Uninstalling a Texture pack

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:11 pm


Wonder if anyone can give me any advice. I manually installed Django's Unique Features and have decided after a short trial that I'd like to "uninstall" it. It's a texture mod so I simply copied it into the "textures" folder in my Data directory. Short of reinstalling Oblivion from scratch is there any way uninstall this mod? I didn't use OBMM or Bash since it was just a texture pack. Unfortunately I didn't back up my textures folder prior to installing the mod.

Suggestions, anyone?
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kelly thomson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:47 am

I do not use that mod, but it seems the mod replaces age maps. Since all original graphic resources(except shaders..) are packed into .bsa files, all you have to do is delete those age maps(head(race)(gender)(age)*.dds).

**If you installed Archive Invalidation Invalidated or you are using BSA redirection by other means(via OBMM or Wrye Bash), you won't need to worry about archive invalidation.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:24 pm

It comes with a bunch of replaced textures so you either have to uninstall it manually: you can unzip the content of textures\characters\darkelf\ directly to that folder - those will be highlighted so then you can hit delete. Rinse and repeat for other folders. Either that or you could reinstall it as an OMOD and then deactivate it. Basically, it's mods like this that it's very nice to use OBMM or BAIN for when installing as it automates the uninstall.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:52 am


I'm not sure I understand you....could you be a bit more specific, please? Where do I find the .bsa files for this mod?

Well, the reason I had to install the mod manually is because I couldn't get OBMM to install it. Using the usual Create - Add Archive process doesn't work, because OBMM can't find anything in the mod's .zip file to install.

I'm afraid that if I start just deleting .dds files in the Textures folder I'll wind up with faceless NPCs. If for example I compare the darkelf textures folder from the Django mod with the same folder in the Data directory, I notice that the Data Textures folder has some .dds files that Django doesn't have. For example, there's a "headdarkelf10" in my oblivion data files that doesn't have a corresponding .dds in the mod. On the other hand, both folders (mod and Oblivion) have a "headdarkelf18" .dds -- which means that that file might have been copied over from the mod.

But if I delete for example "headdarkelf18" from the textures folder in my Data directory, won't that cause the entire texture -- original as well as modified -- to disappear, making that particular face unavailable, and leading to some really funky consequences whenever Oblivion tries to use that texture in-game?

(Tack f?r hj?lpen, f?rresten.)
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:19 pm

When you tried to install it with OBMM, did you look at the data files section? When you create an omod, the default is to only display the ESP's in the archive. At the bottom of the dialog, there are two radio buttons (going from memory here - don't have it installed right now). Click on the one that says Data Files and you should see the textures. Go ahead and create the OMOD and install it normally. Then you can deactivate it and it will remove all the files, unless they are shared by another mod.
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:55 pm

If I start OBMM and hit Create, I get a pop up window with some some buttons above a window. One of them says "Add files," the other, "Add folders". Is it one of those you mean?
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Farrah Lee
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:27 am

Yes, those are the ones you need for creating an OMOD.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:05 pm

If I go Create - Add folder and then navigate to the mod, highlight it, and hit okay, nothing happens.

If I go Create - Add Files I can navigate all the way into the Mod/Textures/Characters/darkelf folder, and OBMM still can't find anything to add.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:56 pm

If I go Create - Add folder and then navigate to the mod, highlight it, and hit okay, nothing happens.

I thought you said the mod was a zip file? Did you extract it to a folder? You should be clicking Add Archive to add a zip file to the OMOD.
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naome duncan
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:12 pm

Step 1: Unzip the mod into an empty folder (or to a named folder if your archive utility supports that option). It was probably not packaged as omod ready, which is why you got nothing when you added the archive directly.

Step 2: Open OBMM.

Step 3: Click Create

Step 4: Click Add Folder.

Step 5: Navigate inside the folder you just created to the folder named Data if it exists. If it does not exist, navigate to the folder above Textures. The omod creator expects to find files in the same folder structure used by the game.

Step 6: Click Ok (The "Data Files" radio button at the bottom of the creator window will let you see non-esp files that you are adding to the omod)

Step 7: Click Create Omod

Step 8: Wait for your brand new omod to be generated.

Caveat: I have never tested with a Texture only mod (no esp), so I'm not totally sure it works.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:42 am

You can just click Add Archive and navigate to the archive file - but you need an archive file (like zip, 7z or rar). OBMM will drill down until it finds the files and will figure out the correct folder structure. You don't need to unzip or extract the files first.

If you've already extracted all the files and have deleted the archive file, then you might be better off downloading the file again rather than trying to figure out all the files that were part of the mod. That's why we're suggesting you create an OMOD out of the archive - OBMM will find all the files for you and delete them when you deactivate the mod. You have to create an OMOD and install it first though. Basically you are going to install over top of what you installed already. In fact OBMM will prompt you about conflicting files when you do this - that's ok.

What I was suggesting earlier was that when you create the OMOD, you won't necessarily see anything listed in the big box at the bottom of the Create dialog. That's because OBMM lists ESP's there by default. In order to see the data files, you need to select the "Data Files" radio button at the bottom of the dialog in order to see them. That's when you click Add Archive or Add Files - that dialog box.

