Ashley, start with merging all of R18PN's plug-ins. I bet you have them all already, right?

Here's the cliffnotes version of how I do it:
Fire up the Construction Set.
Check the Oblivion esm, then check all of R18PN's plug-ins. I don't recall setting any of them to be active, so don't. Confirm/proceed/whatever. Let them all load in.
Now select File from the CS toolbar, then select Tools from the drop-down menu.
Select "Combine Loaded Plug-Ins". It will prompt you to name the new esp. Call it what you like. Mine is called R18PN Mega Merge.esp. Save when it's named and done. You can now use that one esp in place of all the esps for all of the mods you loaded. Store the original esps in a folder or something, if you wish.
Be warned that deactivating the original esps will of course remove the items attached to them from your inventory. You'll have to go back and pick the items up again from the chests. But that's no big deal, right?
Someone on another forum taught me to do that ages ago, and it hasn't let me down. There are of course other ways to merge- this is just the one I use.