[WIP] - The Weapon Smith

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:14 am

A small Mod I am working on, which will hopefully be released sometime soon :)

Name : The Weapon Smith
Author : CDM
Version : 0.9
Requirements : OBSE, Version. 18+

After many long years away, furthering his trade, Rohssan's husband has finally returned to the Imperial Province, resuming his rightful place at his wife's side, and offering
"A Fighting Chance's" customers a unique offer: for a fee, he will produce custom-weapons according to the customer's preferences. More expensive than typical weapons, but
isn't it worth a higher price for a truly unique piece?

"The Weapon Smith" adds a new Merchant to A Fighting Chance in the Imperial City Market District. When spoken to, this Mechant will allow the Player to custom-design a Weapon
from one of Oblivion's vanilla categories. The Player can choose the Material used to make the weapon (Iron, Steel, Silver, Dwarven, Elven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric) and the
Weapon Type (Battle Axe, Bow, Claymore, Dagger, Long Sword, Mace, Short Sword, War Axe, Warhammer). The Stats of these bespoke weapons can be customised prior to their
creation, allowing the Player to specify their Health, Damage Dealt, Reach and Speed.
Each Weapon Type and Material Type comes with its own base cost, and each modification to the weapon's Stats influences the Cost. Bespoke Weapons cost more than normal
weapons, but allow you to access the full range of Vanilla Weapon Types whenever you want, and allow you to modify your favourite weapons to suit your character.
Yes, it IS possible to create "God Weapons", but the high price entailed in making such a weapon should make this an inefficient way to do so.

Install -
1. Copy "The Weapon Smith.esp" to your Oblivion/Data Folder
2. Copy "The Weapon Smith.ini" to your Oblivion/Data Folder
3. Check "The Weapon Smith.esp" in your Data Files menu

Uninstall -
1. Delete "The Weapon Smith.esp" from your Oblivion/Data Folder
2. Delete "The Weapon Smith.ini" from your Oblivion/Data Folder

Updating -
1. You should be able to just copy the new .esp into your Oblivion/Data Folder, overwriting the old one.
2. However, it is RECOMMENDED that you Uninstall the old version first.
3. Forged Weapons should be retained.

Usage -
To visit the Weapon Smith, go to A Fighting Chance in the Imperial City, Market District.
You will find a new NPC there, The Weapon Smith. Talk to him, and he will explain his unique talents. From this point on, you will have three dialogue options:
- Replicate Weapon (Copy any existing Weapon, minus Enchantments)
- Forge Weapon (Make a new Weapon)
- A background Topic
When a Weapon is Forged or Replicated, there will be a waiting period until it is created. At this time, you will receive a Pop-Up, and the newly created Weapon will be placed

in a Chest in A Fighting Chance. (The Chest is located behind the Counter, at the Foot of the Stairs-- directly in front of you if you were going around the Counter to head


- Forging A Weapon
1. Go to the Weapon Smith.
2. Select "Forge Weapon"
3. Click "Name" and enter your Weapon's Name
4. Click "Weapon Type" to set your Weapon Type
5. Click "Material" to set your Material Type
6. Use the other options to tweak your Weapon.
7. Select "Reforge Last Weapon" to instantly set the Weapon States to the same as the last weapon forged. Note: This does not include the Weapon's name.
8. Click "Forge Weapon" to complete the Process.
9. Pick up your Weapon once you get the Pop-Up.

- Replicating a Weapon
1. Go to the Weapon Smith
2. Select "Replicate Weapon"
3. A Chest Window will open
4. Place the Weapon you wish to Replicate inside the Chest.
5. Close the Chest.
6. Confirm the Process
7. Pick up your Weapon once you get the Pop-Up.

- Known Issues
- The Weapon Smith will "Replicate" any item in Oblivion.

Update Log...
- Added Weapon Naming
- Added .ini file
- Added Quest Item Option
- Added Ignores Normal Weapons Resistance Option

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sam westover
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:57 pm

Awesome. That's a definate D/L when it's ready.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:25 am

Awesome. That's a definate D/L when it's ready.

Seconded =3
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darnell waddington
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:49 pm

This seems really neat and I'll have to download it when you finish it. You're always coming up with original ideas, CDM.
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:58 am

This is very good idea.

To make it must-have mod I think you should make Rohsann's husband able to do unenchanted replica with customizable stats from any weapon the player shows him.

1. A cool enchanted claymore won in one of the mod-added quests, let's say Mighty Umbra.
2. Player pays fee and negotiates stats of the replica he wants: as those of the original, OMOBS or 2xOMOBS for example.
3. Player puts the original in a special chest, comes after 3 days and gets his original weapon and its unenchanted replica.

If you can do this, I think you will fill a gap in the market I wanted to see gone for years.

