But, is it not recommended to disable the autosaves? And what is PCB? *^^*
And what two alternatives have been released for the fog thing?
I'm sorry, but I want to know. :P
It is recommended that you disable Oblivion's built-in auto-save feature. That is why users suggest using alternative features offered by mods such as Streamline and the mod made by Kuertee. I am pretty sure there is at least one other auto-save mod out there that sounded interesting to me. Here it is - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15939
PCB = Purge Cell Buffer (memory management tool)
RedBag - Fog - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33424
Sfon DeltaNovus' LOD fog - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25052
This is my latest package list. (None of these are actually installed at the moment. All of the "++" package are all red.)
Spoiler Bain Packages:000 - ==Last==001 - ==UTILITIES==++ 002 - Actor Details-29127.zip (747F1356) (Installed)-- 003 - Adrenaline-Fueled Combat-20163.zip (B85C872C) (Not Installed)-- 004 - Auto Book Placer (OBSE)-13962.rar (A76F8E37) (Not Installed)-- 005 - Auto-Save and Time-22136.zip (6AD83BB4) (Not Installed)-- 006 - Automatic Timescale-27352.rar (E192FD92) (Not Installed)-- 007 - Autosaver-15939.zip (34F98AD4) (Not Installed)-- 008 - Birthsign Zero-25016.zip (4C917A99) (Not Installed)-- 009 - Books of Console-24833.rar (4D070B32) (Not Installed)-- 010 - Chase Camera Mod-1840.zip (0744A43D) (Not Installed)-- 011 - Combat FPS Optimizer Updated-33627.7z (3240E68A) (Not Installed)-- 012 - Display Stats-31855.rar (C52E15B5) (Not Installed)++ 013 - FormID Finder-16704.7z (1E1A14D3) (Installed)-- 014 - My Voice Extender-29067.7z (49C5661D) (Not Installed)-- 015 - P-Froggy's Automatic NPC Respawner-32442.rar (0D11240F) (Not Installed)++ 016 - RefScope-21862.zip (D85B4114) (Installed)-- 017 - Shivering Isles Door Usable-14739.7z (727E7605) (Not Installed)++ 018 - Streamline 3.1-22170.7z (592E2C96) (Installed)-- 019 - Vanity Camera Smoother-1852.zip (85BBF29D) (Not Installed)-- 020 - Weapon Values Displayed-31163.7z (D48D1BFA) (Not Installed)-- 021 - You Are Here-18160.zip (869263AF) (Not Installed)022 - ==GAMEPLAY CHANGES & TWEAKS==++ 023 - aaaBorsBedrolls v1.4-21944.7z (BFF5509F) (Installed)-- 024 - Alternate Start-3973.7z (5AB2EA2B) (Not Installed)-- 025 - Armorer's Advantage-26288.zip (F8305FD8) (Not Installed)-- 026 - Better Blocking-27947.7z (E1D63DE1) (Not Installed)-- 027 - Better Music System-26892.zip (7907862F) (Not Installed)-- 028 - Better Music System for Shivering Isles-26892.zip (650AC289) (Not Installed)-- 029 - Book Placement 2.0-6262.7z (42B2736B) (Not Installed)-- 030 - Battle Bullet Time - Slow Motion-19496.7z (BD3CE593) (Not Installed)-- 031 - Casting Hand-19053.zip (680E4162) (Not Installed)-- 032 - Claim That Interior-27951.7z (BED59F3A) (Not Installed)-- 033 - Cobl Bookplacement-24367.zip (8D4DCA34) (Not Installed)-- 034 - Combat Speechcraft-31535.7z (4FB87FD1) (Not Installed)-- 035 - Crime Has Witnesses-22894.zip (6A1F80E1) (Not Installed)++ 036 - Deadlier Sneaking-1866.zip (119FAC94) (Installed)-- 037 - Decorator Assistant-6021.zip (1DD0C35D) (Not Installed)++ 038 - DLT OBSE-16282.7z (9853B055) (Installed)-- 039 - Dude Where's My Horse-3861.zip (33F64B70) (Not Installed)++ 040 - Enchantment Restore Over Time-9544.zip (85AB7925) (Installed)-- 041 - FF Real Thirst - Cobl-15168.7z (189A6A8E) (Not Installed)-- 042 - FF Real Thirst-14214.zip (E565A58F) (Not Installed)-- 043 - Finders Keepers-14316.rar (9FE43043) (Not Installed)-- 044 - Goranga Dating System-31576.7z (78DDC1AE) (Not Installed)-- 045 - Goranga Restaurant Job-31514.7z (A1D0000D) (Not Installed)++ 046 - Grandmaster of Alchemy-16441.zip (72EDE6C1) (Installed)++ 047 - Horse Commands-8766.zip (1D531652) (Installed)-- 048 - Hov's Hotkeys-13443.zip (4E60C1A6) (Not Installed)++ 049 - Legendary Abilities-19245.zip (7208EA8B) (Installed)-- 050 - Living Economy-4432.7z (EEEE4D23) (Not Installed)-- 051 - Lore Dialogue 300-25091.zip (C0C0F197) (Not Installed)-- 052 - Mass Ai-8158.zip (CCF62D24) (Not Installed)-- 053 - Mounted Combat 1.12-8962.zip (D42E2BE3) (Not Installed)-- 054 - No More Annoying Comments About Your Skills-4774.rar (217EEF93) (Not Installed)-- 055 - No More Annoying Messages Fixed-4988.rar (F9E07AE1) (Not Installed)-- 056 - No More Annoying Messages-1846.zip (E7AA9D0E) (Not Installed)++ 057 - No Psychic Guards-11911.7z (BA62F84A) (Installed)-- 058 - NPCs Alive Release 1-6994.zip (87E4DCE1) (Not Installed)-- 059 - NPCs Yield-22392.zip (73E37055) (Not Installed)-- 060 - Oblivifall - Ambiant Sound FX-29676.zip (DB519F20) (Not Installed)-- 061 - Oblivifall - Closing Time-27147.zip (CB47AD0D) (Not Installed)-- 062 - Oblivifall - Let Us Talk-27148.zip (345DDF90) (Not Installed)-- 063 - Oblivifall - Master File-31669.zip (B5CFF00F) (Not Installed)-- 064 - Oblivifall - Something Is Not Right-27145.zip (2B84EB74) (Not Installed)++ 065 - OMOBS-28537.7z (EB1E2FED) (Installed)++ 066 - Persuasion Overhaul-12367.7z (1A2FAC96) (Installed)-- 067 - Phitt's Phighting Phixes-32651.7z (3ECF2058) (Not Installed)++ 068 - PiiiP - Enhanced Grabbing-19847.7z (3837B5D7) (Installed)++ 069 - Progress-14304.zip (57DEFF12) (Installed)++ 070 - Progress - Transaction-based Mercantile advancement-14304.zip (BD284458) (Installed)++ 071 - Quest Award Leveler-13536.7z (44837166) (Installed)-- 072 - Real Hunger - Cobl-21106.zip (D5F1BBA6) (Not Installed)-- 073 - Real Sleep Extended-24649.rar (4F78C802) (Not Installed)++ 074 - Realistic Physics and Force Package-5197.zip (70B2EBF5) (Installed)-- 075 - Regional Music of Cyrodiil-30200.zip (D99235C6) (Not Installed)-- 076 - Realistic Ragdolls and Force-21572.rar (1B8C19EF) (Not Installed)++ 077 - Regrowing Nirnroot v1.01-3585.zip (BE8CF8F3) (Installed)++ 078 - Reneer's Guard Overhaul-5977.zip (219297A8) (Installed)-- 079 - Reneer's KeyLock Mod-33630.zip (1CC2FB40) (Not Installed)-- 080 - RGO OBSE Config-19779.rar (7178C42A) (Not Installed)-- 081 - Reneer's Varied NPC Mod-29564.zip (20470818) (Not Installed)-- 082 - SM Combat Regen-29095.zip (67558F0A) (Not Installed)++ 083 - SM Encumberance & Fatigue-12074.zip (9A113B2A) (Installed)-- 084 - SM Hand Combat-18834.zip (D2892FE3) (Not Installed)-- 085 - SM Regional Bounty-16137.zip (9B4385BB) (Not Installed)-- 086 - Smarter Mercantile Leveling-10947.7z (742CD513) (Not Installed)++ 087 - Start Choices-23757.7z (8867CBB1) (Installed)-- 088 - Stealth Overhaul Cobl-29632.7z (517CC084) (Not Installed)-- 089 - Stealth Overhaul-6359.rar (5A61BA55) (Not Installed)-- 090 - Stealth Overhaul Redux-31908.zip (DD58FD8F) (Not Installed)++ 091 - Supreme Magicka-12466.zip (1D06B0F1) (Installed)-- 092 - Supreme Magicka (old)-12466.zip (0F6D0BE7) (Not Installed)-- 093 - Try Before You Buy-24477.7z (14F62C02) (Not Installed)-- 094 - Visibly Unlimted Rings and Amulets-27260.7z (622AACA2) (Not Installed)++ 095 - Willful Resistance-11237.zip (59F0B5CF) (Installed)096 - ==COMPANIONS & NPCS==-- 097 - Arena Trainer-3453.zip (D2B1168C) (Not Installed)-- 098 - Better Inns and New Home Owners-29333.7z (906F76FA) (Not Installed)++ 099 - CM Partners Mod-7819.7z (B0A3AAE4) (Installed)-- 100 - Companion Wardrobe Manager-25380.zip (C4C3E2AF) (Not Installed)-- 101 - Companionship Ring-18461.rar (AB783BB6) (Not Installed)-- 102 - Companion Vilja-28977.7z (BF7DB802) (Not Installed)-- 103 - Cyrodiil Travel Services-21999.7z (75D0B659) (Not Installed)-- 104 - Delivery Job-33191.7z (AFF35804) (Not Installed)-- 105 - Goranga's Traveling Merchant-33499.7z (8D5E6EA1) (Not Installed)-- 106 - Companion Vilja 2.2-28977.7z (4DFBCDB8) (Not Installed)-- 107 - Companion-Friendly Inns-33475.7z (582803D2) (Not Installed)-- 108 - Healers-24868.7z (F5EA8A58) (Not Installed)-- 109 - Jjinx's Morrowind Style Argonians-13444.rar (5599FBF3) (Not Installed)-- 110 - Mannimarco Revisited-14200.7z (AA9CFB13) (Not Installed)-- 111 - Mero Trading-8032.7z (C1C28C80) (Not Installed)-- 112 - Populated Prisons-25232.7z (8223E996) (Not Installed)++ 113 - Salmo the Baker-8435.rar (2AF5B2DB) (Installed)++ 114 - PyFFI-Optimized Salmo the Baker Meshes.7z (027B2222) (Installed)-- 115 - Roaming NPCs-32747.7z (30606D25) (Not Installed)-- 116 - Setsuna Dummy Training-27259.rar (6DC56D6D) (Not Installed)++ 117 - Tamriel NPCs Revamped.7z (0D8048F6) (Installed)++ 118 - Tamriel Travellers-4387.7z (0CEA7A45) (Installed)++ 