Would you still kill people if there was a new game engine were the npc's in the game grieved for the lost like in real life, and you could see the the sadness in a family when a member died, or would this be too much too implement in a game, i think that the only reason that poeple enjoy killing so much in games is because its not real, what do you guys think?
I think the funerals and grieving, just like the NPCs they were theatrics for, wouldn't be real. Let the random butchery continue!
Yes I would still kill them. But Idoubt they would do this. Because throughout skyrim, like oblivion, you will most likely kill quite a few civilians. This would mean that for most of the people you kill (most people have partners and friends) there would be too many people greving most of the way through the game and it would probably get repetitive and annoying
Aye. Where Oblivion gave us "I saw a mudcrab the other day..." Skyrim under this "funerals and grieving" system would give us "My [spouse/sibling/parent/neighbor] died last week..." with about the same frequency, and becoming about the same level of unintentional comedy.