Can you do this?
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The Time Car
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:44 am

Looks great!

I'll be downloading this one :)
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james reed
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:01 pm

This is very good idea.

To make it must-have mod I think you should make Rohsann's husband able to do unenchanted replica with customizable stats from any weapon the player shows him.

1. A cool enchanted claymore won in one of the mod-added quests, let's say Mighty Umbra.
2. Player pays fee and negotiates stats of the replica he wants: as those of the original, OMOBS or 2xOMOBS for example.
3. Player puts the original in a special chest, comes after 3 days and gets his original weapon and its unenchanted replica.

If you can do this, I think you will fill a gap in the market I wanted to see gone for years.

Can you do this?

Should be possible-- there are already Mods which remove enchantments, so it should be easy enough to copy the weapon and remove it, too :) The only issue is if the source Mod is uninstalled, since the needed textures/meshes will be gone-- but I can leave that for the Player (since if they uninstall, they probably don't like/want it, or can't use it with their other Mods, and have agreeded to sacrifice it's contents).
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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:35 pm

I like your ideas...but the god wepons...I ain't so happy about. Even if you jack up the price really really high...I just think god wepons don't belong in this game. Maybe that is just me!
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Mel E
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:12 pm

I like your ideas...but the god wepons...I ain't so happy about. Even if you jack up the price really really high...I just think god wepons don't belong in this game. Maybe that is just me!

I agree with Richard, I love the basic ideas of this mod, but maybe there should be a limit on the power level of a custom weapon. After all, is this guy supposed to be gifted from the Gods, or something to be able to forge and replicate Artifact-level weapons? Not to knock it or anything, just take time to consider how this mortal weapon smith fits into the current lore and is able to forge these "god-like" weapons, and you will probably have more people want to use it.

Well, besides the people who just say "KEWLz! I ken maiq uLtR@p0w3Rfulz weaponz?!? YES!! LULz!111!!1!!!" that is. :P
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:47 pm

Should be possible-- there are already Mods which remove enchantments, so it should be easy enough to copy the weapon and remove it, too :) The only issue is if the source Mod is uninstalled, since the needed textures/meshes will be gone-- but I can leave that for the Player (since if they uninstall, they probably don't like/want it, or can't use it with their other Mods, and have agreeded to sacrifice it's contents).

Well, if I use Sentient Weapon II, pay the weaponsmith for unenchanted replica and then uninstall the mod (god forbid!), I would just use the console to click on the weapon with now missing meshes and texture, type disable, press enter - done.
But meanwhile I can have the weapon with cool design and enchantment after my taste. So, if you think you can make this add-on work, by all means, go ahead.
I will be the first to download and the last to uninstall your mod.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:11 pm

I like your ideas...but the god wepons...I ain't so happy about. Even if you jack up the price really really high...I just think god wepons don't belong in this game. Maybe that is just me!

The simple resolution for this is not to have a "god weapon" created if you don't want them.

I'm sure there are players out there who might want a crazy weapon to run around with and cause chaos. The option is there for them, but there is also the option for players who don't want them to simply not create them.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:00 pm

Download Link : http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33183

Some Quick Things:
- This file is currently released as a "Proof of Concept/Feedback" version-- it still need a little polish to make it work perfectly (for example, Replicated Weapons are created instantly, as are forged weapons)
- Read Me is quite rough

Plans for the future...
- Better integration : Waiting Periods for Weapons
- Better Read Me

Hopes for this File...
- Feedback on General Idea
- Weapon Prices Feedback
- Suggestions

Well, that was easier than expected :)
New features added (for NEXT release, once I have some feed back)
- Three day Wait Period before you Acquire your new Weapons
- Can only Forge One Weapon at a Time (i.e., one every three days)
- Can only Replicate One Weapon at a Time (i.e., one every three days)
- Can have one Weapon being Forged, and One being Replicated at the same time, however.
- "Reforge Last Weapon" option-- instantly retrieve the Stats of the last weapon you made.

This should make things feel a little more real :)
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victoria gillis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:53 pm

That was fast :D
Your man is there, only problem is I have a few weapons I want replicas for, but they are quest items. First will have to install some No Quest Items mod (IIRC there was COBL or Wrye Bash option too) and try again.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:24 pm

Downloaded :)
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{Richies Mommy}
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:56 pm

I downloaded, tried it, and like it quite a bit. :)

A couple of suggestions if I may venture some:

- The "Reach", "Damage", and "Speed" variables need to have steeper cost multipliers. With each point increase with the damage doesn't effect the price enough, IMO. I think it should be something like at least 3x more cost for every point increase with all 3 mentioned variables. Oh. I see in your OP that you're already looking into that. Sorry. :D
- Instead of having a new window pop up for each stat point increase, would it be possible to present them on a slider? Like the slider you get when you have a large amount of the same item to sell, but for weapons stats.