119 - PyFFI-Optimized TT Meshes.7z (4976F8F3) (Installed)++ 120 - Tamriel Traveller Advscript.7z (7D25458A) (Installed)++ 121 - Tamriel Travellers Cosmetic Cobl or RBP.7z (75E51E5E) (Installed)++ 122 - Tamriel Travellers Horse Textures-16407.7z (7A376E4E) (Installed)++ 123 - Travellers Belt-4387.7z (E81BDBD9) (Installed)++ 124 - PyFFI-Optimized Travellers Belt Meshes.7z (A70644ED) (Installed)-- 125 - Viconia - The Underdark Saga-15200.rar (C790997B) (Not Installed)-- 126 - Viconia - The Underdark Saga v12 Patch-15200.rar (453742B9) (Not Installed)++ 127 - Viconia DeVir - The Underdark Saga Part One-15200.7z (99700798) (Installed)-- 128 - Viconia DeVir - The Underdark Saga Part Three-15200.7z (417E8F57) (Not Installed)-- 129 - Vilja Update 1.02-28977.7z (28A315E7) (Not Installed)-- 130 - Viconia PI Combat Fix-15200.rar (D50F45C3) (Not Installed)-- 131 - Viconia PIII Combat Fix-15200.rar (478FE7B5) (Not Installed)132 - ==ANIMATION REPLACERS & IDLE ANIMS==-- 133 - Actor's Emotions-13193.7z (9B91CB8F) (Not Installed)++ 134 - Actors In Emotions-15124.zip (86EEE616) (Installed)-- 135 - CTAddPose Gaff English-30841.rar (033F3715) (Not Installed)-- 136 - CTAddPose - OTPair v11-22776.zip (6C7D82A5) (Not Installed)-- 137 - CTAddpose LE02-23667.7z (17BBCA00) (Not Installed)-- 138 - DMCStylish-16459.7z (AF63ADD4) (Not Installed)-- 139 - DMC Stylish (first person)-16459.7z (92FBB361) (Not Installed)-- 140 - DMC Stylish (third person)-16459.7z (EE62B533) (Not Installed)-- 141 - DMC Stylish - Sword Dancer-16459.7z (5AEC6156) (Not Installed)-- 142 - EFG Edited-13193.rar (00C00650) (Not Installed)-- 143 - Idle Poses Replacer (No Weapons)-16500.rar (BC71462A) (Not Installed)-- 144 - Idle Poses Replacer-16500.rar (9C529462) (Not Installed)-- 145 - Lain Pose.7z (92A860D3) (Not Installed)-- 146 - NPC Control-26362.7z (D7CFDCD7) (Not Installed)-- 147 - OSR Pose.7z (AF51CF03) (Not Installed)-- 148 - OSR Poses-18437.7z (6EDB1912) (Not Installed)-- 149 - Pretty Woman (Animation Replacer)-32572.7z (8A14A4C0) (Not Installed)-- 150 - Real Walk for Females-27954.rar (6F7983CB) (Not Installed)++ 151 - See You Sleep-16005.zip (4316AFB9) (Installed)++ 152 - Sensual Walks Patch ESPs-28223.7z (DFBC6FC1) (Installed)-- 153 - Slof's Manly Stride-24820.7z (5DFB532E) (Not Installed)-- 154 - Umpa Dance Animation-14574.7z (113ED1D0) (Not Installed)-- 155 - Umpa Disco Idol Dance-15494.7z (2E47A50A) (Not Installed)156 - ==NEW BUILDINGS & LANDS==-- 157 - Adense Epic Dungeon-27520.7z (B721566D) (Not Installed)-- 158 - Adense Epic Dungeon Updated-27520.7z (CD680AAE) (Not Installed)++ 159 - Alchemist Cave - COBL-15474.7z (D9B11270) (Installed)++ 160 - Bank of Cyrodiil-3172.7z (5F76C42D) (Installed)-- 161 - Barad Dur-23968.rar (AB498880) (Not Installed)-- 162 - Bravil Sea Domes-9388.7z (6268147E) (Not Installed)-- 163 - Castle Domrose-7676.7z (C9A18467) (Not Installed)++ 164 - Glenvar Castle-8235.7z (AD315745) (Installed)++ 165 - PyFFI-Optimized Glenvar Castle Meshes.7z (B55A4722) (Installed)++ 166 - Glenvar Castle - Voice and Lip-sync Add-on-19520.7z (439CD457) (Installed)-- 167 - Hoarfrost Castle-14714.7z (E44B7126) (Not Installed)-- 168 - Lost Chapel-29740.rar (0B1B5903) (Not Installed)-- 169 - Nascosto Isles-9321.7z (5A0D473B) (Not Installed)-- 170 - Millstone Farm COBL-29126.7z (CB65B93D) (Not Installed)-- 171 - Millstone Farm Paintings-29126.7z (31B49958) (Not Installed)-- 172 - Millstone Fram - UL Patches-29126.7z (5FFFED3D) (Not Installed)-- 173 - Mountain Tower-3384.7z (E56DD254) (Not Installed)-- 174 - Shadowcrest Vineyard COBL-22810.7z (C24B9C58) (Not Installed)-- 175 - Shadowcrest Vineyard Guard Addon-22810.7z (8730AFB0) (Not Installed)-- 176 - Thermae Bath Mod-9800.7z (ED37E9C1) (Not Installed)++ 177 - Vaults of Cyrodiil-9357.7z (C5C0CB13) (Installed)178 - ==NEW ITEMS==++ 179 - Adonnay's Classical Weaponry-9185.7z (87BD1929) (Installed)++ 180 - Adonnay's Elven Weaponry-4804.7z (A05C384D) (Installed)++ 181 - Adonnay's Hadhafang-4885.zip (C8C43358) (Installed)-- 182 - Adonnay's Ranger Coats-12641.7z (A6132DD6) (Not Installed)-- 183 - Agea Karan Heavy Version-25759.zip (738F3489) (Not Installed)-- 184 - Agea Karan Light Version-25759.rar (49C87FE2) (Not Installed)-- 185 - AlexScorpion - Elven Elite Armor 1.1-16504.7z (26734B23) (Not Installed)-- 186 - AlexScorpion - Golden and Silver Katanas-19960.7z (8F6BEDE6) (Not Installed)++ 187 - Alyx Vance Outfit-16091.rar (6B509A4D) (Installed)++ 188 - Ancient Silver Armor-15221.7z (01ADB50C) (Installed)-- 189 - Apachii Goddess Store-13437.7z (CE06DCEA) (Not Installed)-- 190 - Apachii Heroes Store-22962.7z (74E3266E) (Not Installed)-- 191 - Armamentarium Complete Resources-18417.7z (0C563558) (Not Installed)-- 192 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert F Arma Meshes.7z (5AF0624D) (Not Installed)-- 193 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M Arma Meshes.7z (F3035B09) (Not Installed)-- 194 - Armamentarium Complete-18417.7z (003AAA54) (Not Installed)-- 195 - Armamentarium-13884.7z (AEFDD79F) (Not Installed)-- 196 - Artifacts-25309.7z (77BB9A6F) (Not Installed)-- 197 - PyFFI-Optimized Artifact Meshes.7z (8D3ED188) (Not Installed)-- 198 - Artifacts Roberts Female-25309.7z (44406429) (Not Installed)-- 199 - Artifacts Roberts Male-25309.7z (2C84F5D0) (Not Installed)-- 200 - PyFFI-Optimized Artifacts Robert Meshes.7z (E1AFC847) (Not Installed)-- 201 - Ayleid Amulets-6798.rar (7AD595D0) (Not Installed)-- 202 - Ayleid Meteoric Weapons - Nico's Bow Replacer-9519.rar (0BB7CC0D) (Not Installed)++ 203 - Bag of Holding-4065.zip (0FAA1D77) (Installed)++ 204 - The Black Cat Jewelry Store - Daedric Statues-7412.7z (0B08DB7A) (Installed)++ 205 - Bob's Armory.7z (80FFBB75) (Installed)++ 206 - PyFFI-Optimized Bob's Armory Meshes.7z (E1E1F37A) (Installed)-- 207 - Capes and Cloaks-4539.zip (A36DF99B) (Not Installed)-- 208 - PyFFI-Optimized Capes and Cloaks Meshes.7z (E9551536) (Not Installed)++ 209 - Classy Clothing Compendium-28643.7z (0A1DA265) (Installed)-- 210 - Colonial Clothing-28753.7z (D13CA079) (Not Installed)++ 211 - Comfortable Clothing-17558.rar (DE436F35) (Installed)++ 212 - Robert F - Comfortable Clothing-17590.7z (88D9AAE2) (Installed)++ 213 - Robert M - Comfortable Clothing-17590.7z (ACB69216) (Installed)-- 214 - Custom Paintings-3005.rar (365B3208) (Not Installed)++ 215 - Dark Adventuress Bow Set-29589.7z (C91DA71A) (Installed)-- 216 - Deadly Shadows-22192.7z (AEB4A6C3) (Not Installed)++ 217 - Direnni's Advanced Alchemy Apparatus-3844.zip (DF15C190) (Installed)-- 218 - Dread Knight Armor-24850.7z (9D5AE269) (Not Installed)-- 219 - Dread Knight Weapons Addon-24850.7z (46185BFC) (Not Installed)++ 220 - Dwemer Spectacles-5198.zip (04C823F3) (Installed)++ 221 - Elegant Vests 1.0-3901.7z (9DEC5AB5) (Installed)-- 222 - Elven Elite Weapons-31343.7z (8B08BF57) (Not Installed)-- 223 - Exnem Rune Skulls-9412.zip (4D3A03F3) (Not Installed)++ 224 - GC Draqed Gowns & Dresses-7187.7z (2D85A29C) (Installed)++ 225 - GC Gowns & Dresses-7141.7z (DED1A8CB) (Installed)++ 226 - Her Hand's Armor-15111.7z (87BCD7A6) (Installed)++ 227 - Imperial Furniture-4703.zip (75953375) (Installed)++ 228 - KD Circlets OOO Optimized-10670.7z (27CE2090) (Installed)++ 229 - PyFFI-Optimized KD Circlets Meshes.7z (CC8049F2) (Installed)-- 230 - Lera's Clothes for Men-13966.7z (A7A651EA) (Not Installed)++ 231 - Loth's Blunt Weapons-12939.rar (E14D8906) (Installed)++ 232 - PyFFI-Optimized Loth's Blunt Weapons Meshes.7z (F7CBEA08) (Installed)++ 233 - Mage Equipment-18875.7z (8E6546B9) (Installed)++ 234 - PyFFI-Optimized Mage Equipment Meshes.7z (B4B7FFA7) (Installed)-- 235 - MD Saddlebags-2008.7z (A81CFFED) (Not Installed)++ 236 - Myths and Legends-5902.7z (5266CA92) (Installed)++ 237 - Necro Armour-27163.7z (6BC170B1) (Installed)-- 238 - Nico's Scimitars-16204.7z (05F0F474) (Not Installed)++ 239 - Nightshade Armor-14999.7z (F359AA60) (Installed)++ 240 - Nightshade Armor Icons-17895.rar (852F34C4) (Installed)-- 241 - Phitt's Artifacts-29931.7z (911DD4EF) (Not Installed)-- 242 - Panzer Kleidung and Weapons-12996.7z (1DB5269C) (Not Installed)++ 243 - Pure Steel Blade-9376.7z (C06DA98D) (Installed)++ 244 - Reznod Mannequins-2055.zip (25BABB3F) (Installed)-- 245 - Robert F - Armamentarium Complete-18417.7z (AB94145D) (Not Installed)++ 246 - Robert F - Bloodlust-20597.rar (8105483A) (Installed)++ 247 - Blue and White-29827.7z (0BA67A0F) (Installed)++ 248 - Robert F - Blue and White-30041.7z (6CD81E81) (Installed)++ 249 - Robert F - Exnem's Sorceress Outfit-20600.rar (D458C5FE) (Installed)++ 250 - Robert F - Eyren's Vampire Hunter Armor-19088.zip (6D56C21B) (Installed)++ 251 - Robert F - Khajiit Tail Fix-24337.7z (F195F769) (Installed)++ 252 - Robert F - Namira's Embrace Armour.7z (47E81C83) (Installed)++ 253 - Robert F - Rogue Mage & Scoundrel Outfits-17687.7z (7836A180) (Installed)++ 254 - Robert F - Shadow Silk Outfit-17485.7z (2C153197) (Installed)++ 255 - Robert F - Sinblood's Black Courtesan Dress-17626.7z (57B9D0EA) (Installed)++ 256 - Robert F - Sinblood's Black Dress-17609.7z (944A82FF) (Installed)++ 257 - Robert F - Steph's Loincloths.7z (2D443B6F) (Installed)++ 258 - Robert F - Thieves' Vest-23121.7z (747CCD6C) (Installed)++ 259 - Robert M - Adelina.7z (45EF030A) (Installed)-- 260 - Robert M - Armamentarium Complete-18417.7z (928721CC) (Not Installed)++ 261 - Robert M - Black Luster.7z (C5988C3F) (Installed)++ 262 - Robert M - Colonial Clothing-28753.7z (D13CA079) (Installed)-- 263 - Robert M - Lost Paladins of the Divines-10505.7z (2ED9BBA7) (Not Installed)++ 264 - Robert M - Sinful Mage Outfits-21850.7z (8848426C) (Installed)++ 265 - Robert M - Sorcerer Outfits.7z (4CE93753) (Installed)++ 266 - Robert M - Theif Garb-27902.7z (876381DF) (Installed)++ 267 - Robert M - Tribute Armor-23382.7z (77A5FE88) (Installed)++ 268 - Vermillion and Silverthorn Robes-4072.zip (E58C6583) (Installed)++ 269 - PyFFI-Optimized Vermillion and Silverthorn Meshes.7z (FDDB1EC8) (Installed)++ 270 - Warlock Gear-13105.7z (43E78993) (Installed)++ 271 - Xiamara's New Amulets-13360.7z (1702AD0C) (Installed)++ 272 - PyFFI-Optimized Xiamara Amulets Meshes.7z (6FD16A45) (Installed)++ 273 - Xiamara's New Amulets - OOO,FCOM-24432.7z (2F8C2632) (Installed)274 - ==ASlof's Mods' Dependencies==-- 275 - Agea Karan Glow-25759.rar (394E4AAF) (Not Installed)++ 276 - Blackheart and Gizmodian Robes-19915.7z (D7969B31) (Installed)++ 277 - Featherwynd - Amazon Priestess-28151.7z (518F7B99) (Installed)-- 278 - Korana's Acolyte of Kynareth HGEC-27530.7z (C8F6763F) (Not Installed)-- 279 - Silverlight Chainmail Retex-29163.7z (482CA34E) (Not Installed)++ 280 - Warglaives-28723.7z (D3D34DA4) (Installed)++ 281 - Warglaives - cuirasses without feathers-28723.7z (5CD9F4BD) (Installed)++ 282 - Warglaives - no emissive color-28723.7z (D612760D) (Installed)283 - ==AlienSlof's Mods==++ 284 - Slof & Kikai - Male Clothing-21934.7z (DEF94244) (Installed)-- 285 - Slof & Tanya - Heavenly Sword.7z (AFEE5C23) (Not Installed)-- 286 - Slof's Agea Karan (M)-30650.7z (64E61455) (Not Installed)-- 287 - Slof's Agea Karan Male Version-30650.7z (64E61455) (Not Installed)-- 288 - Slof's Amazon Armour-31653.7z (D1B7B569) (Not Installed)-- 289 - Slof's Better Beasts (Rob M,F)-24359.7z (265C950E) (Not Installed)-- 290 - Slof's Bondage Gear-31092.7z (8B362D60) (Not Installed)-- 291 - Slof's Kitana Outfit-31659.7z (972D3CCB) (Not Installed)-- 292 - Slof's Kogane Ranger (M)-31087.7z (EDA67C14) (Not Installed)-- 293 - Slof's Kogane Ritual Armor (M)-30986.7z (65919B6E) (Not Installed)-- 294 - Slof's Sea Armour-31657.7z (3D46924D) (Not Installed)-- 295 - Slof's Shadowsilk-31654.7z (FF613A0C) (Not Installed)-- 296 - Slof's Acolyte of Kyraneth-32993.7z (1D11DE65) (Not Installed)-- 297 - Slof's Agea Karan (Robert F)-30650.7z (DDC5754D) (Not Installed)-- 298 - Slof's Alien Clannfear-24357.7z (38E49840) (Not Installed)++ 299 - Slof's Alyx Vance Outfit-25569.7z (5D6983C1) (Installed)++ 300 - Slof's Amazon Armour.7z (E6B469C7) (Installed)++ 301 - Slof & Arynn Drow-Queen Volume 2-20429.7z (2E78E9D7) (Installed)++ 302 - Slof's Arynn Drow King & Queen (Robert F)-20429.7z (B1EAC110) (Installed)-- 303 - Slof's Bracelet Collection-24385.7z (C60AFBC1) (Not Installed)-- 304 - Slof's Bracelets, Rings and Claws-13119.7z (26889E08) (Not Installed)-- 305 - Slof's Bracelets and Rings-24380.7z (FD9B980A) (Not Installed)-- 306 - Slof's Claws-24440.7z (3DA2FBA7) (Not Installed)++ 307 - Slof's Dark Assassin-28622.7z (659286F0) (Installed)++ 308 - Slof's Dawnwraith-27076.7z (ACBD8743) (Installed)++ 309 - Slof's Even More Male Things-29005.7z (8EFE4931) (Installed)++ 310 - Slof's Eyren Armours Revived-24991.7z (5A8A7837) (Installed)++ 311 - Slof's Eyren Queen's Armory Conversion-25083.7z (9D28EB99) (Installed)++ 312 - Slof's Eyren Vampire Hunter-25082.7z (AD0655CC) (Installed)++ 313 - Slof's Featherwynd-30123.7z (3214B747) (Installed)++ 314 - Slof's Giger Armour-24756.7z (60788D53) (Installed)++ 315 - Slof's Gizmodian Blackheart Robes-24990.7z (DB305EDA) (Installed)++ 316 - Slof's Ice Warrior.7z (7B29D51E) (Installed)-- 317 - Slof's Ice Warrior-31765.7z (3A8EC3A7) (Not Installed)++ 318 - Slof's Jeans-26016.7z (FAF12FF8) (Installed)++ 319 - Slof's Kitana Outfit.7z (432004BD) (Installed)++ 320 - Slof's Male Clothing-24900.7z (25608633) (Installed)++ 321 - Slof's Midlander-29023.7z (B11BF907) (Installed)++ 322 - Slof's More Male Stuff.7z (F2C3E1BE) (Installed)-- 323 - Slof's Neckchains-24386.7z (984B100B) (Not Installed)++ 324 - Slof's Night Knight Armor-29744.7z (80AFFE22) (Installed)-- 325 - Slof's Nexon's Armory Skimpy Male Patch-31365.7z (30B552A7) (Not Installed)-- 326 - Slof's Shadow Watcher (Male)-32665.7z (980BC553) (Not Installed)++ 327 - Slof's Oblivion Goth Shop I-24564.7z (FC205939) (Installed)++ 328 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Goth Shop I Meshes.7z (4D57CC0F) (Installed)++ 329 - Slof's Oblivion Goth Shop II.7z (338708B1) (Installed)++ 330 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Goth Shop II Meshes.7z (5DA9BACD) (Installed)++ 331 - Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader-24320.7z (FF84266E) (Installed)++ 332 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader Meshes.7z (BA730480) (Installed)++ 333 - Slof's Persian Outfit-28346.7z (6BFEEBAB) (Installed)++ 334 - Slof's Reznod Mannequin Retexture-25395.7z (CF639EFB) (Installed)-- 335 - Slof's Robe of the Dark Arts-25897.7z (C0BEFE9C) (Not Installed)++ 336 - Slof's Ryk Sorcerer-26934.7z (5C4F3810) (Installed)-- 337 - Slof's Sea Armour.7z (2F6D9270) (Not Installed)++ 338 - Slof's Shadowsilk.7z (60A5396A) (Installed)++ 339 - Slof's Sheograth Outfit.7z (82E21ECD) (Installed)-- 340 - Slof's Warhammer Robe - BC Patch-33223.7z (950B54DB) (Not Installed)-- 341 - Slof's Warhammer Robe-33223.7z (E80D5EDC) (Not Installed)++ 342 - Slof's Silverlight Armour-28827.7z (B8D44B24) (Installed)-- 343 - Slof's Stuff for Wizards.7z (CC701CDD) (Not Installed)-- 344 - Slof's Stuff for Wizards-31764.7z (320AFF0A) (Not Installed)++ 345 - Slof's Thieves' Vest-24058.7z (8F72D322) (Installed)++ 346 - Slof's Thunderbird-28485.7z (BFFA312B) (Installed)++ 347 - Slof's Victorian Clothes-28929.7z (B8A3C712) (Installed)348 - ==MESH REPLACERS==++ 349 - PyFFI-Optimized Vanilla Meshes.7z (4C849C5A) (Installed)++ 350 - PyFFI-Optimized SI Meshes.7z (C11E0E88) (Installed)-- 351 - QTP3R.7z (F410216B) (Not Installed)-- 352 - QTP3 Transparent Rock Fix-31595.zip (1B29CAC2) (Not Installed)-- 353 - Qarl's Texture Pack 3 R Patch.7z (CABF0638) (Not Installed)-- 354 - Optimized QTP3 Meshes - Fixed-26756.7z (8A16159E) (Not Installed)-- 355 - Qarl's Texture Pack Optimized Meshes-23178.7z (F37715BD) (Not Installed)-- 356 - QTP - Better Tiling Textures-6996.7z (4721AEEE) (Not Installed)-- 357 - QTP3 Custom Textures-26075.7z (203D88F5) (Not Installed)358 - ==OFFICIAL CONTENT FIXES==++ 359 - Official DLC Plugins.7z (9016CB62) (Installed)-- 360 - Updated Offical DLCs MOBS-19203.rar (1C9E2C02) (Not Installed)-- 361 - ShadowbornKvatchQuestFix.7z (BC4C0591) (Not Installed)++ 362 - SM Plugin Refurbish-11474.zip (0E9AD5B7) (Installed)++ 363 - Unofficial Oblivion Patch v3.2.0.7z (BCBA7B56) (Installed)++ 364 - Unofficial Official Mods Patch v15-9969.7z (59895567) (Installed)-- 365 - QTP3 UOP32 Compatibility Patch-11261.7z (E4B99AD6) (Not Installed)++ 366 - Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch 1.4.0-10739.7z (79CE866D) (Installed)++ 367 - Unofficial_Oblivion Patch Hotfix Manual-5296.7z (58D7B65F) (Installed)++ 368 - UOP Supplemental-27710.7z (BE57BB1B) (Installed)-- 369 - UOP Hotfix-27710.7z (3B9A1A49) (Not Installed)-- 370 - UOMP MOBS-17621.rar (440973B5) (Not Installed)-- 371 - USIP MOBS FCOM-17621.rar (73F25676) (Not Installed)-- 372 - MaiqAIHack.7z (5E11C1EE) (Not Installed)-- 