OOO ongoing mechanics Q and A thread + game

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:21 am

Well a lot of people play OOO and the goal of this thread is to share experience with eachother about the mechanics of OOO. If you want to talk about vanilla please make your own thread. You may post a question or answer that are the same for both OOO and vanilla but don't post information that is relevant or true in vanilla but not in OOO. In other words don't post things that are false for OOO but you can post things that are true for OOO AND vanilla. :)....

The rules of the game are that each post at least have either a question or answer. Try not to ask or answer so much information that it produces a wall of text. My goal is to have sort of bite size posts and an ongoing thread.

To make the thread easier to understand format it by saying Question: or Answer: before your response and reserving a paragraph for each question or answer. So one topic per paragraph.

These are just my ideas to make things go smoothly feel free to comment on my rules or thread idea.


Question: What effect does weather have on sneaking or 'detection radius'?

Question: How is starting health determined in OOO?

Question: What does reflect damage do? Does it reflect all damage done to you? Or just melee, spells, etc for example?

Question: How is damage rounded with resistance or weakness? For example if you hit someone for 2 damage with an iron dagger and they have 10% weakness to weapons how much damage would it do? Essentially, how do you find (or ballpark) the breakpoints. This could be worthwhile because if you are able to increase your damage to 3 per hit then your damage per second increases by 50 percent. Also relevant to determining how much of a benefit 10 resistance to weapons (fire, magic etc) is. This is going to make more difference for attacks which have a smaller amount of damage per attack. Which will be true particularly early in the game.

Ok now I have more questions but I am only going to have 4 pieces of information because otherwise if I continue to ask questions without giving time for answers it produces a 'wall of text'.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:19 pm

There's a very extensive for Oscuro's in which nearly all general questions are covered.
If you have any other queries the place to ask is in the which also houses links to many related topics.
Threads like this one lead to well intentioned but often confusing and inaccurate information being discussed
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:40 pm

Question: What does reflect damage do? Does it reflect all damage done to you? Or just melee, spells, etc for example?

And UESP is a great resource for questions about the vanilla game:
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:47 pm

Yes but I am not interested in errors at installing OOO or bugs. I am only interested in mechanics. So I have to read through ''bug reports' and installing snafus if I want to read the official thread.

Oh well its an imperfect world. This thread can die I don't want to upset people.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:24 pm

Yes but I am not interested in errors at installing OOO or bugs. I am only interested in mechanics. So I have to read through ''bug reports' and installing snafus if I want to read the official thread.

Oh well its an imperfect world. This thread can die I don't want to upset people.

OOO is as you stated yourself is a well established and popular mod.
Your questions I'm quite sure have been addressed and covered by the articles Arkngt and I supplied links for in the above posts.
The UESP does not address bugs or installation issues and covers a multitude of ES topics that can be found through it's search engine.
The OOO thread links will take you to other sites and threads where the most frequently asked questions are answered.
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