I install all my mods by creating OMOD's, including texture replacers and LOD. Makes it much easier to remove them afterwards if necessary.
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:52 pm

You can just click Add Archive and navigate to the archive file - but you need an archive file (like zip, 7z or rar). OBMM will drill down until it finds the files and will figure out the correct folder structure. You don't need to unzip or extract the files first.

Er, OP said he got nothing when he tried to add the archive directly. That's why I gave him the detailed folder-centric instructions. Because OBMM will NOT always "do the right thing" with oddly packaged archives. (Yes I know he might not have hit the radio button to view data files, but doing it directly eliminates any doubts about the archives folder structure)
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:43 am

I just checked out the mod in question, the archive is not organized ideally for an OMOD. There are 2 folders, Core Files and Optional Files, so you probably do need to extract it and organize it with the files you want.

Edit: I forgot that you are actually trying to uninstall the mod. You can still just uninstall manually, look at the files in the zip and find them in your data folder and delete them.
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:02 pm

Have to admit I didn't look at the mod in question :nono: If the mod is packaged for a BAIN install, which it sounds like it is with Core Files and Optional Files, then you will need OMOD conversion data or OBMM won't know what to do with it. I usually repackage these kinds of mods into a simple directory structure and zip it before making an OMOD...

As mcc84 said, your best bet now is to look at the archive and see which files make up the mod and delete them from your data folder. Sorry 'bout that :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:27 pm

Thanks everybody for the advice so far.

I might not have been completely clear on this point, but I do know how to install a regular zipped mod with OBMM. What I'm trying to say is that OBMM won't install this particular mod, for whatever reason. I've tried all sorts of variations of Create - Add Archive, Create - Add Folder, and so on, and none of them work.

With Morrowind, texture packs don't come with .esp files, and if you want to install new textures, you just unzip the mod and then copy and paste its contents into the correct folder under Morrowind/Data. Since OBMM couldn't figure out how to install this mod (or I couldn't figure out how get OBMM to install it), I just did it this old-fashioned way, and it worked. But I very stupidly failed to backup my textures folder before copying over it.

Since I've replaced old vanilla textures with new modded ones, it's distinctly possible that were I to remove the modded textures from the Data/Textures/Characters file, I'd wind up with a lot of NPCs wandering around faceless or with the Oblivion equivalent of a big yellow Morrowind triangle exclamation point where their face should be. You know, the game engine would be told that character X uses the "darkelfhead10.dds" for his face, only that file would be missing since I deleted it. That would certainly be the case with a Mororwind texture mod, but maybe Oblivion works differently?

But even if I could simply go through the textures files and delete ever single .dds that I find in both Djangos and Oblvion/data/textures, there's literally dozens of faces for every race, and it just wouldn't be worth the effort. So unless someone can come up with a really smart idea, it looks like I'm stuck with this mod until I decide to go for a clear reinstall at some point in the future.

What I really need, ideally, is a fresh unmodded Textures/Characters folder. I tried looking for it on my Oblivions CD, but everything on that CD is packed up.

Or perhaps I could use Bain to install and uninstall the mod? Would that leave me with the original faces?
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:26 am

Note: If you delete any 'pure' replacer, the game should use vanilla resources which are packed into .bsa files(they're all under \Data). When you install the game in fresh-state, you won't see any \textures and \meshes under \data. Those directories are made once you installed mod.
Almost all resources, like meshes, textures, animations, and voice data Oblivion needs are packed into several BSA files, such as 'Oblivion - Meshes.bsa', 'Oblivion - Sounds.bsa'. Normally, they should not be altered in any way, so you won't have problem with removing 'resource replacers'.
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kelly thomson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:19 pm

So... if I were to simply remove the Data/Texture/Characters folder--- hold on a minute, brb....

It worked! I just removed the entire folder, and the game reverted back to the original .bsa files. Wow, that's very different from Morrowind. The solution was actually very simple.

Why didn't you guys just tell me this in the first place? ;)

But how did it work? What's a .bsa file, really? Does the game engine load the .bsa first, and then by default search the data folder for extra textures and meshes before starting up?

Thanks for all the help, anyway.
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:56 pm

Yes pretty much. BSA's are Bethesda Softworks Archives and they contain all the default game information. They are loaded first and then the engine looks for overrides in the meshes and textures folders. Sometimes the game has to be told to find replacements and this is called archive invalidation. I'm definitely not an expert on this and so I won't attempt to get into any more detail than that. :)

You had a problem creating an OMOD with this particular mod because it was packaged for BAIN installation. BAIN is another installation method that is part of Wrye Bash. I find it too complicated but a lot of people like it. Anyway if you have a mod that has several directories with the first directory called 00 Core Files, then it has been packaged as a BAIN install and has to be re-packaged before you can install it with OBMM. Now a large number of mods packaged for BAIN also come with omod conversion data - if you see that in the archive, then you can follow your normal installation routine and the OBMM script included with the mod will sort things out.

I didn't realize this mod came as a BAIN installation and mislead you a bit...

We didn't suggest deleting the folder because we didn't know if you had other stuff in that folder that needed to be kept :)
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