Do giants look really untextured and when the guy swings his sword it doesnt even look like its close to the dragon. Anybody else see these or is it just me?
I keep bringing this up, scale is a huge issue.
In painting a smaller normal sized creature has more detail and texture.
This is due to being able to hold multipule shades and many details very close to one and another.
Larger objets can't, they get stuck with block details.
Single coats of large areas of the same tones, texture and colours.
Muscles are larger, but more even spaced and hold less shades, compared to small normal sized six packs for shade and colour diffusion.
No small belts, jewelry knives, boots, shirts, trousers to break up the basic colours.
Creatures like dragons have scales and can break up the colours a bit better, but only barely.
Giant humaniods of flesh tones are just a pain and require a masters touch to show details more so than smaller shapes.
The simple fact is the larger something is, the harder it is to paint life like textures to it.
Most often a painter will just splash single coats on and mess up details, or flood it with too many shades and colours creating a tie dye effect.