-Intelligence [I would change this to agility, but you can leave at intelligence too.)
I'm thinking of being somewhat less relyant on spells so I may take this advice. I use alchemy quite regularly so my intelligence will skyrocket without much trouble.
-Restoration----(Primary form of healing) [I generally use Alchemy simply because you would have to change out of spell casting for restoration, which can give enemies their fatigue back (though slowly). Then again, you can boost your skill set with restoration. Just putting it out there.]
-Alchemy-------(emergency healing/magicka restoration and a source of money) [Why this and restoration?]
I'm leaning this way myself. the problem is that I make a custom spell that pretty much fully restores any damaged attributes. I don't remember the specs on it but I would imagine it requires a fairly high restoration level to be used effectively. I guess you can restore stats at alters of whatever but religious altars are few and far between in the middle of the ashlands or somewhere like that. I could try going without it and see what happens.
-Illusion--------(Sanctuary as a primary form of defense and many other cool things like Chameleon for stealing and paralyze for combat) [You can just take sneak if you want to steal too. But paralyzing may be nice...]
I know that combining sneak and chameleon works very well. The thing is that if your at 100% chameleon (which I will be) it doesn't make much difference. Taking that and all of illusion's other goodies I find sneak to be somewhat redundant. Besides I won't be doing much sneaking anyway. I mostly just want illusion for it's plethora of uses.
-Alteration------(Open spells and travel spells like water walking, levitation, feather, etc for convenience) [I would use security instead because of the agility bonuses. Recall that you will be running fast too (H2H boosts speed)]
Running fast can't make me walk on water and I can still easily run out of breath no matter how fast a swimmer I am. This is the same as with illusion and sneak. Considering how effective alteration is at opening locks combined with all of it's other perks I find security rather redundant. As far as the agility increases go I'd actualy rather have security as a misc. skill. I can use it to train with and level-spam much more easily (you know get 10 security levels to without actual leveliung up.) I'm all about efficient leveling. Also again I won't be much of a thief so I wont be needing to open as many doors (every game seems to require that I open at least some locked doors though.) I mostly want alteration for it's other spells.
Upon reflection I realize that security is based on intelligence not agility. (it's based on agility in Oblivion) Since I get more than enough intelligence from alchemy, I won't even be training with security.
-Unsure---------(I may use destruction to lower opponent fatigue) [Maybe enchant since you have mysticism?]
In hind sight I can just use absorb fatigue instead of damage fatigue so I don't need destruction anymore. Enchant may be an option. It's uses are somewhat limited because I won't be using any weapons and everything else will have CE enchantments which I can't make on my own anyway. But then I had an idea. Maybe I could make her use enchanted items instead of spells. I could have an inventory full of magic rings and amulets that have all of the cast-on-use effects that I want from from my spells. Of course if I did that I would have to rewrite the whole build. Not to mention that I've never use cast-on-use enchantments all that much and I don't know if I can make them powerful enough to match spells. For now I'll stick to magic but you never know what the future might hold.
As I stand right now my final product will look something like this:
-Breton (may be subject to change, I just like them for RPing)
- Magic (still covers a majority of my most used skills and I don't need stealth to boost h2h it's fine on it's own)
Favorite attributes:
-Endurance (I love endurance)
-Agility (Everybody says I should use it, I know the benefits I was just unsure if they outwieghed those of other attributes. I still considering strength because of MCP's tweek on h2h)
-Unsure (I've decided to use less magic now so I don't need the max-mag-fort from my angel sign. Maybe I'll just use the stock lady sign for it endurance)
-H2h (duh, what are we here for?)
-Alchemy (Healing and money)
-Illusion (Santuary for defense, Chameleon for stealth/stealing, Charm/frenzy instead of speechcraft, paralyze work wonderfuly with h2h, I'm sure there are others.)
-Alteration (I like open better than security and it's other more travel related spells are very helpfull.)
-Mysticism (many usefull spells. Teleportation strikes me first but as mentioned earlier telekinesis acts in place of security's probes. Soultrap is also good for making money. Filled soulgems are worth a LOT more than empty ones.)
-Unarmored (I still like sanctuary for defense better. I need an armor rating early on but after I get santuary the way I want, I have no need for armor. Honestly it's more like a filler now.)
-Mercantile (No need for speechcraft with illusion but this is still somewhat useful. Just a filler though)
-Athletics (Filler. Doesn't really level up fast enough to be much else.)
- (it's late I can't think anymore)
- (it's late I can't think anymore)
I'm still going to keep playing with the "prototype" that I already have. I'm mostly using her as a way to practice with h2h and get a good idea of what is needed to keep her going. For now I'm just using trainers to level-spam for the sake of speed. When I get down to playing the finalized characeter I'll only do everything myself. But I don't have her yet so keep it coming.