373 - Optimised Distant Land MAX 1.1-15278.7z (605442F2) (Not Installed)374 - ==QUESTS==++ 375 - The Ayleid Steps-16316.7z (C5C4C07E) (Installed)++ 376 - The Ayleid Steps - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (F2AE8748) (Installed)++ 377 - Blood&Mud - Dirt Deluxe Anglais-12016.7z (A3B1EC07) (Installed)++ 378 - B&M - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (CCA1659E) (Installed)-- 379 - Blood & Mud - Qarl's Textures.7z (6E06E1AE) (Not Installed)++ 380 - Choices and Consequences Updated-14560.7z (E8FF3A9F) (Installed)-- 381 - Choices and Consequences Updated Update-14560.7z (5C5A6D29) (Not Installed)-- 382 - Artefacts of the Ancestors 1.3-7079.7z (387283B5) (Not Installed)++ 383 - Daggerfall Memories - The Liberation of Cybiades-11755.7z (0E3FFBC3) (Installed)-- 384 - BladeSong-32426.7z (405FED5E) (Not Installed)-- 385 - BladeSong 1.1 Update (Darker Dungeons)-32426.7z (38216750) (Not Installed)++ 386 - Cybiades - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (41081BE6) (Installed)++ 387 - Danger Sense-6369.7z (AFCA9DC7) (Installed)-- 388 - The Dungeons of Ivellon-17134.7z (350058E7) (Not Installed)++ 389 - The Elder Council.7z (5CEEE46E) (Installed)++ 390 - PyFFI-Optimized TEC Meshes.7z (AAC81329) (Installed)-- 391 - The Fight for Castle Ravenpride-11999.7z (C5B8DE34) (Not Installed)++ 392 - Fighters Guild Contracts.7z (A9065234) (Installed)++ 393 - PyFFI-Optimized Fighters Guild Contracts Meshes.7z (357AE697) (Installed)-- 394 - Five Blind Mice-24580.zip (BC582C9F) (Not Installed)++ 395 - The Forgotten Shields-13707.7z (69236C76) (Installed)++ 396 - The Forgotten Shields - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (721CDE98) (Installed)++ 397 - The Forgotten Shields - HighRes Texture for Eleidons Ward-13707.7z (42CD4EDB) (Installed)++ 398 - The Forgotten Shields Voice Pack Update-13707.rar (122E713F) (Installed)++ 399 - Gates to Aesgaard - Episode One-13814.7z (D0757A3F) (Installed)++ 400 - Gates to Aesgaard - Episode Two-431494.7z (E75A57D1) (Installed)-- 401 - GTA Episode 2 Delayer-21693.7z (D47AE12E) (Not Installed)++ 402 - Gift of Kynareth (Deluxe Edition)-7825.zip (86321268) (Installed)++ 403 - PyFFI-Optimized Gift of Kynareth Meshes.7z (3C3B6297) (Installed)++ 404 - Gift of Kyraneth - Armour of Morihaus overhaul-7825.7z (F71C7471) (Installed)++ 405 - PyFFI-Optimized GoK Armour Meshes.7z (2F33FAA2) (Installed)++ 406 - The Heart of the Dead-21176.7z (A5970B21) (Installed)-- 407 - RBP-HoD Patch-32932.7z (BE9573F3) (Not Installed)++ 408 - HOD - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (05A9EE81) (Installed)++ 409 - Integration - The Stranded Light-22320.7z (9BF09285) (Installed)++ 410 - PyFFI-Optimized Integration TSL Meshes.7z (E9DC5032) (Installed)++ 411 - Integration TSL - Alternative NPC Faces by LazyMonk.7z (91A0278D) (Installed)-- 412 - Knights of the White Stallion-6623.rar (594FDB5C) (Not Installed)-- 413 - Kragenir's Death Quest-26219.7z (DD3EDAFE) (Not Installed)-- 414 - Kvatch Rebuilt-15412.7z (63F1AEFB) (Not Installed)-- 415 - Kvatch Rebuilt Grammar Patch-33330.zip (99E9B2FF) (Not Installed)-- 416 - Kvatch Rebuilt Weather Patch-16544.7z (F3859DCE) (Not Installed)-- 417 - PyFFI-Optimized KR Meshes.7z (3D1654E1) (Not Installed)-- 418 - Kvatch Rebuilt Castle Makeover-23566.rar (89D1C577) (Not Installed)-- 419 - Lost Paladins of the Divines-10505.7z (5D815F79) (Not Installed)-- 420 - PyFFI-Optimized Lost Paladins Meshes.7z (D9FD818D) (Not Installed)-- 421 - LPotD Add-on Replacement Pack-31063.7z (8E8E6951) (Not Installed)-- 422 - LPotD Replacers-31063.rar (26CB7BE6) (Not Installed)++ 423 - The Lost Spires v14.7z (B3E9FA3C) (Installed)++ 424 - PyFFI-Optimized The Lost Spires Meshes.7z (4F6A5F73) (Installed)-- 425 - Malevolent-17781.7z (E70D8102) (Not Installed)-- 426 - Malevolent - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (FA4D8711) (Not Installed)-- 427 - Mighty Umbra-13398.rar (D0ADE027) (Not Installed)++ 428 - The Mysteries of the Dulan Cult v1.3-7663.7z (630B4DB0) (Installed)++ 429 - The Mysteries of the Dulan Cult - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (BAFB5559) (Installed)++ 430 - The Naked Nord-6406.7z (20E08AA2) (Installed)-- 431 - Origin of the Mages Guild 5.1.7z (20CA4449) (Not Installed)++ 432 - Origin of the Mages Guild 6.5.7z (C8314D7D) (Installed)++ 433 - OMG - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (A3AEEA00) (Installed)-- 434 - The Oubliette-28105.zip (7AEB8C14) (Not Installed)++ 435 - Runied Tail's Tale-3027.7z (AB072B6F) (Installed)++ 436 - RTT - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (5CEAC935) (Installed)-- 437 - Saphirias Romance DV.7z (EE8E7DFF) (Not Installed)-- 438 - Saphiria's Romance and the Djinnis Chamber EV-25530.7z (9C3B89B1) (Not Installed)-- 439 - Sentient Weapon II-22226.zip (5C8DB0CA) (Not Installed)++ 440 - Tears of the Fiend 1.2.2-11598.7z (DC9E624C) (Installed)++ 441 - ToTF - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (80BF56EA) (Installed)-- 442 - TOTF Delayer-25346.rar (0FC0C405) (Not Installed)-- 443 - Thievery in the Imperial City-5156.rar (50868802) (Not Installed)-- 444 - Thievery - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (4099DF7A) (Not Installed)-- 445 - Thieves Arsenal - Odd Jobs v1.5-9655.7z (FA3F4FAA) (Not Installed)-- 446 - Thieves Arsenal - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (76E5A6FC) (Not Installed)++ 447 - Underdark-23153.7z (4E2C723D) (Installed)-- 448 - Thieves Arsenal Compatibility Patch-9655.zip (06059FC5) (Not Installed)++ 449 - PyFFI-Optimized Underdark Meshes.7z (142DD973) (Installed)++ 450 - Underdark - Unique Robes-20498.rar (123BBC2E) (Installed)++ 451 - Ungarions Memoirs 1 - The Wellkynd Sword v1.5-4969.rar (CB79713B) (Installed)++ 452 - Verona House Bloodlines-14601.7z (1B36FCAA) (Installed)++ 453 - PyFFI-Optimized Verona House Bloodlines Meshes.7z (42002692) (Installed)++ 454 - VHBloodlinesFixed+OCSupport.7z (1BF67B8B) (Installed)-- 455 - Weapons of The Fallen Heroes-7633.rar (F0141888) (Not Installed)-- 456 - VeronaHouse.7z (9B59D693) (Not Installed)-- 457 - Windfall-21989.zip (1A535560) (Not Installed)++ 458 - Quest Delayers-25859.zip (1ED71B5D) (Installed)459 - ==OVERHAULS (GROUP I)==++ 460 - Fran 4.5 beta.7z (20CF44C8) (Installed)-- 461 - FraNewItems Optimized BSA.7z (DB1D282F) (Not Installed)-- 462 - FranNewCrea Optimized BSA.7z (04D3A28F) (Not Installed)++ 463 - PyFFI-Optimized Francesco's New Items Meshes.7z (56F8AD32) (Installed)++ 464 - PyFFI-Optimized Francesco's New Creatures Meshes.7z (41AC9CA5) (Installed)++ 465 - Robert F - Fran Armor-26551.7z (890D29B8) (Installed)++ 466 - Robert M - Fran Armor (Muscular)-15097.7z (3444DC75) (Installed)++ 467 - Fran Patches-17621.7z (7867E3BB) (Installed)++ 468 - Cyrodiil Upgrade Resource Pack.7z (B060AB7C) (Installed)++ 469 - PyFFI-Optimized CURP Meshes.7z (5FE35D46) (Installed)++ 470 - Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul 1.33-15256.7z (0ECC5411) (Installed)++ 471 - Optimized OOO 133 Meshes-23202.7z (B61582B5) (Installed)-- 472 - OOO 1.33 Complete.7z (FD376E37) (Not Installed)++ 473 - Oscuro's Oblivion Overhual 1.34 Beta Patch 5-15256.7z (29448AB5) (Installed)++ 474 - Optimized OOO 133b345 Meshes-24511.7z (FE2EEE99) (Installed)++ 475 - Robert F - OOO Armor-26551.7z (C498746D) (Installed)++ 476 - Robert M - OOO Armor (Muscular)-14984.7z (533DB61E) (Installed)-- 477 - OOO Worn Armor Rebalance for LE-18169.rar (2DA7A59F) (Not Installed)++ 478 - OOO-Better Priced Clutter-29633.7z (103F98E7) (Installed)-- 479 - Shivering OOO-12061.zip (57EFA4E7) (Not Installed)-- 480 - Geomancy & Gem Dust-21102.zip (BC3F755E) (Not Installed)-- 481 - Mage Equipment for OOO-20728.zip (71572CB5) (Not Installed)-- 482 - PyFFI-Optimized Mage Equipment for OOO Meshes.7z (94EC40CD) (Not Installed)++ 483 - Oblivion WarCry.7z (F4BD5CD1) (Installed)-- 484 - Oblivion WarCry 1.09.7z (9F1F8697) (Not Installed)-- 485 - Oblivion WarCry EV.7z (3E0D9A3B) (Not Installed)-- 486 - Oblivion WarCry EV (BSA).7z (3E0D9A3B) (Not Installed)++ 487 - PyFFI-Optimized Oblivion WarCry Meshes.7z (EB42FAF2) (Installed)488 - ==CREATURE DIVERSITY==-- 489 - AliveWaters-6914.rar (C8E00FE1) (Not Installed)-- 490 - As Intended - Boars and Imps-31297.zip (173BF986) (Not Installed)-- 491 - Maigret's House Cats-24098.7z (06F1BB4E) (Not Installed)-- 492 - Maigrets House Cats.7z (6365C63A) (Not Installed)-- 