Anyway, we need to make/finish:
The Exterior
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Our Island you see needs to have a lot of work put into it. The helper and I can do a few things, but will be doing it slowly. We aim for this mod to not take 1 year, but by doing it fast, and in great detail.
Firstly, the island will have a main town, then a few native villages. The town will have civillised people, trading ships, shops and shacks. The villages will be like the ashlandic tribes but island version.
There are 4 regions on the island. Beach, Town, Forest nad Mountain. The beach will have monsters suited to that environment and other things that suit it. The same goes with Forest. The mountain will have dark creatures that are protecting a dungeon inside the heart of the mountain.
We will make new monsters (more like use them from LadyE's webste

The island is actually quite big. I cant explain how big it is, but just try and imagine Hawaii, but...10x smaller. Players will start off in the main town called Hazakan. Dont ask us how we made it. The player will then check around the area for quest starters etc etc or they can just run off into the wilderness.
The Beach is more of a safe place. The only monsters there would be things like Crabs, Jellyfish and some other random things. The jungle gets a bit harder. The level of the monsters will go up about 5-10 levels, depending how far you go in. THe mountain is where all the evil monsters are e.g. Minotaurs, giants and zombies. The dungeon will be even harder, with some sort of boss and guardians.
There will be a coral reef in the water to explore (we will need the meshes for the coral), ship wrecks and a few secret islands. There will be a few things to discover on the beach (Fair quality). Then in some caves, there will be guardians protecting good treasures, and in the mountian excellent items.
As you can see, it is a place where low levels can start to level up or high levels to just own everything and maybe get a challenge with a few guardians and bosses.
Xfire: Vaon
Steam: Vaon555
You will only need my email and MSN but the other two are just there if you have them. Anyway, i look forward to see if anyone replies to this in an email.
P.S. A few of the posts below us are form Long Isle, the old version of this.