Thanks for the post! Unfortunately I never player Fallout 3 and so have no idea what transparent multisampling actually means, but these trees sure look better when it is on. I will have to google it in order to learn more about it. And yes, hair looks like it might be skinned to bend with the character's body, which is really welcome because it should make long hair (as in, really longer than in Oblivion) possible. In Oblivion, hair was shoulder-length or shorter; I think modders could make "wigs" (ie helms) that could be longer than that, but you couldn't use sliders to select the colors and, of course, it meant no such hair for consoles.
Thanks for all the information, I will search the terms you suggested. To be honest, up until now I'd never really tried to understand how things work, I just know what I need in order to brng new hair meshes into morrowind, and that's pretty much it. I just use alpha settings that I have seen on other people's custom hair meshes, I don't actually know what they do. Time to learn more!
Also thanks for confirming my suspicions about the difficulty involved for game programmers, I thought it might be something like that but wasn't really sure.
It is possible, I don't really know as it's hard to tell from the trailer, the character is always in motion. I didn't know about the decals for tats and scars, that's pretty interesting
I would really love to have what you suggest, ie two hair meshes depending on whether you're wearing a helmet. That would be a really nice addition in my opinion!
Well, I have to thank everyone who's posted in the topic. You have succesfully relieved me of my worries regarding what I thought might me limitations on blended transparency. I hope the tools to make custom meshes (ie the exporters) will be made available after the game is released; if that is the case then I will definitely try to port some of my hair meshes over to Skyrim

Edit: this topic isn't just about my previous worries, though, so feel free to continue posting about hair/transparency if you feel so inclined!