01. I have Windows 7 64bit, what Patch should i get and what Mods.
02. Should i Install the Expansions Now, or later.
03. Does this Game have a Main Plot and Side Quests.
04. I also Noticed this Game Installed a Construction Set for Morrowind, how does it work and what do i do.
05. What can you guys tell me about this Game, is it Better then Oblivion.Are there Mods to make the Game look like Oblivion.
06. Is there a Mod that can make the Days/Months/Years look like the English Calender so i can Understand what is going on.
07. Is there a Mod for Removing Junk Spells.
08. Is there a Mod that Allows me to go Through to an Area that has an Invisible Wall.