Hi all,
OAVO(Oblivion Audio and Visual Overhaul) includes among other mods Crowded Roads advanced.
I wonder if it will mess up OOO in some ways when used together?
Any opinions?
Regards, Haldir
The http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Tes4Mod:FCOM lists known incompatibilities and solutions (if any) for FCOM - and as OOO is the backbone there it's useful for OOO as well.
Just checked the description and it has a lot of mods doing different stuff. Not sure how its version of ImpeREAL City - Unique Districts works with OOO, for example. In general I'd advice against using mod compilations as they often contain old versions of included mods - and OAVO is 1,5 years old by now. And then there's the question of permissions as well - I notice that it's removed from TES Nexus. I'd recommend checking out which mods you want from it and go for the latest releases of the particular mods instead.
In short, I'd stay away from it - and I'm a bit surprised that PES let's it be up in the first place and even brags about it. Must be annoying for, say, Arthmoor to have people downloading an old version of RAEVWD via OAVO and then come to the release thread and complain about possible bugs.