i'd love to hear how ppl here think the system should work and how they imagine it will work in practice.
i think that a system that might actually be kinda close to what we might see in skyrim is "risen's" system. yeah, that game is unpolished like a broekn 30 year old Oldsmobile but it was an over the shoulder combat system (not a free camera system like in fable or AC or batman:AA or whatever) which means it's catered to fights with a rather low number of enemies and it allows directional input (where right means right of the player. not as right in a general direction). Risens system was an evolution to oblivion. not a direct one but it just had better ideas. there was a lot of requirements for timing. timing your attacks rhythm, timing your parries, aiming your arrows and magic etc.
gameinformer said that the devs are going for a timing based blocking system (kinda like Batman arkham asylum where holding the block button was not a block. u had to time it right) and i gotta say that i LOVE the idea. in a sword fight , even more than in a fisticuffs fight, it is important that blocking is reactive. not passive. the defender needs to know what angle to block in according to the specific incoming attack. i am adoring the idea the blocking successfully will require skill.
this brings a few questions to mind, though:
1) will blocking prevent all damage?
2) how is the player supposed to handle many enemies that circle him and still be able to see who to block and see him in time?
3) how can the player counter the AIs blocking? Do we, as players, have the tools to handle a blocking opponent?
about point 1) frankly i hope the answer to question no.1 is "YES". it's not the oblivion way but in a blocking system that requires timing i feel like i need to be rewarded a lot for blocking. not just prevent 80% damage but more. in oblivion if u took damage from blocking incoming attacks u could avoid damage by back stepping and zigzagging around. yeah, it looked ridiculous but it was a valid tactic made possible due to the mechanics. in skyrim we heard todd say that back stepping will be slower. we can no loner avoid damage this way. if this is the case than we gotta have a way to avoid damage altogether. i think we are past the days in RPGs where the player cant avoid damage at all and has to rely on potions. this kind of gameplay is archaic.
because of this notion i tend to believe that blocking will prevent all damage. if it doesnt than i sure hope of a dodgin mechanics that allows us to get out of the way.
BUT, if we can dodge out of the way i bet it must be done by dodging in the perfect timing. now comes another question -
if dodging needs to be done in perfect timing and blocking also needs to be done in perfect timing than what is the difference between the two option? what makes the player implement both of them and not just pick the one that has no down sides?
in my opinion a solution is simple - make dodging a way to get out of swords reach. its purely defensive. blocking will keep the player close enough to hit his opponent. i havent seen a game that utilizes this simple idea and this is why im skeptical it will be implemented.
about point 2) i have no guesses to this one. i think that for combat against multiple enemies in melee the AI will need to be dumbed down so they wont flank the player from the sides and rear. if they do flank than this can mean a few things -
a > enemies can die quickly enough so u can easily dispose them to make sure u r not confronting too many of them.
b > stealth, archery and magic is really important to complement sword fighting. what i mean is that the warrior should get rid of as many enemies before they close on him and circle him to death.
c > there is an effective way to moving around fast enough to get out of a circle of enemies. again - dodgin?!
about point 3) this might not be clear so i will elaborate. if blocking is done only when the AI is attacking the player than i can assume this is the case with the AI as well - they block only when the player is attacking. what this means is that the player cant tell if the enemy is going to block him or not. while its completely realistic it kinda makes sense (gameplay wise) that the player will have something to do against an enemy that is blocking. a system where the succession of the player's attacks (if they hit or not) is only dependent on the AI and not the player is not a great system, IMO. being at the mercy of the AI praying they wont block is how most games do it but i really hope Bethesda will find a better way. give players an ACTIVE way to counter a blocking enemy.
but the issue remains - if players can tell if the enemy is blocking or not, how can they implement a block-breaker move? i have a few ideas in my mind but i wont elaborate yet cuz u've read enough and u must be tired already.
I will stop typing now. i hope i have sparked the urge to discuss this subject. if combat is skyrim is something im going to so so much i really wish it will be fun and DEEP!