493 - PyFFI-Optimized House Cats Meshes.7z (395A3986) (Not Installed)++ 494 - Personal Pack Guar-20358.7z (4E585A7C) (Installed)++ 495 - Slof's Dogs.7z (29A1992F) (Installed)++ 496 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Dogs Meshes.7z (D8202DA4) (Installed)++ 497 - Slof's Horses-24312.7z (3EFC924F) (Installed)++ 498 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Horses Meshes.7z (8B1B0AC6) (Installed)++ 499 - Slof's Horses Extra Pack 1-24312.7z (653BDC26) (Installed)++ 500 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Extra Horses Meshes.7z (E735B1C2) (Installed)-- 501 - Mart's Monster Mod 3.7 beta3-17784.7z (93C3117C) (Not Installed)-- 502 - MMM 3.7 beta3 BSA.7z (61965A13) (Not Installed)++ 503 - MMM 3.7 beta3-17784.7z (FDB3E6E1) (Installed)-- 504 - MMM PYFII Optimized Meshes-17784.7z (6F8309BC) (Not Installed)++ 505 - Robert F - MMM Armor-26551.7z (84395E66) (Installed)++ 506 - Robert M - MMM Armor (Muscular)-15096.7z (1E8FED6D) (Installed)-- 507 - MMM37b5MWL.7z (84723409) (Not Installed)-- 508 - MMM - DLCHorseArmor Slof's Complete patch-22771.7z (707F5582) (Not Installed)++ 509 - MMMDiverseWaterLifeUpdate.7z (5FDE93E5) (Installed)510 - ==OVERHAULS (GROUP II)==++ 511 - Common Oblivion-21104.7z (BFECAEE3) (Installed)++ 512 - PyFFI-Optimized COBL Meshes.7z (CD80DF0F) (Installed)++ 513 - FCOM Convergence.7z (98D7C9BB) (Installed)++ 514 - FCOM - Entropic Order Rebalance.7z (8F4AEDB6) (Installed)++ 515 - FCOM - Ghost Sound Fix-26897.zip (AA3A44AA) (Installed)-- 516 - FCOM Archery - Armamentarium Complete.7z (2450E0C5) (Not Installed)++ 517 - FCOM Archery (AC74DB93) (Installed)++ 518 - FCOM Archery - FCOM RealSwords 2.7z (FBC5FF2C) (Installed)-- 519 - FCOM Bobs Armory Oblivion BSA.7z (16D28D2B) (Not Installed)++ 520 - UFCOM.7z (62B956CB) (Installed)-- 521 - UFCOM BSA.7z (AFA04003) (Not Installed)522 - ==UNIQUE LANDSCAPES==++ 523 - UL - Ancient Yews and Arrius Creek Patch-16818.7z (E433DF5B) (Installed)++ 524 - UL - Ancient Yews-11458.7z (37F1FFDD) (Installed)++ 525 - UL - Arrius Creek-16818.7z (01513E8E) (Installed)++ 526 - UL - Aspen Wood-28763.7z (921ADC4E) (Installed)++ 527 - UL - Beaches of Cyrodiil - Lost Coast-14720.7z (FA355C33) (Installed)++ 528 - UL - Blackwood Forest-25799.7z (39936638) (Installed)++ 529 - UL - Bravil Barrowfields-20426.7z (068EBA96) (Installed)++ 530 - UL - Brena River Ravine-23573.7z (625419E4) (Installed)-- 531 - UL - Brena River Ravine-31939.rar (65BDE1E6) (Not Installed)++ 532 - UL - Cheydinhal Falls-27494.7z (4CB1C17D) (Installed)++ 533 - UL - Chorrol Hinterland-11189.7z (D7FCACA6) (Installed)++ 534 - UL - Cloudtop Mountains-16677.7z (9A002649) (Installed)++ 535 - UL - Colovian Highlands-15511.7z (0BEDF692) (Installed)-- 536 - UL - Entius Gorge and Arrius Creek LOD Mesh-16818.7z (1F4B5069) (Not Installed)++ 537 - UL - Entius Gorge-7037.7z (E6B71A29) (Installed)++ 538 - UL - Fallenleaf Everglade-17562.7z (F32544B0) (Installed)++ 539 - UL - Imperial Isle-9531.7z (1E0A7B3F) (Installed)-- 540 - UL - Panther River-20332.zip (E64756A8) (Not Installed)++ 541 - UL - Panther River-20332.7z (9B75A6AA) (Installed)++ 542 - UL - River Ethe-17330.7z (E3375CC7) (Installed)-- 543 - UL - Rolling Hills and Arrius Creek LOD mesh-16818.7z (FC329587) (Not Installed)-- 544 - PyFFI-Optimized UL RH+AC Meshes.7z (4CB43F00) (Not Installed)++ 545 - UL - Rolling Hills-10768.7z (D00AFADF) (Installed)-- 546 - UL - Snowdale-33125.7z (1716C307) (Not Installed)++ 547 - UL - Skingrad Outskirts-29948.7z (177C0C0C) (Installed)++ 548 - UL - Stendarr Valley-7054.rar (DBE16D63) (Installed)++ 549 - UL - The Dark Forest-11162.7z (79E405D9) (Installed)-- 550 - Menu Video Replacement - 1920x1080 DarkUI-33713.7z (A95ECD02) (Not Installed)-- 551 - Menu Video Replacement - 1920x1080-33690.7z (1F5DD79D) (Not Installed)-- 552 - Simple HUD Clock-31431.zip (9AAA5E0B) (Not Installed)++ 553 - UL - The Great Forest - Ancient Redwoods-11163.7z (85C50DD9) (Installed)++ 554 - UL - The Great Forest - Lush Woodland-11164.7z (6C5C3EF5) (Installed)++ 555 - UL - The Heath-11165.7z (571EBD56) (Installed)++ 556 - UL Patches-13834.7z (CC52B637) (Installed)557 - ==CITY & WORLD AESTHETICS==++ 558 - All Natural-18305.7z (00000000) (Installed)++ 559 - All_Natural_0-9-9_Fix_Pack_v2-18305.7z (935D86D2) (Installed)-- 560 - All Natural Fix Pack-18305.7z (04E20CDC) (Not Installed)-- 561 - Ambient Dungeons-18385.7z (CF6AFA93) (Not Installed)-- 562 - Atmospheric Weather System-6730.zip (ADA83EDD) (Not Installed)++ 563 - Better Cities-16513.7z (C836D38E) (Installed)++ 564 - Better Cities Resources-16513.7z (A3FC3879) (Installed)-- 565 - Better Cities 4-5-2b-16513.7z (1FA1466D) (Not Installed)-- 566 - Better Cities Resources A-16513.7z (3EA34DD8) (Not Installed)-- 567 - Better Cities Resources B-16513.7z (00000000) (Not Installed)-- 568 - Better Cities Resources BSA (ECBBC52B) (Not Installed)++ 569 - Animated Window Lighting System - Meshes-19628.7z (BC447862) (Installed)-- 570 - AWLS - Brumbek Mixed Textures-19628.7z (55868814) (Not Installed)-- 571 - AWLS - Grey Textures-19628.7z (2DFC0212) (Not Installed)++ 572 - AWLS - Illumination Within Textures-19628.7z (616DD5C3) (Installed)-- 573 - AWLS - Texian Textures-19628.7z (20E89479) (Not Installed)-- 574 - Cathedral Improver Stained Glass-8227.7z (BF0C054C) (Not Installed)-- 575 - Cities Alive At Night-11434.rar (5DAB7953) (Not Installed)-- 576 - City Life-11351.7z (49B51DD1) (Not Installed)++ 577 - Clocks of Cyrodiil-11778.7z (D179B0E8) (Installed)++ 578 - PyFFI-Optimized CoC Meshes.7z (57A5A998) (Installed)++ 579 - Clocks of Cyrodiil Texture Replacer by SNG-20530.rar (3E7ABDD8) (Installed)-- 580 - Cosmic Sky Cycling-21945.7z (C11FECE5) (Not Installed)++ 581 - Cyrodiil Inns Revised-29333.7z (A247AD6E) (Installed)++ 582 - Cyrodiil Inns Revised - Patch for CoC-29333.rar (F7B0EF9B) (Installed)-- 583 - Darker Dungeons-8802.7z (225E3B0C) (Not Installed)-- 584 - Dousing the Flames-3974.zip (F7BBD90F) (Not Installed)++ 585 - Enhanced Vegetation - HighRez Textures-23783.7z (57D0CD8B) (Installed)++ 586 - Enhanced Vegetation - Plugins-23783.7z (137404C0) (Installed)++ 587 - Enhanced Water-8011.7z (33D2B4AE) (Installed)++ 588 - Enhanced Water - SI (HD) v2.0-17345.7z (6707581C) (Installed)-- 589 - Enhanced Water v2.0 HDMI-23064.zip (DF786CBE) (Not Installed)-- 590 - Enhanced Weather-16544.7z (CF7D5BF8) (Not Installed)-- 591 - Enhanced Weather Hi-Rez Textures-16544.7z (404577BE) (Not Installed)-- 592 - Enhanced Weather Update-16544.7z (5204E625) (Not Installed)-- 593 - Enhanced Weather Patches-16544.7z (44F13379) (Not Installed)-- 594 - HDR DefaultVariance - VeryDarkLuminosity.7z (3B64EDFA) (Not Installed)-- 595 - ImpeREAL City Unique Districts - All Merged-19589.rar (51D54053) (Not Installed)-- 596 - ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Forts - Bouayard and Ordeal-22965.rar (82789E57) (Not Installed)-- 597 - Lost Spires ImpeREAL Forts Patch-27558.7z (79483500) (Not Installed)-- 598 - Josef Grey's Natural Starlight-24212.zip (3B27EF3A) (Not Installed)++ 599 - Kvatch Reclaimed-30511.7z (187BF26F) (Installed)-- 600 - Kvatch Rising.7z (6CCD2C83) (Not Installed)-- 601 - PyFFI-Optimized Kvatch Rising Meshes.7z (7DEC9F01) (Not Installed)-- 602 - Let There Be Darkness-22819.7z (81308B01) (Not Installed)++ 603 - Let There Be More Darkness-29692.7z (540094FC) (Installed)-- 604 - Lost Chapel-29580.7z (2B72B5FF) (Not Installed)++ 605 - More Immersive Sound Edited-19038.7z (ECEEFF64) (Installed)-- 606 - Natural Environments-2536.7z (EC55655A) (Not Installed)-- 607 - New Roads and Bridges-20218.7z (2087DA83) (Not Installed)-- 608 - NRB - Forgotton Shields Patch-20218.7z (5AA95D49) (Not Installed)-- 609 - NRB - Shadowcrest Vineyard Patch-20218.7z (8EEC0435) (Not Installed)-- 610 - NRB UL Imperial Isle Patch-20218.7z (BCC0543A) (Not Installed)-- 611 - New Roads and Bridges - UL Patch-20218.7z (675DFFDA) (Not Installed)-- 612 - RedBag - Fog-33424.rar (694FDFF4) (Not Installed)-- 613 - ScreenEffects 1.0-16323.rar (0AAB5A43) (Not Installed)-- 614 - Sfon DeltaNovus' LOD Fog-25052.zip (08C4F6AF) (Not Installed)++ 615 - Storms & Sound-8711.7z (DAC42E2F) (Installed)-- 616 - ScreenEffects-16323.rar (0AAB5A43) (Not Installed)-- 617 - Screen Effects Blur change minimum ENG-26787.7z (3169E634) (Not Installed)++ 618 - Storms & Sound Patches-8711.7z (FC9AC476) (Installed)-- 619 - Storms and Sound Patches-8711.7z (CBB2D2E4) (Not Installed)-- 620 - Trails of Cyrodiil-25839.rar (CA9C0F32) (Not Installed)-- 621 - Window Lighting Gothic Medieval-26406.rar (7D28A54A) (Not Installed)-- 622 - West Roads-29523.7z (5E66D4EE) (Not Installed)623 - ==USER INTERFACE==-- 624 - Custom Spell Icons-26196.zip (00B2AD61) (Not Installed)++ 625 - Cyrodiiil Terrain Map v2.5-2634.rar (10CA4276) (Installed)-- 626 - Dark UI - Less Annoying Magic Experience.7z (751B02CB) (Not Installed)++ 627 - Dark UI - The Lost Spires.zip (721725F0) (Installed)-- 628 - Dark UI - Video Replacements.7z (CB3B9BD2) (Not Installed)++ 629 - Dark UI 2.40-1962.7z (87C38076) (Installed)++ 630 - Dark UI KotN Factions-9341.7z (C99B4751) (Installed)++ 631 - Dark UI - Malevolent Loading Screens-17969.rar (00EDAC65) (Installed)++ 632 - Dark UI Loading Screens for TOTF-17363.7z (12520719) (Installed)++ 633 - Dark UI Loading Screens-4256.7z (10D3D6EA) (Installed)++ 634 - Dark UI Persuasion Gizmo-9886.7z (BA51C2B5) (Installed)++ 635 - Dark UI SI Loading Screens-18909.7z (733B0C31) (Installed)-- 636 - Dark UI Loading Screens SI-10104.zip (8723CB70) (Not Installed)++ 637 - Dark UI Supplemental Pack-6795.7z (DAA49EA1) (Installed)++ 638 - Atmospheric Dark UI Loading Screens v3.55-8958.7z (0E1465BA) (Installed)-- 639 - Atmospheric Dark UI Loading Screens-8958.7z (DE8982A3) (Not Installed)++ 640 - DarNified UI-22170.7z (FEA185A1) (Installed)++ 641 - EE Auto Haggle Menus-25078.7z (2D03C170) (Installed)-- 642 - Elven Map Redux-3002.rar (9895E18B) (Not Installed)-- 643 - Elven Map Redux-3002.7z (9895E18B) (Not Installed)-- 644 - Floydian1 Scenic Loading Screens-29561.7z (9DE32BF8) (Not Installed)-- 645 - Floydian1 Loading Screens - Dragons-26360.7z (99F92555) (Not Installed)++ 646 - Immersive Interface-4109.7z (A5AD04E3) (Installed)++ 647 - Dark UI - Immersive Interface 2.40.7z (6FA920C4) (Installed)++ 648 - Keychain-3409.7z (04B8401A) (Installed)++ 649 - Super Hotkeys-22326.zip (88D642E8) (Installed)++ 650 - Dialog Buttons-9149.7z (88D9AA92) (Installed)-- 651 - Quest Log Manager-32266.rar (5C9CE611) (Not Installed)-- 652 - STHotkeys-30673.zip (F996D0B7) (Not Installed)++ 653 - Toggleable Quantity Prompt-12859.zip (363211C1) (Installed)-- 654 - Torch Hotkey-31760.zip (7FB45DDE) (Not Installed)++ 655 - Map Marker Overhaul-26389.rar (B0F4743B) (Installed)-- 656 - Map Markers-2874.rar (D0304D90) (Not Installed)-- 657 - Main Menu Loading Screen Replacement - To Oblivion-26353.7z (55A34C36) (Not Installed)-- 658 - Menu Video - Calm Waters-14237.7z (60B1329B) (Not Installed)-- 659 - Menu Video - Dramatic Main Menu Video-20373 Copy.7z (FE8050A9) (Not Installed)-- 660 - Menu Video - Sunrise Sunset-22305.7z (DAAE36A4) (Not Installed)++ 661 - Menu Video - The Glory of Cyrodiil-15914.7z (E4CF314D) (Installed)-- 662 - Menu Video - Timelapse Sunrise (with proper fade)-19354.7z (71EC8096) (Not Installed)++ 663 - No Levelup Menu.7z (BB0A650D) (Installed)-- 664 - Oblivion Gate Map Marker Remover-9151.zip (4CFE0A83) (Not Installed)++ 665 - Shivering Isles Terrain Map-10292.rar (D71CCF33) (Installed)666 - ==TEXTURE REPLACERS==-- 667 - EDialog-28379.7z (80938E08) (Not Installed)++ 668 - Enhanced Economy-25078.rar (4BD99A2D) (Installed)++ 669 - Less Annoying Magic Experience.7z (371BAB83) (Installed)++ 670 - nGCD-14065.zip (429F51FB) (Installed)++ 671 - nGCD - Skeleton Key-14065.zip (D80A3E21) (Installed)-- 672 - Reneer's Dialog Mod-23793.zip (A5634AFA) (Not Installed)++ 673 - Bomret's Detailed Normal Maps (Vanilla)-18430.7z (93950EE6) (Installed)++ 674 - Detailed Terrain Beta II-15245.7z (8B468AA8) (Installed)++ 675 - Bomret's Texture Pack - Shivering Isles.7z (4C957AC7) (Installed)-- 676 - Alluring Potion Bottles-33531.zip (76A1CD41) (Not Installed)-- 677 - Amel's Emperor Robes-24070.7z (7EEF3981) (Not Installed)++ 678 - Armor and Clothing Redone-27414.7z (563BE7CE) (Installed)-- 679 - Arrow Replacement Pack-9051.rar (3083BE74) (Not Installed)++ 680 - ATP - Blackwood-28500.7z (5F34B9C1) (Installed)++ 681 - ATP - Bones-OBcT-28376.7z (AD3331B3) (Installed)++ 682 - ATP - Colovian Highlands-28637.7z (E278A85D) (Installed)++ 683 - ATP - Gold Coast-28383.7z (FEDADA25) (Installed)++ 684 - ATP - Great Grasses-28682.7z (E6CA5C68) (Installed)-- 685 - ATP - Leyawiin Swamp-26893.7z (8DC170D7) (Not Installed)++ 686 - ATP - Lower Class Cups and Bowls-28808.7z (602819AB) (Installed)++ 687 - ATP - Medieval Book Textures-27527.7z (5B561C5D) (Installed)++ 688 - ATP - Roads-28683.7z (DC708118) (Installed)-- 689 - Beaming Sunglare v1.1-16533.zip (9E70696E) (Not Installed)-- 690 - Better Beer Bottles-4574.zip (DDECA0A5) (Not Installed)-- 691 - Better Coins-19629.7z (FB295848) (Not Installed)-- 692 - Better Coins - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (D03C3A91) (Not Installed)-- 693 - Better Meat - Hammy McHamham edition-17869.7z (509F9C69) (Not Installed)-- 694 - Better Oblivion Barrels - 432.zip (1861F0E9) (Not Installed)-- 695 - Better Silverware-27825.7z (98A77F98) (Not Installed)-- 696 - Better Sun-4178.7z (7CA1768A) (Not Installed)++ 697 - Better Horse Eyes-2808.zip (5D12ADD6) (Installed)++ 698 - PyFFI-Optimized Better Horse Eyes Meshes.7z (FE85A6B7) (Installed)++ 699 - Better Letters-5392.7z (732C715C) (Installed)++ 700 - Better Night Sky-2234.7z (E20B81A0) (Installed)-- 701 - Better Potion Bottles.zip (3E649AB4) (Not Installed)++ 702 - Better Staff Textures-3646.rar (E1AE6FAE) (Installed)-- 703 - Book Jackets (HighRez)-5570.7z (9CCA7507) (Not Installed)-- 704 - PyFFI-Optimized Book Jackets Meshes.7z (87FF60A4) (Not Installed)-- 705 - Book Jackets - Rob B's Mysterium Xarxes-6978.7z (DAEA6AF2) (Not Installed)-- 706 - Book Jackets KotN-27521.zip (C2EC35AE) (Not Installed)-- 707 - Bronze Spellbreaker-11122.rar (CFCCF675) (Not Installed)++ 708 - BTQ Landscape Lods-7212.7z (8FD0B82F) (Installed)++ 709 - Cali Female Finery Textures-26850.7z (029589D6) (Installed)-- 710 - Classic Sword Replcers-11451.7z (7559D74F) (Not Installed)++ 711 - Cobl Book Jackets-24890.rar (F46DDD1C) (Installed)++ 712 - Coloured Enemy Health-3774.rar (FEC093E2) (Installed)-- 713 - Cropped Hair REDONE-27814.7z (8D3F42F2) (Not Installed)-- 714 - Crystal Glass Retexture-3114.7z (CCA33AAD) (Not Installed)-- 715 - Dall's Rings n Amulets-16259.7z (95ACEF35) (Not Installed)-- 716 - Darker Ruins and Dungeons-14950.rar (99B495AE) (Not Installed)-- 717 - Deathb0rn's Modified Qarl's LOD Normal Maps-32709.7z (F6F0A310) (Not Installed)-- 718 - Dragon Templar Retexture-31961.rar (C9B52986) (Not Installed)-- 719 - Dragon Templare Retexture (Alternate)-31961.rar (F076B811) (Not Installed)-- 720 - Enhanced Daedric Artifacts Normal Maps-263.rar (55C493F2) (Not Installed)-- 721 - Enhanced Daedric Normal Maps-242.rar (728257A3) (Not Installed)-- 722 - Enhanced Dwarven Normal Maps-246.rar (72C569B1) (Not Installed)-- 723 - Enhanced Ebony Normal Maps-249.rar (5BB4B46F) (Not Installed)++ 724 - Enhanced Glass & Elven Normal Maps-251.rar (EEA8734E) (Installed)-- 725 - Enhanced Madness Normal Maps-273.rar (A0C8E409) (Not Installed)++ 726 - Enhanced Spellbreaker Normal Map-255.rar (F831D910) (Installed)-- 727 - Enhanced Spell Breaker Normal Map-29076.rar (F831D910) (Not Installed)-- 728 - Espless Book Replacer-29358.7z (5B7017E1) (Not Installed)-- 729 - ESPless Book Replacer - Better Book Collision Patch-29358.7z (CD78E997) (Not Installed)-- 730 - Evandar's Snow Texture Replacer-22284.7z (69D51B77) (Not Installed)-- 731 - Fearabbit's Better Goldware-27825.7z (47D53437) (Not Installed)-- 732 - FineWeapons and RustyItems for OOO-13302.7z (ECBE96B1) (Not Installed)-- 733 - Forge New Textures-30555.7z (99E9D963) (Not Installed)++ 734 - FineWeapons-7317.rar (07CD4CE6) (Installed)++ 735 - PyFFI-Optimized Fine Weapons Meshes.7z (BF30E592) (Installed)++ 736 - Glass Armor & Weapon Retex.7z (F6E455DA) (Installed)++ 737 - Graqe Texture Change-4195.7z (45C5B155) (Installed)-- 738 - Gold Goldbrand-11100.rar (72CDB80B) (Not Installed)++ 739 - Grimbot's Book Jackets-16247.7z (DE0CF7B9) (Installed)++ 740 - PyFFI-Optimized Grimbot's Book Jackets Meshes.7z (04C44E96) (Installed)-- 741 - Hammerfist Shiny Gold-5629.zip (134A2459) (Not Installed)-- 742 - PyFFI-Optimized Hammerfist's Gold Meshes.7z (22AA6DF7) (Not Installed)++ 743 - High Resolution Hay Bail Textures-27138.7z (CBB14A27) (Installed)-- 744 - HiRes Iron Armor-30386.7z (3102BA49) (Not Installed)-- 745 - HiRes Oblivion Textures-27887.7z (172E521B) (Not Installed)-- 746 - HiRes Staffs-29412.7z (5901232A) (Not Installed)++ 747 - Improved Cave Normal Maps-26472.7z (8F72DB27) (Installed)-- 748 - Improved Thornblade Sheath-11102.rar (0600D475) (Not Installed)++ 749 - Improved Doors and Flora-8298.7z (E03D8408) (Installed)++ 750 - Improved Doors and Flora - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (C83D5F6D) (Installed)++ 751 - Improved Fruits, Vegetables and Meats-10487.7z (39759432) (Installed)++ 752 - Improved Fruits, Vegetables and Meat - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (A95D2D20) (Installed)++ 753 - Improved Signs-9498.7z (14EC691D) (Installed)++ 754 - Improved Signs - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (EFE0CDD0) (Installed)-- 755 - Improved Tapestries-12002.7z (99CC41C8) (Not Installed)++ 756 - Improved Trees and Flora-8500.7z (C55209F8) (Installed)++ 757 - Improved Trees and Flora 2-11891.7z (99BC555B) (Installed)++ 758 - Improved Trees and Flora 2 - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (34442E74) (Installed)-- 759 - Intoxicant Improvement-5297.7z (10CAE8F1) (Not Installed)-- 760 - Intoxicant Improvement - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (F4EF8FB1) (Not Installed)-- 761 - Jade Dishes-7693.rar (7AAB1F3C) (Not Installed)-- 762 - The Poor Man's Clutter-26933.rar (3BB94CC9) (Not Installed)++ 763 - Kafei's Better Amulet Replacer-4126.7z (4F9E1B7A) (Installed)++ 764 - PyFFI-Optimized Kafei's Amulet Replacer Meshes7z.7z (E7D6B5FF) (Installed)++ 765 - Kafei's Better Ring Replacer-4107.7z (4CBE7B70) (Installed)++ 766 - PyFFI-Optimized Kafei's Ring Replacer Meshes.7z (0970688C) (Installed)++ 767 - Koldorn's Alternate Auroran Texture (greenish)-9583.rar (BEDB1A6B) (Installed)++ 768 - Koldorn's Ayleid Ruins Textures-8277.zip (EA8F010A) (Installed)++ 769 - Koldorn's Cave Textures 2-9208.7z (C8AB3440) (Installed)-- 770 - Jazz JR's Skeleton Retexture-18977.rar (FA094FB3) (Not Installed)-- 771 - Koldorn's Cave Textures-8184.zip (CEF3D365) (Not Installed)++ 772 - Koldorn's LOD Noise Replacer-9952.7z (F15C44C4) (Installed)++ 773 - Koldorn's Sewer Textures 2-9080.7z (EB9DEE7B) (Installed)-- 774 - MEAT-14660.7z (F919BA95) (Not Installed)-- 775 - Mtgr Texture pack-30368.7z (088F0368) (Not Installed)-- 776 - Landscape LOD Normal Map Fix-2446.rar (64A1764E) (Not Installed)-- 777 - Landscape LOD Textures by Xerus-17300.7z (A7ACC8C6) (Not Installed)-- 778 - Mike's Clothes Replacer-7487.7z (54BC3916) (Not Installed)-- 779 - Mythic Animals High Res-29638.7z (AA74E6EF) (Not Installed)-- 780 - Mythic Creatures-29569.7z (09DD4847) (Not Installed)++ 781 - MZ Shields-10376.7z (73611438) (Installed)-- 782 - Night Sky - Fire & Ice-3787.7z (5CDF7A04) (Not Installed)-- 783 - Nine Divines Robes-24656.7z (319C8106) (Not Installed)-- 784 - Painted Paintings Textures-4047.zip (255D64C2) (Not Installed)-- 785 - Paul's Armor Retextures - Horse Armors-32837.rar (166119AD) (Not Installed)-- 786 - Paul's Armor Retextures - KOTN Textures-32837.rar (C5B0C5EE) (Not Installed)-- 787 - Paul's Armor Retextures - Madness Armor-32837.rar (E2C7ADDA) (Not Installed)-- 788 - Paul's Armor Retextures - SI-32837.rar (4FFE5E2F) (Not Installed)-- 789 - Paul's Armor Retexures 01-32837.rar (B16D59E8) (Not Installed)-- 790 - Paul's Armor Retexures 02-32837.rar (6FEAE379) (Not Installed)-- 791 - Paul's Armor Retexures 03-32837.rar (DB82D75E) (Not Installed)-- 792 - Paul's Armor Retexures 04-32837.rar (1560A08A) (Not Installed)-- 793 - Paul's Armor Rextures - Horse Armors-32837.rar (166119AD) (Not Installed)-- 794 - Paul's Clothing Retextures - Package 1-33322.rar (B7546CB3) (Not Installed)-- 795 - Paul's Clothing Retextures - SI-33322.rar (93FEFB10) (Not Installed)-- 796 - PK - LandscapeLOD Normals-27046.7z (DCAE4A52) (Not Installed)-- 797 - Qarl's LOD Smaller Uncompressed Normal Maps-26911.7z (012B30AD) (Not Installed)++ 798 - Real Lava v1.3-6854.zip (A6E09306) (Installed)++ 799 - Real Night Sky 2-16617.zip (0281F4A9) (Installed)++ 800 - Realistic Fire-25655.7z (3C921C5E) (Installed)-- 801 - Reduced LOD - BTQ 512.7z-11441.7z (B9ABA154) (Not Installed)++ 802 - Reduced LOD - QN512.7z-11441.7z (51B3F715) (Installed)++ 803 - RPG-BlackDragon's LowTriPoly Grass.7z (410F5BB4) (Installed)++ 804 - PyFFI-Optimized RPG-BD's LowTriPoly Grass Meshes.7z (6C092317) (Installed)++ 805 - RPG-BlackDragon's Trees.7z (88CD91AB) (Installed)-- 806 - RustyItems-7190.rar (057208F2) (Not Installed)-- 807 - PyFFI-Optimized Rusty Items Meshes.7z (2DC19A5B) (Not Installed)-- 808 - Shaja - Landscape LOD Textures (Border Regions)-2210.7z (8E19C19B) (Not Installed)-- 809 - Shaja - Landscape LOD Textures-2182.zip (D0A94F6B) (Not Installed)-- 810 - Sigil Stone Icon Fix-32724.rar (393AC2AA) (Not Installed)-- 811 - Slaughterfish Retexture-9343.7z (F9F0FB78) (Not Installed)-- 812 - Smaller and Better Looking Qarl LOD Normals-26911.7z (5BF120B9) (Not Installed)++ 813 - UC Furniture Retexture-6066.7z (821C1735) (Installed)++ 814 - PyFFI-Optimized UC Furniture Retex Meshes.7z (6735A82E) (Installed)++ 815 - Unique Signs-25314.zip (FC0A6D23) (Installed)++ 816 - VA's Better Gold-1826.7z (E336B270) (Installed)++ 817 - PyFFI-Optimized VA Gold Meshes.7z (B2C5B174) (Installed)++ 818 - Vanilla Hair Replacer-11954.7z (F0F70596) (Installed)819 - ==MISC REPLACERS==-- 820 - ALT Shack-15998.7z (F3A64847) (Not Installed)-- 821 - Atmospheric Music Pack-32608.7z (4EF8C245) (Not Installed)-- 822 - Audia Arcanum Footfalls of Heroism Expansion-20628.zip (B330C80F) (Not Installed)++ 823 - Benirus Manor Revisited-25611.7z (66D4EAC9) (Installed)++ 824 - PyFFI-Optimized Benirus Manor Revisited Meshes.7z (FBB2F86C) (Installed)-- 825 - Better Benirus Manor-18054.7z (BC093A3E) (Not Installed)-- 826 - Better Benirus Manor - PyFFI-Optimized Meshes.7z (A4BD182D) (Not Installed)-- 827 - Coronerra's Maximum Compatibility Skeletons-27945.7z (866BFD88) (Not Installed)++ 828 - Harvest Flora-2037.7z (9DD13311) (Installed)++ 829 - PyFFI-Optimized Harvest Flora Meshes.7z (77744A05) (Installed)-- 830 - Harvest Containers-3979.7z (0CAD0843) (Not Installed)-- 831 - Harvest Containers SI-3979.7z (A5E2C247) (Not Installed)++ 832 - Initial Glow-5138.rar (E03EBA12) (Installed)-- 833 - Initial Glow-5138.7z (E03EBA12) (Not Installed)++ 834 - Journal Mod v3.2.1-15294.zip (F1CAFE28) (Installed)-- 835 - Little Baron Flower Pot Makeover-33447.zip (88E4BBCE) (Not Installed)-- 836 - NieR Gestalt an Replicant Music Pack-32177.7z (A7247C63) (Not Installed)-- 837 - Non-Plastic Clouded Crystal Balls-20019.7z (9634558E) (Not Installed)-- 838 - RD Better Book Collision-16747.7z (F740A011) (Not Installed)-- 839 - RD Better Book Collision-16747.zip (F740A011) (Not Installed)-- 840 - RPG-BlackDragon's LowPolyTrees-33414.7z (9AA85BC1) (Not Installed)-- 841 - RPG-BlackDragon's LowTriPolyGrass-33403.7z (C5ADC3C6) (Not Installed)-- 842 - Qarl and Timeslip's Depth of Field-8771.zip (6A4D68B9) (Not Installed)++ 843 - Seph's Hand-to-Hand Animation Replacer-13051.7z (C8EC0F23) (Installed)-- 844 - Underwater Bubble FX-26715.7z (D922F96F) (Not Installed)++ 845 - Visually Enchanted Customizer Fixed-8490.7z (C4392CAE) (Installed)846 - ==RACES & COSMETICS==-- 847 - Body Seam Reducer-19738.rar (0F378394) (Not Installed)-- 848 - Capucine's Character Expansion-3934.7z (2825CB26) (Not Installed)-- 849 - COBL Cosmetic Resources-21104.7z (C1254BEC) (Not Installed)-- 850 - Chocolate Elves-18247.7z (C886A4C6) (Not Installed)-- 851 - Elves of Lineage II-12424.7z (68CE6041) (Not Installed)-- 852 - Enayla's Races for Head 06 New Normalmaps-33509.7z (6A538F77) (Not Installed)-- 853 - Enayla's Races for Head 06 Vol. 1-33509.7z (EA8F8544) (Not Installed)-- 854 - Enayla's Races for Head 06 Vol. 2-33598.7z (4CAFA90E) (Not Installed)-- 855 - Head06 Fixed TRI File-33683.7z (F312B665) (Not Installed)-- 856 - Mystic Darkelf-11750.7z (4341630C) (Not Installed)-- 857 - Moonshadow Elves-31288.rar (9CB881FE) (Not Installed)-- 858 - Moonshadow Elves - Facial Expression Fix-30707.7z (7EEE406E) (Not Installed)++ 859 - Ren's Beauty Pack-4431.7z (CCC4CECC) (Installed)-- 860 - Smooth Egt by CapsAdmin-21608.7z (B2EA6154) (Not Installed)++ 861 - Race Balancing Project - Installation Files.7z (FD601B18) (Installed)++ 862 - Race Balancing Project.7z (85D5F867) (Installed)-- 863 - Smooth Egt for Custom Races (Resource)-21608.zip (CC0D5435) (Not Installed)-- 864 - Smooth Egt for Vanilla