Guys guys guys, you really need to know that the dragons are what angels are to God. In this case, dragons are the angels of Alduin. And because it's the end, they are commanded to help bring about the end. Time does destroy all, whether it is in the blink of an eye or in the span of 5,000 years, it makes no difference. The end is coming, the time god known as Alduin to the nords, Auriel to the mer, and Akatosh to the Cyrodiils, will try once again to consume Mundus, with the aid of his angels.
dragons are suppose to be very rare akavir races...
:banghead: :facepalm: . No! No no no no no! That is wrong! There are Tamriellic dragons, and know this because Tiber was commanding them around during his reign, after plenty were driven out of Morrowind due to cliff racers out competing them, and there was the skeletal remains of one in Battlespire, which took place during TES1. The dragons are pretty much demi-gods, probably ranked around with Morihaus, the flying and talking bull, lover of the Slave Queen Alessia, nephew of Pelinal, and son of Kyne.
Also, the only information about Akavir is outdated and dubious at best. Also, the dragons at Akavir have been wiped out. The only one is the newly made dragon, Tosh Raka, but even then, the tiger who became a dragon may or may not have literally turned into a dragon.