small problem with birthsigns

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:25 am


I recently decided to start from a save i made from the sewers again (just before i leave the sewers), but the save was mod free, so when i load it all the mods load, thats fine of course. The problem is that when i want to change my birthsign, it "adds onto" the abilities of the bithsign already chosen. So for example, i've saved at the sewers with atronach birthsign, but now rbp has "changed" the birthsigns, if i choose atronach i will get double of everything, so my spell absorption becomes 100 etc. So i'm just wondering is there any way to "wipe out" the stats from the previous birthsigns in the save so that i can alter the birthsign without adding double bonuses to everything? I'm hoping i don't have to start before the sewers...again.....
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:56 pm

Please post your load order. The pros can't tell you what's wrong otherwise.
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Robyn Lena
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:29 am

don't think it matters...i explained it pretty well, unmodded saved game with an already chosen birthsign, loaded with mods including rbp, going to choose sign = choosing a "new" sign as altered by rbp, causes effects to add up, so i have duplicated effects. i just need some info regarding to how to possibly modify the save game so to delete the original birthsign effects so i only get 1 set of effects not 2.
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