Can Someone Explain this?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:44 pm

On the console you can raise your skill level by doing: player.setactorvalue handtohand 100

How would you write such a command into the Construction Set itself? Say you want a skill maxed out to 100, how would you do this in the CS?
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:23 am

On the console you can raise your skill level by doing: player.setactorvalue handtohand 100

How would you write such a command into the Construction Set itself? Say you want a skill maxed out to 100, how would you do this in the CS?

Well, you could set it for the whole race you're playing as if you like... If you want i can give you detailed instructions later! (on my laptop right now! :P)
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Trent Theriot
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:04 pm

Well, you could set it for the whole race you're playing as if you like... If you want i can give you detailed instructions later! (on my laptop right now! :P)

Thanks for your post :) yeah I'd really like it if you could give me a breakdown of what to do. I'd really like to make a mod where you can give yourself like 100 marksman or athletics.

I really dont like using the console for these things because I make loads of saves and cant always remember if I've used a console command or not so I really want to make some scripts in the CS to give my character better stats. I'm ashamed to say I'm still only 32 Marksman and I havent even got the zoom effect yet (blushes)
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Anna S
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:56 am

There might be a better way, so hold off on doing this right now! Again, i'm doing this from memory, so bare with me! :P Will give a better method tomorrow (if there is one) as i will have access to my gaming rig tomorrow! Sorry to make you wait! :nope:

But here's a stab at it anyway! :lmao:

1. Open up construction set! (duh! :P)
2. Click the little yellow folder on the upper left hand corner. (assuming you never used the construction set before! if you have, sorry for the baby steps!)
3. Double click the little box next to whatever plugin the race you want to modify is associated with.
4. Click "Set active file" (if you're using a vanilla race, just skip this step)
5. On the top tool bar click Character
6. Navigate to Race
7. If you're using a custom race skip this step--Make a duplication of the race you want to use by right clicking on the name of the race in the dialog box on the left and clicking "Duplicate"
8. Again if you're using a custom race skip this step--Give you're race a unique name by navigation to the "Text data" tab on the right. And where it says Race name type whatever you want (example Nord Maxed skill rates)
9. Navigate back to the first tab (i forget the name) and on the drop down menu (you should see several) select the skill you would like to modify (you can do as many as 6 i believe)
10. In the corresponding text box (the one next to the drop down menu you would like to modify) type 100 (if you want to be completely maxed out of course)
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:07 am

There might be a better way, so hold off on doing this right now! Again, i'm doing this from memory, so bare with me! :P Will give a better method tomorrow (if there is one) as i will have access to my gaming rig tomorrow! Sorry to make you wait! :nope:

But here's a stab at it anyway! :lmao:

1. Open up construction set! (duh! :P)
2. Click the little yellow folder on the upper left hand corner. (assuming you never used the construction set before! i you have, sorry for the baby steps!)
3. Double click the little box next to whatever plugin the race you want to modify is associated with.
4. Click "Set active file" (if you're using a vanilla race, just skip this step)
5. On the top tool bar click Character
6. Navigate to Race
7. If you're using a custom race skip this step--Make a duplication of the race you want to use by right clicking on the name of the race in the dialog box on the left and clicking "Duplicate"
8. Again if you're using a custom race skip this step--Give you're race a unique name by navigation to the "Text data" tab on the right. And where it says Race name type whatever you want (example Nord Maxed skill rates)
9. Navigate back to the first tab (i forget the name) and on the drop down menu (you should see several) select the skill you would like to modify (you can do as many as 6 i believe)
10. In the corresponding text box (the one next to the drop down menu you would like to modify) type 100 (if you want to be completely maxed out of course)

Thanks for your help. I dont mind the 'baby steps' lol in fact I need them as I am pretty new to the CS :)

I dont mind waiting until you get to your pc btw so no worries there :)

Also, is there a way to JUST make my marksman and atheletics 100?

I kinda want to just run these mods to alter certain skills. Again, I'm no expert on this so I leave this with you guys to help me out.
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:06 pm

Thanks for your help. I dont mind the 'baby steps' lol in fact I need them as I am pretty new to the CS :)

I dont mind waiting until you get to your pc btw so no worries there :)

Also, is there a way to JUST make my marksman and atheletics 100?

I kinda want to just run these mods to alter certain skills. Again, I'm no expert on this so I leave this with you guys to help me out.

Ok, baby steps it is! Hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere! :) And i'm not exactly sure what you're asking... >_< Do you mean you want marksman and athletics 100 for everyone...? Like i said before i will look into it for you tomorrow, as the only way i know how is to do it through race bonuses.... But again, this would be so much easier with the construction set in front of me! :P Sorry to keep spamming your thread with useless information! :P Will post something useful tomorrow! :)
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Amy Smith
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:25 pm

There is a mod out that lets you set pretty much any skill\attribute to any level you want -

It has a shack with push buttons to advance any skill you want to any level you want --- comes in very handy for setting up test characters for mods etc. and might do what you are looking for !
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:00 pm

Ok, baby steps it is! Hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere! :) And i'm not exactly sure what you're asking... >_< Do you mean you want marksman and athletics 100 for everyone...? Like i said before i will look into it for you tomorrow, as the only way i know how is to do it through race bonuses.... But again, this would be so much easier with the construction set in front of me! :P Sorry to keep spamming your thread with useless information! :P Will post something useful tomorrow! :)

Hi again :) and before I start, you aren't spamming at all, I find you very helpful, thank you so much for posting! :P

Well, in regards to what I want to achieve, it's basically this:

I just want to make a small selection of scripts that raise my (not any other NPC's, just my own character) skill levels to the max (100). I dont want to do this for every skill, just Marksman and Athletics. Maybe one or two more, but I guess once I have gotten the first 2 the others should be easy enough to make.