Races (Resource)-21608.7z (90F8CB1C) (Not Installed)-- 865 - Sakura - Human Female Race-13530.rar (423C5604) (Not Installed)-- 866 - TGND-30914.7z (BD372531) (Not Installed)-- 867 - X Dark Elves-27174.7z (787594D2) (Not Installed)-- 868 - Xenius Race Compilation-29103.7z (7D77ED5F) (Not Installed)-- 869 - Nymia Save-27174.7z (92F18F2E) (Not Installed)870 - ==Robert's Mods==-- 871 - Robert's Female Body Replacer v1.2-15624.7z (BA3D5B27) (Not Installed)-- 872 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert Fem Meshes.7z (257D9995) (Not Installed)-- 873 - Robert's Blue Green Outfit Fixed-33308.zip (4C66C06A) (Not Installed)-- 874 - Robert's Female - Rough Leather Shoes fix-28975.7z (802B7BC4) (Not Installed)++ 875 - Robert F - ANB Cup Sizes-18764.7z (F0D66ECE) (Installed)++ 876 - Robert F - Shirt07-21473.7z (DBC3F1F1) (Installed)-- 877 - Robert's Male Body Replacer v4-14942.7z (7DC9ACC2) (Not Installed)++ 878 - Robert's Male Body Replacer v5 Beta-25365.7z (8C98E95E) (Installed)-- 879 - Robert's Male Average V5 Beta-27909.7z (9B1F9637) (Not Installed)-- 880 - Robert's Male Body v5 Beta-25365.7z (1B0FADA1) (Not Installed)++ 881 - Robert M - Arena Rainment Replacer-14271.7z (CA4F8439) (Installed)-- 882 - Robert v5 Average Clothing and Armor Replacer Fix-33488.7z (50B8CEA4) (Not Installed)-- 883 - Robert v5 Muscular Clothing and Armor Replacer Fix-33779.7z (DAA69A74) (Not Installed)-- 884 - Robert M - Arena Robes-30825.zip (0D3EA4E8) (Not Installed)++ 885 - Robert M - Argonian Skin 0.5-22844.7z (FA96EFAC) (Installed)-- 886 - Robert M - Dremora Texture -22234.7z (82857D67) (Not Installed)++ 887 - Robert M - Elegant Vests Meshes-16472.7z (4E87D779) (Installed)-- 888 - Robert M - Normal Map Replacer-19879.7z (7DB973CD) (Not Installed)-- 889 - Robert M - SI Clothing and Armor (Muscular)-14983.7z (DEB8847D) (Not Installed)++ 890 - Robert M - Slof's Seamless Dremora.7z (CF46D0BC) (Installed)-- 891 - Robert M - Stock Clothing and Armor (Muscular)-14982.7z (7170609D) (Not Installed)++ 892 - Robert M - Vermillion and Silverthorn Robes Meshes-16447.7z (EBD3D6D5) (Installed)-- 893 - Slof & Orc - Armours-24886.7z (7803815F) (Not Installed)-- 894 - Slof's Arena Rainments Redux-24988.7z (7A6D42F0) (Not Installed)-- 895 - Slof's Boners-24582.7z (6F19CFAE) (Not Installed)++ 896 - Slof's Boners v5-24582.7z (1BFD78B9) (Installed)++ 897 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert F - ANB Cup Sizes Meshes.7z (02D61272) (Installed)++ 898 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert F Fran Meshes.7z (4C6603BB) (Installed)++ 899 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert F MMM Meshes.7z (FDB2CA1E) (Installed)++ 900 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert F OOO Meshes.7z (4F7838B0) (Installed)-- 901 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert's Male v4 Meshes.7z (7739EA78) (Not Installed)++ 902 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert's Male v5 Meshes.7z (03BCFD74) (Installed)-- 903 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert's Male Average v5 Meshes.7z (A03CA39D) (Not Installed)++ 904 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M Arena Rainment Meshes.7z (174BA581) (Installed)++ 905 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M Fran Meshes.7z (F178CD10) (Installed)++ 906 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M Lost Paladins Meshes.7z (88641A91) (Installed)++ 907 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M MMM Meshes.7z (E0304A17) (Installed)++ 908 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M OOO Meshes.7z (EE2E8401) (Installed)-- 909 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M SI Meshes.7z (A7C26765) (Not Installed)-- 910 - PyFFI-Optimized Robert M Stock Meshes.7z (D8996DFE) (Not Installed)-- 911 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Arena Rainments Meshes.7z (689ED556) (Not Installed)-- 912 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Boners Meshes.7z (F8B73791) (Not Installed)++ 913 - PyFFI-Optimized Slof's Boners v5 Meshes.7z (21DFF0BB) (Installed)914 - ==BODY & FACE TEXTURES==-- 915 - Argonian Beautification Requirements-15469.7z (F6DA37F4) (Not Installed)-- 916 - Argonian Beautification Robert-15469.7z (DDB64AE9) (Not Installed)-- 917 - Argonian Beautification RobertFemale-15469.7z (DC47B96B) (Not Installed)-- 918 - BD - DAM Textures (Robert Female)-23226.7z (69D68548) (Not Installed)++ 919 - BD - Female Mystic Elf (Robert)-23215.7z (8E9843EC) (Installed)-- 920 - BD - Female Tattoed Bodies (Robert)-23213.7z (FF241CF2) (Not Installed)-- 921 - BD - Robert Female Mystic Elf-23215.7z (8E9843EC) (Not Installed)++ 922 - BD - Slof's Dremora (Robert Female)-23214.7z (A96B42B5) (Installed)-- 923 - BD - Slof's Giger Armor Retextured-23217.7z (8F3C400C) (Not Installed)-- 924 - BD - Tattooed Female Pack 1-23213.7z (B2011A0E) (Not Installed)-- 925 - BD - Tattooed Female Pack 2 (Robert)-23213.7z (2414FF8D) (Not Installed)-- 926 - BD - Tattooed Female Pack3 (Robert)-23213.7z (3D2A4418) (Not Installed)-- 927 - BD's Mystic Elf Female Textures (Robert F)-23215.7z (8BC5F087) (Not Installed)-- 928 - BD's Slof's Giger Armor Retexture.7z (12F28758) (Not Installed)-- 929 - BD's Tattooed Male (Robert)-23220.7z (87E1E9C1) (Not Installed)-- 930 - BD's Tattooed Male Pack 1 (Robert)-23220.7z (E2E83CE3) (Not Installed)-- 931 - BD66 Tribal Dunmer Male-23220.7z (04FFDD56) (Not Installed)-- 932 - Caps Admin PSD Resource-20166.7z (75B847DE) (Not Installed)++ 933 - Enayla - Dremora Face Texture-14839.rar (102A8A14) (Installed)-- 934 - Better Looking Redguards-31174.7z (3EDB6D58) (Not Installed)-- 935 - Enayla - Facial Textures-9534.7z (0B1D1BFF) (Not Installed)++ 936 - Enayla - New Face Textures-14805.7z (C8D009DD) (Installed)-- 937 - Head06 Replacer-20335.7z (F4638579) (Not Installed)-- 938 - Head06 Resource Update-20166.7z (28DE2F9D) (Not Installed)-- 939 - HGEC_Body_v1dot21-15802.7z (37153B99) (Not Installed)++ 940 - Improved Argonian Facial Textures-6611.zip (10EAB544) (Installed)++ 941 - Improved Facial Textures-5643.7z (171D7F49) (Installed)++ 942 - Kendo2 Orc Textures-30425.7z (3C85C5A6) (Installed)-- 943 - Khajiit Face Retexture-7930.rar (3F61EDA4) (Not Installed)-- 944 - Mystic Elf Body Texture for Exnem (from Ozmo's HiRez pack)-16691.7z (3CD15D54) (Not Installed)-- 945 - Mystic Elf Breeze Defined Normal Map-28545.7z (CC264E40) (Not Installed)-- 946 - Natural Males - Modded DDS files-24579.rar (98E81DFB) (Not Installed)-- 947 - Natural Males - Texture Replacer-24579.rar (59CD2207) (Not Installed)-- 948 - Natural Males-24579.zip (06CFED7A) (Not Installed)-- 949 - NPC Face Color Unlocker-10811.7z (A1AAC950) (Not Installed)-- 950 - Slof's Seamless Dremora Textures-26810.7z (BA7C1093) (Not Installed)-- 951 - SP Hair Pack Beta-30707.7z (4640AFFD) (Not Installed)952 - ==ORIGINAL FILES==-- 953 - Original Distantlod.7z (BF0C43EF) (Not Installed)-- 954 - Original Meshes.7z (ACED7DCD) (Not Installed)-- 955 - Original Music.7z (A2968FB1) (Not Installed)-- 956 - Original Shaders.7z (97CFE133) (Not Installed)-- 957 - Original SI DLOD.7z (4014EEAE) (Not Installed)-- 958 - Original SI Meshes.7z (B2581E4C) (Not Installed)-- 959 - Original SI Trees.7z (B165FD6F) (Not Installed)-- 960 - Original Trees.7z (DCE36A86) (Not Installed)-- 961 - Original Video.7z (3A320F1D) (Not Installed)962 - ==MY PACKAGES==-- 963 - Cleaned Plugins (E26A9627) (Not Installed)-- 964 - Cleaned Plugins 2010.7z (9592EF1C) (Not Installed)++ 965 - Cleaned Plugins 2010 (9592EF1C) (Installed)++ 966 - Merged Plugins (D255E398) (Installed)-- 967 - My Backups (42FE631D) (Not Installed)++ 968 - My Changes (116B094E) (Installed)++ 969 - My Faces (DA184A0B) (Installed)-- 970 - My INI settings (D9365B24) (Not Installed)-- 971 - My Patches (51F447B7) (Not Installed)-- 972 - My Plugins (B340436D) (Not Installed)
Edit: I just have this habit of downloading every visual enhancement that catches my eye, haha. It is not as if I do not have the space... ^____^ I think I am going to have to extended the partition on my Oblivion drive...
Edit: sfon's was release last summer...That's odd...
Edit: Nevermind, yup, RedBag's mod is the one I picked up after it was uploaded amidst the distant fog discussion here - http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1107267-distance-fog-mods/page__p__16216386__hl__god%20rays__fromsearch__1entry16216386