I'm looking for a mod that adds attacks similar to the Ember Lance from Torchlight in function.
ie; you hold the cast button, the spell fires for as long as you hold it. Presumably this would be lightning arcing from your hand, or a beam of fire, etc. I saw 'Chargeable Spells' ( http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27746 ) but it seemed from my reading that all the spells were still cast for only one second, you could just pump more magic into them to make that one second of lightning stronger. Basically I want to be able to select this spell, hold CAST, my character holds out his hand, and as long as I'm holding down CAST it keeps a constant stream of fire\lightning\ice\heat\poison\whatever the spell is going. It doesn't really matter what the 'beam' actually is.
Does anyone know of a mod that does this? If you have Chargeable Spells, do any of the spells in it work like this, and if so, which? Thanks in advance.
I do not know of any mods that do this except for my own personal Magic Overhaul (never released) but I will tell you how I do it.
1) Install OBSE
2) Create a very basic setup for detecting KeyPresses -> just for testing for now, my final version for my MO hijacked my casting Key entirely and it used non-biped armors to tell the scripts which spell you had active(fairly certain that OBSE can now detect directly which spell you have active instead of the work around I had to use) then decided what the spell type would be Concentration (Beams and Sprays), Instant(Like Default Oblivion Spells) or Rain (Ground Targeted AOE's), and enabled the effects to go with what was being called for.
3) All of my Spell effects were Permanent Activators, a good idea to do the same.
4) I created animations that I triggered based on which spell was being cast they basically had an Start Looping Middle and End they were 3 different Animations for each spell, I ended up with over 200 Animations just for this, a little cumbersome to be honest you can get away with just breaking the default anims into their 3 sections to get this part working.
5) test if you pressing the key do the effect as long as your pressing the effect stays in world and arcs and rotates as needed, you character plays the opening then you have to constantly call PickIdle to play the Loop until ou stop pressing the button then you trigger the end anim.
The effect itself is actually very easy to do
My Overhaul also featured variable casting times based on your skill and the default spell level, fizzles and backfires all fully animated through the Idle Manager -> I completely overrid the old casting animations to be dummy animations they were broke on purpose to never work or do anything so as to have my mod overwrite all other magic overhauls while still allowing me to use thier spells in conjunction with my own.