So would you like to see an implementation closer to Morrowind? Where you had to have certain skills at certain levels and be a certain level yourself before you could advance?
Also something else to consider--> Besides choosing incoming quests, perhaps you could choose which person/team should carry out the quest? That way, it would play right into the Radiant story. People are nice to you-->You reward them with quests when you're the boss-->They advance in rank-->The guild becomes your very own.
What I would want is a realistic guild that works like this.
When you join your given a simple task to complete. Once complete your given your rank. Dependent upon your skill your given a title. If you svck, your a novice. If you decent, your an adept. Though if your high (75+) in a certain skill your called something that relates to that skill: conjurer, illusionist, negotiator (speechcraft), shadow (stealth). Once you get two or more skills past 75 you get a more appropriate title, all leading to master. Thats how the ranks will work.
As for quest. Your given random (radiant) quest based on your skill sets and level. Once you have finished a certain amount you trigger story quest. These story quest are what they sound like. As you finished them you unlock certain advantages (special items, companions, etc.) Once complete you get some kind of bonus, but your not the head of the guild. After the story quest you continue to receive radiant quest.
In this setup you feel like a member of a guild, given duties and such. Your respected for your skill, but your not given any privileges until you pay your dues.
Edit: Sorry I needed to get that off my chest. :biggrin: