Problem #1 The files are invisible when i look for them in Oblivion/Data though i can access them through TES Construction set and oblivion recognizes them in data files when i start the game. (But my personal mods do not Show up in the game though other peoples mods do show up)
Problem #2 if i want to make a mod and put just one premade object into the area and save the game when i close out of TES construction Set it says
Warning: ! ModelLoader still has 2 Nif Files
Warning: ! 1 - furnituremarker14.nif
Warning: ! 1 - furnituremarker03.nif
My comp is windows vista home edition i have the latest patch of oblivion and the newist TES construction Set
I am not even creating something new and yet this still happens. i am getting really annoyed because i made a cool mod and i cant play it I can only play other peoples mod. any help would be great Thanks