» Sat May 28, 2011 6:27 pm
Thanks everybody for the advice so far.
I might not have been completely clear on this point, but I do know how to install a regular zipped mod with OBMM. What I'm trying to say is that OBMM won't install this particular mod, for whatever reason. I've tried all sorts of variations of Create - Add Archive, Create - Add Folder, and so on, and none of them work.
With Morrowind, texture packs don't come with .esp files, and if you want to install new textures, you just unzip the mod and then copy and paste its contents into the correct folder under Morrowind/Data. Since OBMM couldn't figure out how to install this mod (or I couldn't figure out how get OBMM to install it), I just did it this old-fashioned way, and it worked. But I very stupidly failed to backup my textures folder before copying over it.
Since I've replaced old vanilla textures with new modded ones, it's distinctly possible that were I to remove the modded textures from the Data/Textures/Characters file, I'd wind up with a lot of NPCs wandering around faceless or with the Oblivion equivalent of a big yellow Morrowind triangle exclamation point where their face should be. You know, the game engine would be told that character X uses the "darkelfhead10.dds" for his face, only that file would be missing since I deleted it. That would certainly be the case with a Mororwind texture mod, but maybe Oblivion works differently?
But even if I could simply go through the textures files and delete ever single .dds that I find in both Djangos and Oblvion/data/textures, there's literally dozens of faces for every race, and it just wouldn't be worth the effort. So unless someone can come up with a really smart idea, it looks like I'm stuck with this mod until I decide to go for a clear reinstall at some point in the future.
What I really need, ideally, is a fresh unmodded Textures/Characters folder. I tried looking for it on my Oblivions CD, but everything on that CD is packed up.
Or perhaps I could use Bain to install and uninstall the mod? Would that leave me with the original faces?