Future release ideas:

- I think I would prefer more of a 24 hour turn-around for forging instead of 3 days, but that's just IMO. Maybe put up a poll in this thread, on the subject?
- Being able to name the forged weapon yourself or could you put something like a WS (Weapon Smith) stamp in the name? So I don't think it's just a regular loot item where I accidentally sell it. :D
- Would weight of the weapon be an adjustable weapon stat in the future? Of course considerably up the price, the lighter the weapon is.
- Could you include madness, amber, golden saint, and dark seducer material from Shivering Isles.
- I don't suppose it would work putting in a "Quest Item" flag/ variable on the forged item? So the player can't get disarmed and lose their unique weapon as easily. If so, then charge a hefty amount each time the player wants to switch the "Quest Item" flag on or off.
- Be awesome if you could include vanilla armors with all the "Forge" Weapon Smith feature. Making for extra durable leather, etc.

Again, great idea of a mod. Thanks for making it. :thumbsup:

Edit: Just read your "Current Issues" line in the OP. Don't forget the player's blade, blunt, and marksman skills are factors into how much damage a weapon does. Although, I'm not sure what the formula is, adding in the base damage in relation to a character's weapon skill. :shrug: I do know that the game seems to add +2 to weapons damage when the character's skill is at 100 in the related weapon skill.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:09 pm

Thanks for the feed back.

- On Armour - I probably won't add Armour functionality since it is primarily intended for Weapons; however, I won't permanently rule it out, just because it does make some sense in association.
- On SI Materials - I'd need to check the weapons, and how many types we have now (I think it's 8 materials), but Amber and Madness should definitely be applicable-- not sure about Saint/Seducer, though.
- Quest Item flag could be done, I believe (not certain, but will look into it); probably be free
- Naming IS possible, I just don't know how yet :S (I always have problems with OBSE functions like that)
- Can't do sliders, I'm afraid.
- Time scale, can be discussed at a future time :)
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Chris Jones
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:32 am

New Version Released (Version 0.9). Opening Post updated to reflect this.

- Added Weapon Naming : By Default, all weapons are "Forged Weapon", but now you can give them an individual name.

- Added .ini file : Allows you to edit the Major settings as you see fit.

- Added Quest Item Option : Make it a Quest Item (Zero Weight, Can't be Dropped/Enchanted)

- Added Ignores Normal Weapons Resistance Option : Make it Damage things like Ghosts.
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:52 am

Hey everyone.

I just got a message that there's a slight error in the .ini file that causes a few issues when trying to run the Mod-- I've not checked to confirm yet, but apparently the last line reads:
ZCDMWSReplicateWeaponMain.DaysToReplicate				tp				3

when it should read:
Set ZCDMWSReplicateWeaponMain.DaysToReplicate				to				3

If you are getting the "Weapon Replicated" message every few seconds, this needs to be changed and set above 0 (1 will do).

Apologies, regards, CDM
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:16 am

You amazed me onece again CDM!
I love the ability to customize my wreapons too bad It can't be done with mod wreapons. And other people like me who want to know vanilla wreapon stats can go there:
And as schmoe said customizable SI wreapons would be awesome , but could it be possible that you would put fine steel material on the list(Fine steel wreapons are the prettiest of vanilla wreapons :laugh: )?

Just loving this mod :goodjob:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:09 pm

Some minor things for the next release (probably final)-- not out yet, but hopefully soon :)

- Fixed on oversight where the "This weapon will be ready" message always displayed "Three" even if you set it to a different number.
- Allowed for instant Creation of Weapons
- Added Saint and Seducer Weapons-- the Weapon Tree isn't full, so for now you'll get Daedric versions of those not available, but I've asked for a retext for them, too :)

- And the biggest change: Reforge.
Reforge allows you to reforge any weapon you give to the Weapon Smith, without losing its prior effects/scripts (if everything is working correctly). So you can take that Rusty Dagger with you all the way to the end :)

I have one more feature I am thinking of adding in (Personal Forge-- to allow you to do it at home, but with all the same requirements), and then that will be considered a "Final Release", except for bug fixing/tweaking purposes.
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Elle H
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:59 pm

Wonderful! And useful. Thanks.
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Nicole M
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:05 pm

Sounds really interesting! I'll probably be looking into this once its been tried/polished a bit more! Great job.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:34 pm

Semi-Final Version is now available for Download.
It contains the Changes Listed above, plus the Forge At Home Option (Requires Armorer 50+, adds a Spell to bring up the Forge Menu).

This will probably be the last version now, except for filling out the Weapon Trees for Saints/Seducers, and any bug fixes or tweaks.

Same Download Link, but here it is again just in case: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33183

As ever, any issues, let me know here or by PM.
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