Hey all! Recently ive been clan hunting so I have some people I can play with when I get into BRINK. After I looked at four I rounded it down to just one, SAGAS. So far we are a small clan consisting of only thirteen. If you are just a person who wants to chill back and play without having to worry about annoying clan rules and "regulations" SAGAS is a perfect fit, but at the same time if you like to play with experienced players and own the hell out of everybody with a purpose! This clan is also for you
Website - http://www.wix.com/sagaclan/members#!
When you go to the website simply so to the contact page and give your name, email, and purpose for email. Please give your Gamertag, and if you know BRINK well enough you can include your class (Light - Medic ... for example) If you have any questions that you would like to personally ask me you can eamil me at jwwayne_1993@live.com or you can send me a message over Xbox Live my gamertag is SAGA Warfreak.