I was thinking (or hoping) I'd be able to put on a special Ring or Amulet that gives me these skill increases. Maybe I'll even make a little quest mod with some of these things in just for fun somewhere down the line too :)

Thanks again for your advice, I really appreciate it.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:14 pm

There is a mod out that lets you set pretty much any skill\attribute to any level you want -

It has a shack with push buttons to advance any skill you want to any level you want --- comes in very handy for setting up test characters for mods etc. and might do what you are looking for !

Thanks but now I'm on this subject, I'd really like to see just how even a novice modder (like myself) might be able to replicate something like that.

In fact, and I just said this a minute ago, I'm thinking of making some little quests so the character can pick up various rings/amulets/hoods etc that let them have skill boosts (i.e. a ring that gives an athletics skill of 100 etc).

I need to know how to do this, it's something I should know really as one day I'm going to be making loads of mods and I gotta start somewhere.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:19 pm

Hi again :) and before I start, you aren't spamming at all, I find you very helpful, thank you so much for posting! :P

Well, in regards to what I want to achieve, it's basically this:

I just want to make a small selection of scripts that raise my (not any other NPC's, just my own character) skill levels to the max (100). I dont want to do this for every skill, just Marksman and Athletics. Maybe one or two more, but I guess once I have gotten the first 2 the others should be easy enough to make.

I was thinking (or hoping) I'd be able to put on a special Ring or Amulet that gives me these skill increases. Maybe I'll even make a little quest mod with some of these things in just for fun somewhere down the line too :)

Thanks again for your advice, I really appreciate it.

Oh, i see what you're after! And i'm afraid i'm no help with scripts! I need baby steps there myself! :P So sorry i can't be of any help to you! I specialize in character/race manipulation (which is like level one around here lol)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:46 am

Oh, i see what you're after! And i'm afraid i'm no help with scripts! I need baby steps there myself! :P So sorry i can't be of any help to you! I specialize in character/race manipulation (which is like level one around here lol)

No worries :P I still appreciate your advice all the same. Nice to meet you btw :)
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:39 pm

No worries :P I still appreciate your advice all the same. Nice to meet you btw :)

Thanks! I try to be as helpful as possible! I'm just annoyingly nice like that! :P And nice to meet you too! ^_^
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:17 pm

Do you want to make a permanent increase when you equip the item? or do you want it to come off when you take it off? Cause it would be really simple to make a ring with 100 fortify marksman and/or 100 fortify athletics, for example. No scripting knowledge required.
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:40 pm

If I would want to do that, I would do it with a script.

Like this:
1. In the CS, open the Quest window and create new quest, close the window
2. Open Script window, create new script, type quest
Scn whateverBegin GameMode	If player.getAV HandToHand < 100		player.setAV HandToHand 100	EndIf	If player.getAV Marksman < 100		player.setAV Marksman 100	EndIfEnd

3. Save script, close script window, save plug-in
4. Open quest window again, open your quest and attach the script to it.
5. Save, activate and play.

I think that it would work like that. If not then I would modify it slightly to use a token for getting values from player and setting few variables in the quest script.

Edit: EndIf of course...
Edit2: Without = of course :)
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:50 pm

If I would want to do that, I would do it with a script.

Like this:
1. In the CS, open the Quest window and create new quest, close the window
2. Open Script window, create new script, type quest
Scn whateverBegin GameMode	If player.getAV HandToHand < 100		player.setAV HandToHand 100	EndIf	If player.getAV Marksman < 100		player.setAV Marksman 100	EndIfEnd

3. Save script, close script window, save plug-in
4. Open quest window again, open your quest and attach the script to it.
5. Save, activate and play.

I think that it would work like that. If not then I would modify it slightly to use a token for getting values from player and setting few variables in the quest script.

Edit: EndIf of course...
Edit2: Without = of course :)

Thanks but I couldnt get it to work :(

Ok, here's what I'm trying to do:

I made a hood and made an enchantment for it. In the enchantment script, I copied what you put and when I tried the hood, my marksman and handtohand was still the same (both are currently at 32). I then changed 'gamemode' for 'onequip' and nothing happened either. I asked my friend and he doesn't know.

No one knows how to do this, please help.
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:05 am

Do you want to make a permanent increase when you equip the item? or do you want it to come off when you take it off? Cause it would be really simple to make a ring with 100 fortify marksman and/or 100 fortify athletics, for example. No scripting knowledge required.

thanks but does that also give me the zoom effect and other animation changes? i.e. knockbacks on target etc?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:58 pm

Update: so I tried the fortify skill (marksman) just a minute ago and no zoom effect occurred :( is there another way?
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:04 am

i guess he forgot to mention that fortifying effects don't give skill perks, you need to try to implement the fortify effect as an ability, that way you get the perks (like how the skeleton key works)
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:39 pm

i guess he forgot to mention that fortifying effects don't give skill perks, you need to try to implement the fortify effect as an ability, that way you get the perks (like how the skeleton key works)

That's what i was saying! The only way i know how to do that though is to modify the race itself by giving a +100 to what ever skill IndyMage wants... Not much of the CS expert myself, so this is kinda like the slightly less blind leading the blind! :P
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:46 pm

Ok guys, I have been given a good script (by TheVyper) and it works :)

Here is the thread where he gave the script:
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:46 am

Ok guys, I have been given a good script (by TheVyper) and it works :)

Here is the thread where he gave the script:

Glad you have what you're looking for! :)
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:48 pm

Glad you have what you're looking for! :)

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:54 pm

Heh yeah, I didn't know you wanted the perks too. No biggie.
Also, I'm pretty convinced that Washington's script would have worked to, assuming you were also able to set up its corresponding quest correctly. But hey, as long as you got it to work, it's all good.
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