» Sat May 28, 2011 11:08 am
I suggest you do the following:
Look on the OOO thread for the latest OOO files
Look on the MMM thread for the latest MMM files
Get BOSS to sort your load order
Having said that, read the OOO and the MMM installation manuals. You will be running MMM for OOO and that requires certain MMM files.
As for your mods, if you install the OOO full version you will not need all the OOO options. Get OBMM and use that to install your OOO and MMM, makes it easier with an installation script.
I would not use Living Economy, use Enhanced Economy instead, much better.
Consider Wrye Bash for installing mods using BAIN as an alternative to OBMM.
Check out this thread, will probably answer 99% of your questions: