Feature request: modified Detect Life handler which can discriminate by creature type (Creature, Daedra, Horse, NPC, Undead), and which allows you to specify the shader rather than being hardwired to LifeDetected.
Huh, I wonder if Night Eye could be jiggered into a poor man's OBGE for full arbitrary screen shader effects...
I've actually heard that removing Flare and Heal Minor Wounds from the Player even by script can do bad things...
I've heard this too, which is funny, because AFAIK I've done more extensive testing on it than anyone, both privately and long-ago-released.

I'm not even convinced that there's an issue with removing them from Player in the CS, except for the specter of incompatibility looming over
any Player edit. Of course, I haven't tried
that because when I did all this testing I didn't realize I could find Player in the CS, and since what I have works, I've been too lazy to go back and check. :rolleyes: Anyway, script-removing it is absolutely safe.
The thing that is
not safe is marking DefaultPlayerSpell (Heal Minor) as deleted. Even if it's not on the player, it's used as the fall-back spell when e.g. you use a scroll; there's no such thing as "no active spell," so when the scroll is consumed your active spell becomes DefaultPlayerSpell even though it's not on your list. You can safely edit it, though, e.g. to an empty script effect which costs 99999 Magicka and is called "No Spell Selected" -- which is what the old nGCD Character Generation did, and what Ars Gratia Artaeum will do.
Flare is a plain old everyday spell. Nothing special at all about it, other than being on the base Player form.