Have you guys got any/know of any?
Been looking for some.
OSR {Oblivion Stutter Remover}-needs OBSE {Oblivion Script Extender}
Streamline also needs OBSE
Knowledge of TESEdit in order to clean plugins can help {MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE, you know what you are doing and have a good grasp of it BEFORE atempting}
There are many Pre-Pyffied optimized mesh packs on TES Nexus that can help with framerate.If you are using a 64 bit OS ie-Windows Vista or 7 and have more than 2 gigs of RAM, You can use CFF Explorer to rewrite the file header for the Oblivion .exe in order to utilize tha extra ram you have.
Oblivion is very CPU dependant so a fast CPU means as much or more than your GPU, and Installing RAEVWD/FCOM+ 200 other mods and expecting 60fps is just not going to happen. Every mod you install has an effect and a heavily modded Oblivion on a very high end computer around 20-30 fps is a probable expectation.
That pretty much covers my knowledge so Good luck! :read: