And you players out there can thank in this topic other moders of which mods you played and liked.
- First of all a big THANK YOU to dev_akm that initiated the FCOM project, it is amazing, and I hope that you will come back soon to expand it even more.
- Also thank you to martigen for creating MMM and hope to see you again in ES5. Also thank you to all the people from the team: Corepc, Dev_akm, Shadowborn, Lilith, PacificMorrowind, Axil, Daemondarque, Bg2408. You guys are awesome
- Thank you Oscuro, dev_akm, MiSP for OOO that improved so much of the game and changed it in such a very good way!
- Thank you Francesco for your effort with the Francesco overhaul!
- Thank you Lazarus for OWC, I love it when I encounter some of your new creatures. I loved that you inspired yourself from the great games Diablo 2 and 1
- Thank you Trollf for Armanetarium and all the people from Team Arma - Corepc, Lilith, Vacuity, Dev_Akm! Its unbelievable how many new items you could create, wow!
- Also thank you Francesco, Jaga Telesin, Dev_Akm, Oscuro, Kandiedan, Nb_Mare for OMOBS!
- Of course a very big THANK YOU to Wrye who created the all known Wrye Bash. Your BAIN install and bashed Patch made a huge install possible and more and more stable and easier to update and change. I am grateful. Also thank you for COBL that helps stimulate the alchemist in me.
- Another Big THANK YOU to ianpatt, behippo, scruggsywuggsy the ferret for OBSE that made possible some great mods.
- And about these great mods Thank you Skycaptain for Deadly Reflex! Its a pleasure to assassinate now, or see new ice statues of your enemies. Great fun! can't wait for the new version to come out.
- Also thank you Flyfightflea and Strategy Master for Supreme Magicka! That is my favorite spell overhaul together with LAME. And of course thank you bg2408 for LAME!
- And another Big THANK YOU goes for the BOSS team: AliTheLord, Arthmoor, PacificMorrowind, Random007, RiddlingLynx, Tokc.D.K., Vacuity, WrinklyNinja, Valda68k, ZiggyX. This utility saved me countless hours of ordering always incorrectly the mods. Its simply essential!
- Thank you Elys for all the Obse plugins that seem to be very useful for some mods and the uncapper for me!
- Oh and not to forget a big THANK YOU for tejon which mods Progress and nGCD solved one of the biggest problems in the vanilla game, leveling. Now it feels just right.
- THANK YOU Bananasplit, Reckless, Wolfslady,Bluepie, Ismelda, Nernie and Vorians for Better Cities! Now its always a pleasure to go into towns, and stay in them as much as possible and enjoy the scenery.
- THANK YOU Carel de Winter, Malachit, Apallo, aberneth, roobsi, bananasplit, chuck21, IAMTHEEMPEROR, Arthmoor, Meg, Phitt, Malachit, aberneth, Gondor Wache ,Trollf, Vorians, Rancen, addiktive, Aelius for the Unique Landscapes! Now one of my greatest pleasure in the game is just to walk around and enjoy the scenery. All of Cyrodiil is now how I wanted to see it when I first got the game.
- THANK YOU Quarn and Kivan for the Unofficial Oblvion Patches that solved sooo many bugs that ruined the fun.
- Thank you Paul 'Simyaz' Thomson for RTT, a very interesting companion of which secrets I don't yet know completly but can't wait to find out.
- THANK YOU Sulteric Drums for Viconia, my all time favorite female companion, although if I hear her one more time complain about mudcrabs I will slay her where she stands.
- Also Thank you ElminsterAU for the Tes4Edit that surrely solved some problems with some dirty esps of some otherwise wonderfull mods.
- Thank you Jog for the Stealth Overhaul that I find so essential for my stealth character.
- Thank you Arthmoor for A Brotherhood Renewed that creates the feeling of completion for the whole Dark Brotherhood Questline.
- Thank you J.Sera for Bartholm which was surprisingly fun to play. I am still protecting the you know what scroll. Those assassins sure are persistent, they never give up no matter what.
- THANK YOU Chrissuit33, Ionis, Elessar_VPR, kanjadd, greedo, Gez - Waltherp58, Molotox, Sandman53, ghostwalker71, CB Droege, Radik, Maniac One, Wolfen, dutchmam, vible, Lord Memphis for Kvatch Rebuilt that brings life and optimism to a previously depressive area.
- Oh and very big THANK YOU to one of my favorite quest mods so far, The Lost Spires. The whole experience was great!
- Thank you Exnem,RAIAR and MadCat221 for HGEC that makes the ladies in thegame so hot. Also Thank you Robert for the male body.
- Thank you Indefiance for the great improvement of Frostcrag in Frostcrag Reborn. I sayd WOW a few times while playing it.
- Thank you Quartz for Glenvar Castle!
- Also thank you Sage Rime for the Mountain Tower Home which is very cozy and pleasant to be in.
- THANK YOU Qarl for the texture pack that made everything look so much better!
- Thank you Chong Li, Arthmoor, Brumbek, & WrinklyNinja for All Natural that improved the feeling in the game so much with the real lights and weather inside. It feels a lot better inside homes thanks to you!
- Also Thank you XMarksTheSpot and Ismelda for AWLS which further improves the pleasure of being in towns and enhance the feeling of life in the town.
- Thank you Quarn and Dejunai for Harvest Flora which I do enjoy very much since I like Alchemy.
Hmm I hope I didn't miss anybody. So that is all the thank you I give for now but once I enjoy other mods I will surely at least thank the mod authors for their great and appreciated effort. THANK YOU ALL MODDERS! :foodndrink: :bowdown:
And please other players post your thank you's for your favorite modders in this thread so they can see again that they are appreciated.