Meaning, if you alternate casting the 3-school-training spells, you can reach 100 in all 6?
I know once ONE reaches 100 you stop leveling (fine by me)... But can this one skill be a Minor ?
Also, does enchanting multiple items with Fortify same school add the effects? So 3 items of +15 = +45 (and what good is that, spell-cost-wise?).
1) As I said previously, to reach 100 in all 6 leveling skills, they must go from 99 to 100 during the SAME rest period. (If they are all magic skills, this will take a LOT of mana).
2a) I have leveled up after reaching 100 in just 1 of my leveling skills.
2b) Another poster has written that minor skills reaching 100 have no affect on leveling up......I, myself, have never reached 100 with a minor skill.
3) Yes
The only use I can think of, is that it might be useful in order to make a higher rank in a Guild.
[One such enchantment (i.e. "Enhance skill") costs 9000].