll like it