Game Size

Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:11 am

Its going to smaller than Cyrodil since Skyrim on the map of Tamriel is smaller than Cyrodil. It makes sense for it to be smaller since the lore says it is. The main reason its going to be smaller is because they wen't overboard with the graphics. I heard they are adding more dungeons to make up for a smaller map, not 100% sure on that but i hope so.

I think if I answer this post it'll soon count as my "thing"...

When they say, "Skyrim will have 130 dungeons", does that mean all caves, forts, ruins, etc.?

On another note, if it's the same size as Oblivion's world space or even a little smaller, great. Oblivion's Cyrodiil was huge and mostly randomly generated. Skyrim on the other hand, is all hand crafted (as they say). So before you're disappointed about the size of Skyrim, imagine a game world the size of Cyrodill but entirely hand crafted. It's going to be amazing.

I think they said 120, and I take it as meaning all of those things, but I'm not entirely sure.

I'd also rather have a smaller map with more things than a big emty space.
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:17 am

I really can not stand people saying stupid things like "the size of Skyrim is smaller then Cyrodiil so shouldn't The Elder Scroll V be smaller in game then Oblivion?"
Am I on the forums with a bunch of ten year old cod players?
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:15 am

Huh, really? It certainly felt like a bigger map/world. :)

Yeah you didnt have infinite veiw distance. Oblivion is 1.6x the size of Morrowind (its what the devs said before oblivion came out). So its actually quite a bit bigger, but morrowind had [censored] blocked off by mountains and lakes, so unlike oblivion, you couldnt just walk in a straight line to any location. PLUS in morrowind your stamina went down while running, and in morrowind stamina was MUCH more valuble then oblivion (Oblivion's stamina meant almost nothing, if you had no stamina your attacks did 1 less damage then usual) and in oblivion you would just run everywhere in a perfectly straight line cus there were absoultely no natural borders in your way. Also if you have played morrowind with infinite view distance on, it looked and felt ALOT smaller then. So Skyrim is probably a bit smaller then oblivion (probably about the size or a bit bigger then fallout 3 - which was much smaller then oblivion, but the places and landscapes had MUCH more detail then oblivion. It almost seemed like they got a team of people to work on every 50 square feet of that game, so there was always something to find). So im really not concerned about the size of skyrim, seeing as how they have spent 5 years on it, and they spent 4 years making oblivion, and they have a team of over 100 for skyrim while having a team of only 60 for oblivion. So that right there tells you to expect much from skyrim..
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:24 pm

When they say, "Skyrim will have 130 dungeons", does that mean all caves, forts, ruins, etc.?

On another note, if it's the same size as Oblivion's world space or even a little smaller, great. Oblivion's Cyrodiil was huge and mostly randomly generated. Skyrim on the other hand, is all hand crafted (as they say). So before you're disappointed about the size of Skyrim, imagine a game world the size of Cyrodill but entirely hand crafted. It's going to be amazing.

wow man, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking part of Cyrodiil was "randomly generated"
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:40 pm

wow man, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking part of Cyrodiil was "randomly generated"

Trees and plants in forests was mostly added by a program who simulated how forest look in real world. They might have used a program helping them sharp the terrain.
Se nothing wrong with using a program who space trees out naturally.
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 3:27 am

It will likely feel bigger since we won't be able to go in a straight line anywhere due to all those craggy peaks. The down side of this is that we'll probably end up walking through the same areas over and over to get around the mountains.

This is really the key.

I thought the world of Oblivion was plenty big, the problem was some areas you could go to further away from towns were kind of empty.
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Haley Merkley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:21 am

wow man, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking part of Cyrodiil was "randomly generated"

In a way it is because they used an algorithm to make the base landscape for Cyrodiil, so technically the landscape was randomly generated.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:42 am

On a different subject: Did it bug anyone in RDR (which is supposedly 2X bigger than OB) that it was only 6 in-game miles between Blackwater and Escalera? And it takes about 25 miniutes on the fastest horse to make that trip.... am i missing something or does that make oblvion/skyrim ridicoulously small?
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