Suits of Armour

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:47 pm

I believe thats will be Oblivion style with some details attached to outfit like separate pauldrons, bags, belts, straps etc, maybe even separate gloves.
Something like this author made or done in WAC by Waalx
I doubt will Skyrim have clothes-armor layering or clothes over armor, seems I will again use utilities like nifskope and blender for separating details of equipment
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:14 pm

Can we give examples from other rpg s ?? two worlds 2--great armors there
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:48 pm

Morrowind's armor pieces worked well in that game because the game also had enchantment limits on items, and many of the extra items could only fit minor enchantments. It could be abused, but you really had to work at it to do so.

Oblivion's radically simplified enchanting system, where all items were equally enchantable, made it impossible to "balance" with the same number of pieces as in MW, and difficult to prevent players from stacking enchantments to gain complete invulnerability. It still had balance issues.

With Skyrim, there's no balance problem as long as the system is designed from the start to be compatible with the other aspects of the game, and "stacking" is prevented or limited. For example, if there are multiple enchantments or potions of the same effect type, only have the most powerful one currently active have any effect. The problem with the other games was that, even when they tried to limit stacking, they only disallowed effects of the exact same parameters: same strength, same duration, same area, and same target. In MW, if you made one that did 5 points for 30 seconds and another that did 5 points for 31 seconds, they were considered "different", and both active, giving you 10 points total. I forget OB's limiting mechanisms, but they weren't much of an improvement, and you could still "stack" certain effects.

It's not that I want "MW 2", far from it, but there were a number of gameplay aspects that I thought were well done, or at least good in concept but needing a bit more polish. OB scrapped them in favor of several things that I felt didn't work nearly as well, or totally removed them from the game and left NOTHING in their place. Of course, OB added a bunch of new ideas and systems, like poisoning weapons, NPC schedules, and physics (which was a GREAT idea, but poorly implemented, which according to the precedent set by OB would be grounds for removing it from Skyrim). Overall, though, I didn't feel that the things that were lost (levitation, integral "realistic" transportation systems as well as magical teleportation, chance of failure, do-it-yourself-enchanting, several types of weapons and armor, clothing and armor combinations, a massive collection of dialog options, and much more) were adequately compensated for by what was gained. I didn't want "another MW", I wanted something "better" than MW, instead of something "simpler".

I played FO3, and while it was "a good game", it didn't impress me as much as TES in a number of respects. A lot of what the old FO fanbase was complaining about sounded strangely similar to what I felt was the difference between MW and OB, so I bought and played the original FO. To my surprise, I LIKED the original game a lot more in terms of gameplay (despite the funky one-piece suits plus helmet limitation), although I have to admit that it didn't age nearly as well as MW has, it was probably more "brutal" in terms of sudden outmatched encounters and reloads than most modern gamers could stand, and that Bethesda added a lot of positive things to the series. The clunky old interface felt like more of a struggle at times than the encounters, and drastically needed updating. In this case, FO3 may have been "good" as a stand-alone title, but was a poor excuse for "an FO game", because the underlying gameplay was totally different; sort of like if TES V turns out to be a virtual pinball game, but a little less extreme than that.

I'd like to see some of the "feel" of MW return, only updated and improved, rather than a game even further "stripped down" and "simplified" from OB, and armor diversity and intermixing is only one example of that.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:22 am

I voted I WANT Oblivion's style, but in all fairness, I have never played Morrowind.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:34 pm

I'm expecting a cross between Morrowind and Oblivion's, where gauntlets and pauldrons (if any) might come as a set, and we can't wear robes over armour or clothes underneath armour. However, the guy in the trailer does have a single pauldron, so we may not have sets of gauntlets or pauldrons after all.

I hope we get Morrowind's style of customization though.
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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:03 pm

the only problem with morrowind's style of armor is that there weren't enough types of armor to justify having individual pieces. the whole point of it is customization, however when you only have 20 or so sets of armor there's not much variation you can do.

greaves, boots, bracers, cuiriass, shoulders, and helmet.
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:07 pm

I want it to be like morrowinds. I think boots, glvoes and pauldrons should come in pairs but still be seperate armor peices rather than that dumb 'full suit' idea from fallout or having tha pauldrons come with the armor

This and please allow us to wear robes over armour again
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neil slattery
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:11 am

Actually, how about like in Dragon Age: Origins except with pauldrons? They had separate gloves, boots, greaves, and chest pieces

dragon ago had the same system as oblivion, i dont know why you wouldnt mention oblivion to get your point across

However, the guy in the trailer does have a single pauldron, so we may not have sets of gauntlets or pauldrons after all.

im pretty sure thats just how breasplate looks, in oblivion you had armors with just one pauldron

greaves, boots, bracers, cuiriass, shoulders, and helmet.

id think this should be the way to go, maybe without separate pualdrons though
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:35 am

One thing I wonder about is the hidden equipment slots, Oblivion has the tail slot, very popular with moders for items like headbands or earrings. Works well for everybody except they who have tails, but they have various tail jewels and armor.
Skyrim get beards, if they are separated from hair we have an extra slot for the ladies, however they can get fake beards then they watch executions. The fake beard can also be enchanted like wigs.
Next we have the scars, tattoos and war paint, more slots, quite possible they can be used for meshes or at least enchanted war paint. :)
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James Baldwin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:06 pm

I think it's going to be an "improved" Fallout style. Maybe a mix between fallout and Oblivion. I want as many slots as possible so I have more enchantment possibilities.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:49 am

I think it's going to be an "improved" Fallout style. Maybe a mix between fallout and Oblivion. I want as many slots as possible so I have more enchantment possibilities.

well as many would be all fingers and toes, earrings and loads of amulets . . . youd look like a pirate after a bog bounty
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:59 am

That still doesn't necessitate people wanting a Morrowind 2. It necessitates people wanting more customization than what was present in Oblivion's armor system. That Morrowind has customization in that regard, and that a lot of people experienced Morrowind first, is incidental. Daggerfall also had more customization. As do other games.
Noting that people want aspects or parts of things that were present in previous titles, and then morphing that into "they want [Insert-Game-Title] 2" is over-generalizing their positions. Was Oblivion a Morrowind 2 because it had birthsigns? If I wanted blocking based on player input in Skyrim, would I then want Skyrim to be Oblivion 2?

Good logic.
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